So if there are hundreds of Pagan gods, why couldn't any of them stop the inquistion or crusades?
And why do they let tornados happen and earthquakes and mudslides. There's hundreds of them, so they all can't be busy right?
Why would it matter if there were hundreds of pagan gods when all it would take to stop evil and prevent natural disasters is one all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving deity?
(Too bad that one doesn't exist, either. )
Sorry, 772791, LOJ is no Poe, although I wish it were too. He's as fundy as they come, and getting dumber by the minute.
So if your God is loving, why did He start the inquisition and the crusades?
And why does he cause tornados and earthquakes and mudslides?
Our gods, unlike yours, are actually taking an *interest* in, and hand-picking their followers. Yours, on the other hand, simply takes all the rejects and losers, mostly because *he's* a reject and loser himself.
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"So if there are hundreds of Pagan gods, why couldn't any of them stop the inquistion or crusades?
And why do they let tornados happen and earthquakes and mudslides. There's hundreds of them, so they all can't be busy right?"
You realize that not all of them are benevolent, right? Some are outright hostile to humanity,many are completely indifferent and not all of them are omnipotent.
See, the various Pagan gods have an excuse. Your deity on the other hand is supposed to be both omnipotent and omnibenevolent. Your deity doesn't have any excuses at all. Well, other than not existing like the rest of the deities mankind has thought up.
There's hundreds of them.
Depends on the way you look at it, really. Some people - like me - believe that all pagan gods are the split aspects of two gods.
That, and you're a fucknut.
The Portugese Inquisition of Goa was halted by a Hindu King who laid Siege to the capital of St. Thome... Because they had started persecuting christians.
Thats one for shiva, zero for your god...
That and Shiva is the lord of destruction...
If Tornados and Earthquakes are breaking your shit, thats because he is doing his job.
Feel kinda bad for LOJ...
He asks quite a few questions about homosexuality, and in one says that he doesn't know how to like women. :( come out of the closet and stop being miserable! chances are it'll reduce your douchiness by at least 20%...
"So if there are hundreds of Pagan gods, why couldn't any of them stop the inquistion or crusades?"
The bible god stopped the Inqusition and Crusades?
So if there's a God, why couldn't He stop the inquistion or crusades?
And why does He let tornados happen and earthquakes and mudslides? I mean, he's loving and omnipotent, so surely He can't be too busy, right?
Most Pagan Gods aren't terribly interested in loving us (except as sexual toys or genuinely amused by us) or promise the salvation and prosperity that Christians claim their God does. Zeus was not a "personal" God, nor Odin or any short of Zoroastrian, the first of the good/evil two.
The Pantheon religions Gods tended to favour, punish or play with mankind in ways that reflected the individual Gods percieved personality. Pagan Gods reflected humanities graces and failings. Much more realistic then one God, One so Omnipotent he should be beyond any personal meddling for our benefit or against it.
So if Pagan God exist, shit happens is the norm and expected from them. By Crom. You're the ones that claim asingle benevolant God who wills all, good or bad.
Your god was so piss weak, he couldn't save half the Christian world from being conquered by the Muslims. And then 1,000 years later, he couldn't kill all the heretics/purify his church.
Come on, at least the pagan gods don't pretend to be all-knowing or all-powerful unlike your god. He doesn't even give free transit to his missionaries, he makes them pay secular fares to travel anywhere, that cheap bastard!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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