/Morality is not relative. There is a set right and a set wrong./
In your dreary black and white world, maybe.
/The only reason people believe morality is relative is because of evolution being taught in schools./
Yes, like we never had philosophers like Socrates and Plato debating over what morality was before evolution was even termed as a concept. *eyeroll*
/Not that I'm trying to make an argument, because what I just said would be completely absurd and close-minded to anyone who doesn't believe what I believe./
That's true.
/But it's absolutely stupid to want people to separate church and state,/
Are you calling our Founding Fathers stupid? Oh, wouldn't it be awesome (albeit creepy) for Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin to rise from the dead in order to beat the heck out of deluded fundies? What a glorious smackdown that would be.
/because for anyone who actually believes in their religion, it's impossible to separate it from anything because it encompasses your entire life./
In other words, fundamentalists.
/It's not that I hate homosexuals, I just don't think they should be homosexual./
Oh, well, that clears it up, then. "I don't hate blacks, I just wish they weren't black!" Please.
/Simple. If everyone was homosexual, the human race would die out./
So it's a good thing that homosexuals make up a minority, right? And no, homosexuality is not contagious. The sky is not falling, Chicken Little.
/I do believe that some people have a stronger tendency to be homosexual, they are more susceptible,/
*headdesk* Look, dude, you're either homosexual or you're not. The only way that you could be "susceptible" to homosexuality was if you were actually bisexual and thus were attracted to both men and women.
/but in the some way some people are more easily angered. Doesn't mean you should be angry all the time./
Let's see, you have church leaders calling them abominations, states banning them from marrying or having basic legal rights as couples, people pointing fingers at them and laughing, family members shipping them off to rehabilitation camps in order to "cure" them and make them ashamed of who they are, and in the worst case scenario, people actually hunting them down and killing them for being gay. Yeah, I can't imagine why homosexuals would be angry. *sarcasm*
/If I believed there is no Christian God than I would not find anything inherently wrong with homosexuality./
Strange, then, how many Christians (including myself) believe in God and find absolutely nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality. No dice, NFK.
/I would find it socially inadequate and a bad situation for a child to grow up in though./
The only way that it would be a bad situation for a child to grow up in would be if the parents were abusive (and yes, heterosexuals can be abusive, too!) or if ignorant bigots like yourself insisted on making the kid's life miserable for having gay parents. Most often, it's the latter.
/What do you mean it wouldn't confuse a child?/
So, why should we let single parents raise children, then? Wouldn't the child be confused and ask, "Mommy, where's my Daddy?" when he/she sees everyone else with two parents? Maybe at the beginning it would confuse a kid, but they would get over it.
/If everyone else had a mom and a dad and one kid had two dads, I'd sure as heck be confused./
Well, if your parents had only explained to you that there are different types of families out there, then you wouldn't be.
/What I have a problem with is that if you DON'T believe homosexuality is okay, you're labeled as a bigot and intolerant./
As well you should be, bigot.
/You no longer have a choice in this society if you want to be respected./
You know, your whining sounds a lot like the whining of white supremacists. "We can't call blacks "n*****rs" or negroes in public anymore! We can't openly be racist! It's not fair! We're so oppressed! WAAAAAA!"
/People want Christians to be loving and accepting./
I was under the impression that people wanted everyone to be loving and accepting. At least ideally. Why should Christians get a monopoly on everything?
/Loving we are (or should be)./
Emphasis on the "should be."
/Accepting we cannot be./
Isn't it curious, then, how Jesus was accepting of people who the society he lived in despised? Like tax collectors, adulterers, the poor, the diseased? In other words, those viewed as sinners?
/Asking a Christian or anyone with a religion to accept a different religion or accept something that goes against their religion is asking someone to renounce that their faith is true./
Then your faith is very weak. I'm Christian and several of my friends are Hindu, one is Muslim, and a few others are Jewish. Being around each other in no way undermines our religions. In fact, we don't even bring it up. Because, you see, we have lives outside that. We are individuals with interests and goals and personalities. You are nothing more than a pathetic, patronizing piece of pond scum.
Mrs. Antichrist for the win.