["All we have to judge you is statements like "you are all a bunch of butt fucking queers" or "Dr. Haucking is a slobberbox". Is it a surprise you now have to defend your intelligence?"]
Those who would engage in sexual intercourse by sticking their penis in another man's rectum, is being a butt fucker. Those who would encourage that behavior would themselves have to be a butt fucker.
Here is a question as it might appear on an IQ test.
1.All fags are gay. All fags are buttfuckers. Some gays are lesbians. All lesbians are carpet munchers. Which sentence is true:
A. All gays are fags.
B. All gays are lesbians.
C. All lesbians are butt fuckers.
D. All gays are an abomination.
2.All gays support homosexuality. Some non-gays support homosexuality. Most non-gays dont support homosexuality. Which sentence is true:
A.All gays are not homosexual.
B.Some non-gays are not homosexual.
C.Most non-gays are homosexual.
D.Homosexuality is an abomination.
Slobbering is a trait common amongst those who have little control of their saliva output. Those who are invalid, are big time slobberers. Invalids have difficulty controlling their saliva.
<<< Those who would engage in sexual intercourse by sticking their penis in another man's rectum, is being a butt fucker. Those who would encourage that behavior would themselves have to be a butt fucker. >>>
Incorrect, on multiple counts. 1) Most of us do not encourage such behavior, we merely think it's none of our damn business. I wouldn't want to do it, but if you do, that's not my problem.
Neither of your questions have an answer that logically follows from the premises, aside from the fact that your premises are in some cases blatantly wrong.
And your last sentence is both non sequitur and ad hominem . Congratulations, you just overloaded my stupidity meter.
"Those who would engage in sexual intercourse by sticking their penis in another man's rectum, is being a butt fucker."
Technically this is true, however, the term "butt-fucker" is needlessly offensive.
"Those who would encourage that behavior would themselves have to be a butt fucker."
Well, I do have to point out that there are butts other than men's butts out there. I encourage couples of any genders to have any type of safe sex with each other if they wish.
"Here is a question as it might appear on an IQ test."
Oh, goodie, a Fundie IQ test.
"1.All fags are gay."
Not true, some fags are cigarettes.
"All fags are buttfuckers."
Not true, some gay men do not engage in anal sex. And, please do not fuck the cigarettes, it makes them taste funny.
"Some gays are lesbians."
Yes, lesbians are homosexual women. Thanks for the tip.
"All lesbians are carpet munchers."
I don't know that that is true and neither do you. There may be some lesbians with no desire to perform oral sex.
"Which sentence is true:
A. All gays are fags."
Not true. See above.
"B. All gays are lesbians."
Not true.
"C. All lesbians are butt fuckers."
Not true.
"D. All gays are an abomination."
Not true.
"2.All gays support homosexuality."
By and large, I imagine that is true. I'm sure there are a few twisted homosexuals who are uncomfortable with who they are, but only a few.
"Some non-gays support homosexuality."
This is true, I am one of them.
"Most non-gays dont support homosexuality."
I don't know if that is true or not. I imagine one could get the results one wanted by carefully wording the question.
"Which sentence is true:
A.All gays are not homosexual."
What a stupid statement.
"B.Some non-gays are not homosexual."
An equally stupid statement.
"C.Most non-gays are homosexual."
Three obviously stupid statements in a row. A hat trick. A trifecta of stupidity. Go! Mr. C.
"D.Homosexuality is an abomination."
Not true.
"Slobbering is a trait common amongst those who have little control of their saliva output."
That is true. So what?"
"Those who are invalid, are big time slobberers."
Not all of them. So people are unable to care for themselves but retain the ability to control their saliva. With just a moment's worth of forethought, even you could have realized that.
"Invalids have difficulty controlling their saliva."
Weren't you paying attention. We just covered that.
Almost everything Coulter says is not true, but I'll limit this comment to just one of his false statements: "All gays support homosexuality."
No, some people who are actually gay repress their true orientation behind a mask of homophobia. This is often the case with those who obsessively dwell on the physical side of homosexual sex, which they claim is an abomination but are unable to get out of their minds -- i.e., those with their heads up their rectums, like our good friend Mr. Coulter (and probably Ann Coulter, too - i.e., must be genetic ;-).
So which of the following is true?
1. Mr. Coulter is ignorant.
2. Mr. Coulter is a vile, hateful bigot.
3. Mr. Coulter shows signs of being a latent homosexual.
Trick question! They're all true.
"Let's put you and Dr. "Haucking" against each other in a real IQ test. Loser gets drowned in feces. Deal?"
Hell, I'd take up that challenge in the stead of Dr. Hawking.
But then, I just want Mr Coulter to get drowned in feces, as he so richly deserves.
...These "IQ Test Questions" amuse me because, assuming no outside information as you should, they are impossible to answer. Given the information in the prompts, the potential answers are either obvious falsehoods or obvious non sequitors.
The second question is even better, because none of the answers are even remotely related to the prompt. Like, there is no relation between the two.
Sooo... if a man fails to even set up a valid test question, shouldn't his intelligence be in question?
Mr. Coulter, God or Science [Comments (38)] [2006-Aug-11]
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!! *slams face into computer*
God and Science don't have to be opposites, dammit...
Really can't be bothered with the rest of his post.
Ironically, the points he was probably trying to make the most (D. Homosexuality is an abomination) are actually totally unsupported by the statements. Just like in real life!
There is so much else that's wrong with that "IQ test"...wow. This one is a classic.
All Homophobes are closet homosexuals, all Homophobes are idiots therefore some homosexuals are idiots.
All homophobes are idiots, Mr. Coulter is a homophobe therefore Mr. Coulter is an idiot.
That's logical. Your questions are not logical.
Ahaha. Yeah, this guy is totally justified to call other people's intelligence into question...
And gay guys aren't the only 'butt fuckers' out there. But it's only okay to maliciously point out the sexual habits of homosexual people, obviously.
isn't it sweet when they try to play with LOGIC - a grown-up subject?
Though it's even sweeter when they use naughty words (poo!), even though they then go on to kiss their spouses, childen, or god with that same mouth
All fags are buttfuckers.
Ummm...I've been a 'fag' for nearly 40 years and in all that time I've never engaged in anal sex. Personal choice, nothing more, but does that mean:
A. I'm not really a 'fag'
B. You're a laughable ass who doesn't have a fucking clue what he's talking about?
C. You're a laughable ass who doesn't have a fucking clue what he's talking about
D. You're a laughable ass who doesn't have a fucking clue what he's talking about
Talking bullshit is a trait common amongst those who have little use for their brains. Those who are fundamentalist are big time bullshit talkers. Fundamentalists have difficulty using their brains.
MOST straight people disapprove of homosexuality? Wow, I can tell you live in a Theocracy. Or the states.
Eh, who am I kidding? They were included, as far as these guys are concerned.
All of which I would have to reply:
E.) A Holy Text alluded to male sex in some capacity is an abomination, however, there's a great deal of discrepancy as to what, precisely, it really means. However, that did not stop a few bile spewing hatemongers from twisting it, and using it as justification to demonize and harm a group of people.
Mr. Coulter? Who is this asshole, some basement-dwelling virgin loser hopelessly in love with Ann Coulter? Like the 9-year-old Justin Bieber fangirls who call themselves "Mrs. Bieber". Only much, much worse.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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