Jay99 #racist stormfront.org

I was preparing for an essay in English class on Friday i was looking up ideas and taking notes on what to do. First i wanted to do my favorite football team and write about them but unfortunately my teacher said "Because of Sectarianism in Scotland we cannot allow you to do that". So i was already angry since i had spent the last 45 minutes taking notes on that. So i thought for a while and didn't have a clue what to do but somehow i went from football to White nationalism. My teacher suggested i do a comparison between WN and BLM but there was no way i was doing that. So i thought for a bit and finally decided to do. How there is a difference between being a WN and being a White Supremacist. So i wrote down a few things i know and the day was up.

My teacher had no problem with it at the time and i thought well at least when i read it out in front of the class i can change a few students minds but then on Sunday at like 12:00pm my mum gets an email saying I've had further problems with being racist and that the school will not tolerate it and my parents are already constantly questioning me now this the school just don't sit back they like inflicting arguments on people. They said in the email. "Educate your son on minorities" Well whites are a minority in this world so me studying White nationalism surely passes that.

They have no time for white kids. Always making adjustments for the other 5% of the kids. You want to eat Muslim Food. We will start serving Muslim food in the cafeteria. If you want us to teach Islam instead of Christianity we will. They are taking over our country without even firing a shot. Our schools are falling at their knees waiting on their next request. There is nothing happening to stop it. My nephew is 2 and the way i see it she will be going to school in a burka because that will be the new school uniform soon.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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