Sherry Shriner #conspiracy

Lunatic Fringe, we know you're out there. And we know the ones trying to overtake and rule the Earth are pure scum.
The problem is, they're everywhere. They're not just in the sky, in space, or underground in our subterranean earth, they're overtaking human bodies as well.

Did you know a person's memories can be downloaded like a software program, the person killed, then an alien can take over that human's body with all his/her memories then uploaded so the dominating alien can 'play' that human? Think it's fiction? Think again. This is what is becoming known as being 'soul sheared.'

The soul-less stare, the black stare, the lights are on but no one seems to be home. Other names such as Robotoids, Automotons, Walk-ins, are all relating to the same phenomenon in slight variations.

Clones look human but don't have souls either. It would be hard to tell the difference between a human clone and one that's been 'soul sheared.' They've been cloning humans for years, don't let them fool you with the blabbering that it's something fairly recent that they 'might' be able to accomplish or are working towards doing.

They've been doing it hidden under black operations and inside space stations and underground military bases. There are over 18 space stations. They will only acknowledge one of them. The others are completely off limits as they've been creating hybrids, cyborgs and clones in them to be used in the last days and perfecting their evil technology and agenda away from prying eyes.

Cyborgs. Man and machine. Man interfaced with machine. The soul usually lost in the process as the man becomes a machine. Other than the literal hardware used to interface with man it almost sounds like the same affect of being chip implanted.

The microchips used in implanting are two-way radio transmitters. Once you get one implanted they have full access to you to audible speak to you and take over your mind. There's no getting rid of them short of death. Also, once you join "God's" kingdom by getting this chip, mark or imprint of some kind, you are officially owned by Lucifer so he can do what he wants to you (Rev. 13:16-18). One of his minions, the aliens or even a demon, can overtake and possess your body. Don't ever get a chip implant or any marking or imprint on or in your right hand or forehead. This will seal your destiny to torment and hell for eternity whether you're alive or dead.

The last days deceptions aren't coming they're upon us now.

The Most High God does not need to implant you with a chip for technological reasons for you to join His kingdom. The one coming claiming he's god and being worshipped as one is NOT the real Most High God. But he gets to act like he's one for 42 months while his False Prophet plunges the world into a new peace and prosperity economic program. I'm almost sure it will be done under the auspices of 'setting up God's kingdom on earth.'

The religious jargon used to describe who is and everything he does, while he quotes Scripture doing it will fool many. Almost the entire world is forced to participate in this charade and it will look like it's voluntary. He'll have many followers all praising how great he is. He'll become a legend in his own mind as he uses the media of the world that he already owns to promote his own perceived highness and greatness. Even the religious leaders of the day will jump on the bandwagon promoting his perceived greatness. Don't be deceived.

The Most High God does not need UFO's and space stations to help announce his arrival. When He returns He will return with tens of thousands of His saints and returns to judge the world for rejecting Him and destroy it and them. He's not coming to bring peace and prosperity He's returning to bring a sword of judgment. His wrath will be on those who accepted the false god as the real God. His wrath will be on those who accepted the chip implant, mark, and/or tatoo to join the peace and prosperity kingdom (such as what NESARA promises). His wrath is on those who chose to follow Lucifer the false god and are stupid enough to fall for the lies and deceptions that are coming. If you're falling for or into error and deception it's because you're not actively seeking HIM for the truth!

By that one omission alone you will seal your own fate in these last days. Trust me, death at a guillotine for refusing to bend to the orders and demands of the NESARA and NWO crowd is much easier than eternal torment in hell for doing so. Literal hell. Once you die Lucifer owns your soul. If you die because of your faith in Yahweh and you're refusal to renounce your faith you will become a martyr in Him and receive eternal life in heaven with Him. The choice will be every person's to make.

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is a cover for aliens. It's the agency they will control and operate when they overtake earth. Many in FEMA today are already walk-ins, people being possessed and controlled by aliens who are hosting their bodies. The top echelon of FEMA is so secretive and underground for that very reason. Humans started it, but aliens own it, and those at the top aren't real humans anymore. Same with the military and those involved with Black operations. When you become involved in the clandestine operations of 'secret' military and government operations you become one of them.

None of this should surprise you. The Prophet Daniel prophesied that the last days ruling kingdom would be iron mixed with miry clay and in Daniel 2:43 he warns, 'they shall mingle with the seed of men." This is literal DNA tampering and hybridization to living and cohabitation with humans. Your neighbors, your coworkers, your employers. Yes it's real and it's happening.

