Again, the standard warning to any white women who have the stomach to actually get within 10 feet of these hideous looking lower primates, is:
BEWARE you are hooking up with an unpredictable animal that belongs behind the bars of a zoo.
These negroes, whose breath by the way is horrific, are extremely jealous of white men because they sense that the white man is centuries more evolved.
Negroes are not blind but in fact are very aware of the superior nature and looks of the white man.
The white man does not have blubber lips, gorilla nostrils, an ape face and horrific breath and the negro is not blind to this fact.
Therefore if the negro's 'white trophy' so much as looks at a white man the uncaged ape is going to go off in her face and she will end up either maimed or dead exactly the same as if a rampaging gorilla were loosed upon her.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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