And, of course, women’s “equality” cannot meaningfully exist in an egalitarian society, because the real differences between men and women are too stark. In fact, it takes a great deal of authoritarian coercion to bring women up to the level we find them occupying in the US. From federal agencies to local police forces and courts, hundreds of thousands of people are employed in the business of “equalizing” men and women. One could fairly call it a domestic army.
The median height and weight of women is less than for men. But height and weight is irrelevant to many jobs; and in cases where it isn't, employers can look at the candidate's actual height and weight, not the median height and weight for his/her gender.
I suspect that the reason behind this guy's ire is that he's grown up thinking that women are inferior, and thus the fact that in the real world, women keep beating him at stuff has him confused, so he has to make up all this "domestic army" to stuff to avoid facing the fact that the reason women do better than him all the time is that he sucks.
I worked in law enforcement with several female officers, and I'd put them up against any of the men any day.
Seriously, all these "wimmin's place is in the kitchen" assholes can go fuck themselves. Pardon my language, but I'm just sick of seeing it.
"Equality" means "the same rights [as men]"
As in the right to be free, the right to have control over your body, the right to be paid the same for the same work, the right to speak your mind without state interference, the right to have a job as much as the market can provide for it, the right to have a voice heard in the decision making process (I don't even think that one is law anywhere) and so on and so forth.
The tradition of you suppressing somebody isn't a right, it's a long standing crime against reason. Human rights don't function in common law methodologies.
"In fact, it takes a great deal of authoritarian coercion to bring women up to the level we find them occupying in the US. "
No, it doesn't. It involves the transfer of "authoritarian coercion" from forbidding women to do things to protecting their right to do things. There is no net change of "authoritarian coercion."
Efforts to counteract, in some small way, the authoritarian coercion that is patriarchy is called "authoritarian coercion".
The old reactionary tactic: Whatever you're doing, accuse your opponents of doing it.
When they call you out on something you're doing, accuse them of doing it.
asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people, especially in political, economic, or social life.
a person who adheres to egalitarian beliefs.
188085; alteration of equalitarian with French égal replacing equal.
If we're going to keep quoting The Peterhead, we really need a Sexists Say the Darnedest Things.
Farpadokly, the term you're looking for is DARVO.
@ #1455947
It's also possible (in fact, LIKELY) that this attitude was the cause of the divorce and loss of custody. Many of these kinds of men can hide these views from their partners for a while... say, long enough for them to think the woman can no longer leave...
(My dad used to be one of these. He finally pulled his head out of his ass though).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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