Whites have much stronger immunities against disease by a significant amount
Wrong. Go spend a few weeks in the African rainforest with no quinine or other medicine, without having gotten any shots or vaccines
we are BY FAR more "diverse" than ALL other races -combined-
If you believe in something as stupid as race, then the black race is more diverse. There is more genetic diversity in Africans then all the other continents, and that doesn't count white South Africans, either.
Do ANY other races naturally have 2 different eye colors or 2 different hair colors
Many Asians have grey eyes. The Rifian Berbers are more blond than the Italians and Spaniards to their north. Some Aboriginals have so much natural blond hair (a different gene causes it then European/Berber blond) that if they have offspring with a white person (oooh, scary miscegenation!) then all their children will be blond. Some Melanesian groups also have blond hair in addition to black hair.
That's not even getting into other physical differences like the difference between East Africans and West Africans. They don't even have the same skin tone, since some Africans are so black they almost look blue and others are merely "black".
They all look the same unless they have White in them
Once again, compare an East African to a West African to a Pygmy. Or go compare a Kazakh to a Japanese to an Indonesian.
As for lifting strength, their is absolutely no doubt which race dominates, i mean utterly dominates in strength sports, Whites.
But why do black people dominate in track and field? Why do black people dominate marathons? Why do black people dominate the NFL and NBA? It can't be because white people aren't interested in football or basketball or track.
I don't know if weightlifting is something like swimming where the minute differences in races favours non-blacks (the swimming one actually has evidence for it). But by that same token, the minute differences in races favour black people at running.
Stronger culturally/intellectually? 3/5 of this planet would be in loin cloth worshiping the sun without Whites.
A Jewish guy came up with your religion. There were black converts (the Ethiopian eunuch) to Christianity before white converts (unless you include Roman-era Jews as white). If it weren't for that Jew, you would be worshipping the sun just like the Romans and other white people did.
Once again, go spend a few weeks in the African rainforest and seen how well your fancy modern clothes do. You'll be begging for a loincloth by the end of it.