I would have told the stupid bitch to take her mutt brat and go and live in Africa if she loves Coons so much. I would have told her only 130 odd years ago they were facing down our rifles with their spears and animal skin shields. I would have pointed out the blackest areas on earth are always the ****test, that's why the Black race of parasites latch onto white countries. In this country, Brixton, Peckham, Lewisham, Hackney and Tottenham are the crime ridden cesspits because they are filled with Blacks. Or Detroit or Baltimore or Chicago in America.
This cult of N igger worship built on blind lies has to stop. They are miserable, worthless creatures who should have done the rest of the world a favour and died out a long time ago.
The fact that they are now mixing with whites and have way more numbers than us and are growing like a big Black tumour in all our countries is atrocious for the white race and the world at large.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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