WhiteWarrioress #racist stormfront.org
I still think that there's some hope for us. Unfortunately, my friends are all very liberal (read: brainwashed!) and lately I've been proactively trying to get them to wake up. I just throw a little phrase here and there, to make them think a bit and there's actually been some progress! Last week, I was hanging out with my friends during break and one of them actually said that blacks can be racist and derogatory towards whites and that one black guy had been racist to her. This led to a conversation about the BLM movement and how they're allowed to have that but there's no White Lives Matter for us.
So I do think that we can save at least some people in our generation but we might have to think of progress as being a series of smaller steps towards a goal rather than a giant leap. For example, it would be unrealistic for me to expect my friends to immediately call themselves white nationalists upon having a frank conversation about race. But by testing the waters first and slowly going deeper into more white nationalist territory, we can slowly rescue them from the Jewish controlled media brainwashing and get them to think for themselves. Whilst they may not call themselves white nationalists yet, they are at least on the right path.