In addition we have twisted the meaning of pedophilia in an attempt to hide the overwhelmingly homosexual component of abuse. Homosexual rape , statutory or not , of post-pubescent boys is passed off as pedophilia rather than the homosexual action it really is . As an example the media continually talks about pedophilia priests when in reality there was very little pediophilia involved and very little abuse of girls involved
Actually, genious, girls account for 40% of the abused children by priests and the abuse scandal is also una broader specter where priests, laypeople and nuns and monks abused other people in their charge and they were silenced in order to keep their public image. The reason why are there slightly more boys than girls is that boys at the time had more freedom than girls, were less monitored in childhood and adolescente and priests had more access to them(all boys schools, segregated activities, altar boys but, until recently, not altar girls......). This coming from several sources, ecclesiastical and secular alike
AFAIK, pedophilia is the catch-all term used in these cases as it is the term most people are familiar with when refering to sexual attraction to/contact with underage children of both genders.
It may not be the most accurate word to represent the situation, but it is the best word to convey just how serious the situation is to the most people.
We are not the ones twisting anything, you are.
Attraction to post-pubescent boys and girls is ephebophilia, not pedophilia.
The pedophile priests were mostly molesting altar boys. Girls are often more watched than boys are, so it's easier to attack a boy. But it's still the "innocence" of a child that is attractive to pedophiles, not the gender.
Homosexuality - attraction to adults (or people your own age) of the same gender
Heterosexuality - attraction to adults (or people your own age) of the opposite gender
Pedophilia - attraction to young children, regardless of gender
Hebephilia - attraction to pubescent children, regardless of gender
Ephebophilia - attraction to adolescent children, regardless of gender
This just isn't true once you eliminate the 'boys school' limitation and the inaccessibility to 'girls school' that men will have. When it's mixed gender Sunday schools, Christian schools and Choir and such it equals out pretty fast.
The Nuns have reported their effort to keep priest away from the girl for over 50 years now, with the "keep it private' motto you Catholics enforce at the high levels that's notable.
As an example the media continually talks about pedophilia priests when in reality there was very little pediophilia involved
Except for all the priests who got caught.
But I like the inadvertent admission here that you think sex crimes against children is OK as long as it's not called pedophilia.
"We have twisted the meaning of pedophilia..."
(Goes on to twist the meaning of pedophilia)
If it weren't so damned common, it would be funny.
Leave the definition of pedophilia to the professionals in the Abnormal Psychology (psychopathology) field. For most of us, what matters is statutory rape, and all you need to determine that criminal charge is a calendar.
"in reality there was very little pediophilia involved and very little abuse of girls involved"
Even if this were so, IF ... that's like being a very little bit pregnant. Pop Quiz: What number greater than zero is acceptable?
You have made up excuses for your god for so long, it has become second nature. Would you feel any better if we educated the press about the granular distinctions as in Swede's quote?
New disease for the DSM:
Homophoamer - 1. A person, homophobic to such an extent as to constantly harp on the subject, and conflate it with sexual abuse for the purpose of demonization.
2. A hyper-religious zealot who has chosen to proselytize based upon the parroting of the chosen cult's negative views of homosexuality.
3. When of the Christian persuasion, a person with Jesus so far up his ass, that all you can see are the feet. Other prophets or religious demagogues ("leaders") may be substituted for other faiths.
Note the assumption that an action can't be paedophilic, in that it involves an adult raping a prepubescent child, and homosexual, in that both parties are of the same gender. Please correct me if I'm fucking up any definitions.
Did the perpetrator molest someone below the age of consent? Yes? Then it was pedophilia, regardless of gender.
You also have to factor in availability: Priests and football coaches molest boys because that's whom they have the most access to and over whom they have the most power. If you look at familial pedophilia, you'll notice it's much more likely for a pedophile to molest a child of the opposite gender.
Yet it was the Paedophile Priests scandal in Ireland which had the RCC in that country so morally cornered, that even they realised that they had no right whatsoever to so much as think of having an 'Opinion' on the S-SM referendum a few months ago. When previously, and not so many years before, the clergy in Ireland had all but absolute control over the political system of that country.
Ireland's RCC are now reduced to living in a greenhouse: for all the world , and not just Ireland, to see them. And the landlord - the 62% of Irish people, after that referendum - have given said clergy their last warning, re. any damage, so they'd better behave themselves, and not allow any stones to be brought into their lodgings.
It'll be as quiet as a Cistercian Order, now the RCC in Ireland as a whole no longer have the right to throw stones: even verbal ones, or it'll be the end of them. Said clergy now Confess to their congregations, who are sinless . Their 'God' now worships the LGBT people of Ireland. Absolute rule over fundie religion by the people . Good.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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