WP123 #racist niggermania.net
Alright, alright, alright, I know what you’re going to say putting stupid and aggressive along with nigger is a bit redundant, I know, but I wanted to emphasize this aspect of this coontact. Why the heck did I take a rideshare with a jigaboo? Well, basically I needed to get from one city to another and I could only get the ticket the same day. Long story. A flight would have been prohibitively expensive, like $300 – 400, all the cheap seats on the train were sold out, only the most expensive tickets were still available priced at over $200. A rideshare however only costs $15 between these two cities, so I got a rideshare, no surprise the driver was a nigger. Well, I had to go and I had to go right then.
The nigger spoke in a different language, same as the city and region we were driving to. He put on a Christian nigger preacher along the way. It was loud, and I couldn’t quite make out what he was saying but the way he was saying it was all too recognizable. It sounded like blah-blah-blah-PLOW!!! Boom-boom-boom-BAM!!! I.e. similar to the way a voodoo nigger, or shaman would “preach,” then when he was done with that he broke out into song being accompanied by a bunch of sheboon background singers.
Anyway, we did have a pre-arranged drop off point, but then when the nignog started talking to me with his poor English skills, he said he could drop me off at any point. So, I said okay could you drop me off at the Central Station (i.e. the train station). “I don’t know where dat is.” So, I explained it to him and I told him that, I could guide him along the way. I literally spent so much time trying to explain to him how to get there, e.g. “just drive on the street south of X street, in a parallel direction, etc—” He didn’t understand anything. Then I showed him the map and tried to explain how he could stop before our pre-arranged drop off point to get there. Damn it!!! Was he ever dumb, I mean how else can you explain this to somebody?
He said I could direct him where to go when we approached the destination. Then I got the idea that I would just say the name in the other language. So, I said “Central Station” in the other language. Then the jigaboo is like “Central Station, I know where Central Station is” I tried to show him the map on my smartphone again and he says “poot dat away I know where Central Station izzz..” “I thought you said it was close to Y subway (it was) das why I didn’t know—”. I got a bad feeling this (probably Congolese) nigger was going to muck things up.
I had to be at the train station by a certain time. Anyway, he started to go in the completely wrong direction, and I’m like “hey look at the map you’re going in the wrong direction, to which he replied “no mahn we be there in like 5 minutes.” Long story short he brings us close to the original drop off point except it was a couple of blocks down from it and it was the wrong place. I said to him this is not the “Central Station” he’s like “Yes dis is Central Station,” I said, “No this is the Central Bus Station, not the Central Station which is a train station as I explained!”
That’s when this nigger just started chimping out. He was shoving my phone with the map away and basically just being a nigger. Anyway, I had an injury and didn’t want to argue or anything at that point (what would be the use? He’s a nigger, he wouldn’t understand most of what I said) I just paid him and got the Hell out of there. I also called the hosting service and complained. How dumb do you have to be to go in the wrong direction, and think that the map was wrong and ignore all of my previous directions, etc. I mean seriously how dumb? I spent like half of an hour trying to explain it to him, and showed him the map. And then chimping out at the end instead of apologizing and trying to be civil. The lesson is, as always, unless you absolutely have to: