MichaelVWilson #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com
Redefining marriage to include homosexuals will affect Christians in ways the 1973 abortion decision never did. As evil as abortion is, many Christians turn a blind eye to it because, for the most part, it doesn’t involve them personally. I wish it weren’t so, but the truth is what it is. Homosexual “marriage” though, is a horse of a different color.
If the Supreme Court decides in favor of homosexuals, they’ll have a tool at their disposal which will enable to them to spread out, going to every church in America, demanding to be married. When the pastors refuse, they’ll call the police, demanding their arrest for “discrimination” and, furthermore, insisting the church be padlocked until the congregation agrees to change its doctrinal stance on the issue. Many police departments will acquiesce rather than face legal problems for refusing.
At this point it will suddenly become very real for many Christians. They’ll wake up to the fact their existence is being outlawed, and like anyone else, they’ll fight back by means fair or foul. When survival is on the line, Marquess of Queensbury Rules go out the window. We can already see our homosexual enemies don’t know the meaning of ‘restraint,' so unless we stop this now while there is still time; it will get very ugly, very fast.