If you're afraid you should be appalled at yourself. There's nothing scary about this information. If you are in Yahweh you have all authority over Satan and his minions. Use your authority in the Name of Yahushua and kick some butt! Rebuke them! Don't associate with them.

You can see the deadness in their eyes. Black, nothing there. Without Yahushua anyone is fair game to the tactics of Satan and especially those getting their paychecks from his secret military and organizations. When you crawl in bed with the devil don't expect to come out an angel. You become owned by him, possessed, and eventually taken over completely by him.

The only escape is Yahushua. Protect yourself before it's too late. The Lord has shown me that FEMA is just another name for locust. Locust is a Biblical term for aliens.

Revelation 9:1-6

And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

It goes on to describe them, "the sound of their wings (UFOs) was as the sound of chariots". In verse 11 it says, "And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit (space), whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." Apollyon means destroyer.

The bottomless pit is space. Another term for space is also the abyss. Yes Lucifer and his forces, the aliens, will invade the earth. And men will seek death and not be able to die. NO ONE CAN DIE AT THIS TIME.

This invasion comes full force at the time of the fifth trumpet. This is also when the Antichrist is here playing God and the False Prophet is setting up his kingdom on earth to destroy, deceive, and annihilate mankind.

He will set up his kingdom shortly after his arrival. Once he arrives he will commence his war on the saints. Through Martial law in America millions will be murdered for their faith.

Most people don't understand the war against the saints comes before the chip enforcement requirement upon the whole world. It is FEMA who will enforce this legislation that requires every person to be chipped, marked or have the new imprint required to buy anything in the stores, cash a check, or even sell something out of your garage. Every person in the world will be required to join the new Peace and Prosperity economic program enforced on the world.

Before that even happens America will be under martial law and millions of its Saints and Prophets murdered for their faith in Yahweh.

"And I saw the woman (America) drunken with the blood of the saints,and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration" Rev. 17:6

If you haven't read my article on the Two Beasts of Revelation it will help clarify the end time roles of the beasts, who they are and what they will do. It is the False Prophet that is so good he deceives the world. It is the False Prophet, the second beast, who implements the NESARA and peace and prosperity programs in America and upon the world. It is doomed to fail from the beginning and it will. It will lead to nothing but wars and rebellions around the world from those who won't succomb to Satan's authority.

The Antichrist is almost mincemeat compared to what the False Prophet is and will do. It is the False Prophet who literal takes over the world "for" the Antichrist. It is the False Prophet who is the most dominant. And it is the False Prophet who will work with the "FEMA's" around the world to get it under subjection to their rule and authority on earth.

I have spent day and night for the past few years trying to warn mankind of what is coming. I can't work any harder than I have, I've given it everything I have and every ounce of energy I have. The time is coming.

For those in Yahweh stay focused in Him and don't let the events coming shake your faith. Stand strong in Him and pray for His strength and discernment in all things daily. Pray For the truth to be revealed to you in all things daily. The Elect actively seek HIM and will not be deceived. Don't follow man, don't follow your pastors, your teachers or your leaders. Follow Yahweh. Yahweh will not and cannot lie to you or deceive you. Man is, has, and will continue to do so because their fallible and full of errors and deceptions. You are accountable for You. They will not stand in your shoes, only you can do that.

The only way to be on of Yahweh's is to "believe in Him." As believers in Him we are to repent of our sins and turn away from them and seek Yahweh Himself. Those who love Him keep His commandments. Idol worship is one of the biggest commandments being broken today, other than not keeping the Sabbath holy. If you are putting theologies, religions, churches, pastors, leaders, in front of Yahweh instead of going to Him direct you are in idolatry. And that's why this nation is coming under such judgment from HIM. If you are ignoring His command to worship Sabbath on the 7th day of the week and following mans' reasoning to worship Him on the first day instead you are in violation of His commandments.

It's time to stop using man's reasoning and ideologies, their theologies and religions that usurp the commands of Yahweh and replace them with their own. Let's get back to Yahweh Himself while there's still time. A true servant or apostle or translation of the Lord's does not contradict Him.

Judgment is coming to America through disasters, bombings, food and water control, and FEMA. When FEMA takes over America will never return to the nation it was before then. FEMA is an alien agency run by Lucifer behind the scenes himself. The front of it that we've heard about and seen over the years is a facade. They act like a government help agency and the first ones in an area that has been decimated to help the people. This is the public relations face they want you to see. Eventually their backside will move to the forefront and they will show themselves for what they really are and what they're really going to be: enforcers of the beast and destroyers of mankind.

You've been warned.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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