Jews are just like Buddhists, muslims, Hindoos, atheists, etc. AND NEED TO ACCEPT CHRIST AS THEIR SAVIOUR JUST AS THEY NEED THEIR VERY NEXT BREATH.
Otherwise HELL awaits.
Threatening people that don't believe in hell (or at least not your version of hell) with hell, is a waste of both your time and theirs.
Don't threaten me with things you can't prove exist or I'll sic the purple dragon that lives in my garage on you.
Just because you need others to accept your logic process as correct to validate yourself does not mean that Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, or Atheists need to do the same. According to Jews, Hell awaits YOU for placing Jesus before God.
Believing in a religion out of fear for the punishment in the afterlife is like those chain emails we sent around in middle school. FORWARD THIS ON TO 10 PEOPLE AND A LITTLE SNAIL WILL CRAWL ACROSS UR SCREEN WITH THE NAME OF THE PERSON U LIKE LOL.
You only found out it wasn't true once you passed it on.
Why should the 'Jews' as you so stupidlylump together accept The Christ (Note the word 'The', as it's obvious you fundies think that christ is his second name, but I digress)...If Jeebus existed as you say he did, as it is written in the Bable as you claim, for starters he was Jewish, secondly he was seen by the local population, he was rejected by them.
Why should 'Jews' now accept someone as a saviour when their ancestors saw him at work and went, thanks, I'll pass.
Jews like Muslims, yeah, from a religious viewpoint, I can see that. Jews like Buddhists, HindUs, and atheists, nope, not even close. The fact that they are not christians does not mean they are like each other. Garvan, STFU and DIAF.
I accepted Jesus as my Samovar once. Made lousy tea. Oh wait...
Say listen, if I did what you ask, would it make you feel better and STOP SHOUTING? Or would you just keep nattering on about all those other people who think your cult is dim-witted? I'm guessing the latter, so my conversion would change nothing. You're just going to have to keep whining while I stop listening.
Garvan... How do you manage to keep up the flow of words through your arse. You must have the most fluent anus ever!
@the previous poster - Hindoo is a somewhat archaic spelling, but permissible in good society.
And why don't you use a handle instead of numbers?
Main Entry: Hin·du
Variant(s): also Hin·doo \'hin-(?)dü\
Function: noun
Etymology: Persian Hindu inhabitant of India, from Hind India
Date: 1662
1 : an adherent of Hinduism
2 : a native or inhabitant of India
"Christians are just like Buddhists, Hindoos, atheists, etc. AND NEED TO ACCEPT Allah AS THEIR SAVIOUR JUST AS THEY NEED THEIR VERY NEXT BREATH"
There I fixed it.
Re: Mordecai's post
Sorry, Mordecai, but under U.K copyright law, I can legitemately quote up to 25 percent of any article, for the purposes of literary or other criticism, without the need to request permission from the author...
Better luck next time....
I would point out that Mordecai is a name sometimes used by garvin ellison.
Garvin is not a Dr, he purchased his certificate from a degree mill in America when questioned on this he protests that it is real but then this is the same person who argued that it was not stupid for him to stick a knife in an electric socket:
Re: Sandman's last post
Assuming that Mr Ellison's British, then I would recommend a 2 prong fork rather than a knife, for power socket insertion, given the configuration of a British Standard 3 pin 13A socket...
Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, atheists and practically everyone else do have one thing in common.
They're all smarter than Garvan. Well, except maybe for the Raptards. They're about even.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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