Apologies for the long post but here goes
The long version
1. Theory of Planetary Orbits.
This has been observed in our own solar system since the 16th century, and has been observed directly in exosolar systems in the last 10 years.
2. Theory that smoking is bad for people.
3 of my grandparents smoked heavily and all 3 died of cancer. Nuff said.
3. Theory that the moon governs tidal patterns.
Again, this has been observed and tides can be predicted accurately based on lunar phases.
4. Theory of global warming.
Global warming is taking place. It has happened many times in Earth's history. The theory is whether or not humans exacerbate the problem.
5. Theory of dark plasma, plasma filament theory (and plasma generally).
Dark plasma, and plasma filament theory I'm unfamiliar with. Plasma generally, well, I guess you don't have a plasma tv
6. Theory of cell structures.
Peel an onion and look at it through a microscope. I did that in school. Did you even go to school?
7. Theory of quantum mechanics.
There are many, and I have to admit it makes my head hurt, but mathematically it seems to work.
8. Theory of Higgs Boson.
As yet unproven, however work at CERN has come up with very positive results.
9. Theory of lasers.
Use a cd player? Been in a shop with barcode scanners? Are you from the past?
10. Theory of atomic structure.
How do nuclear power stations (like the one I get my electricity from) work?
Also, disproving a scientific theory in itself proves nothing, it merely raises the need for a new theory. Example, Newton's laws of motion don't work close to lightspeed, so we need relativity. Relativity doesn't work at subatomic scales so we need quantum mechanics.
Now the shot version... You are an idiot.