What do you expect from the capital?
I expect them to govern according to their own wishes like the municipality that they are
They've disregarded the wishes of the American majority in favor of their own warped agenda
The District of Columbia is not governed according to the wishes of the american "majority", it's governed according to the wishes of the people who live in the district.
since Obama stepped into the oval office.
Obama has no say or influence over the the policies of the district.
They're not going to ram homosexuality down my or my families throats.
allowing gays the right to marry is hardly ramming something down your throat, in fact, unless you or a member of your family are part of a same sex marriage it has no effect on you or your family whatsoever.
We believe homosexuality to be a mental disorder and will stick to know what we believe to be the truth till hell freezes over
You are free to believe tbat all you want, it doesn't mean that you are right, or that you have the right to force others to live according to that belief.
regardless of what our corrupt and foolish government says or does.
The government does not decide what is or is not a mental disorder
And the next time I see two male homosexuals with their pants down around their ankles doing the "wild thing" in front of women and children in the park,
I don't think there will be a "next time" bcause I don't believe there was a first time. To put it in simple terms for a mental midget such as yourself, I am calling your a liar. Further more why do you act as if that would be the result of legalized same-sex marriage? Regardless of what you seem to believe, same sex relationships are not just sexual in nature, and this idea that seems to work it's way around that gays will just drop trou and start screwing in public at the sight of heterosexual children would be laughable if it weren't so fucking stupid. Gays value their privacy just as much, if not more, than straight couples and they are not all exhibitionists.
I'm filing a lawsuit.
On what grounds? Any charges that could arise from such a situation are criminal charges which are the province of the district attorney and subject to prosecutorial discretion, not civil lawsuits. The absolute best you could hope for is to be a witness for the prosecution in a indecent exposure charge. If your really think you can sue someone for being gay and offending you delicate sensabilities then you are even stupider than you come off in your innane homophobic rant.