“im just wondering what u evolutionist think on the 3rd(or the 2nd, not sure) law of thermodynamics”
I think you should actually look these silver bullets up before you try to shoot the boogeyman with them.
"also called entropy, which is the tendancy for things to get worse instead of better...”
‘Worse’ is a judgment call, not a law of physics. Physics isn’t better or worse, it just is.
"i see deasieses,”
No, you do not.
this is in addition to deasieses?
“famine. it seems like aids, cancer, diabedies, dounsyndrom and all these other things came out not too long ago.”
I think you should actually look these silver bullets up before you try to shoot the boogeyman with them.
"there r more mentally fucked up ppl in the world today than there was 200 years ago.”
Are there? Or do we just know more about them thanks to advances in communications?
And look up Caligula.
“even sane ppl r suffering with things like ADHD and stuff. this dont look like evolution to me.”
Morgan Freeman Narrator: Of course it was evolution. But that day, evolution snuck in wearing a silly hat.