[Title: "Homosexuality *IS* WRONG!"]
Round and round the Fundies go, when will they stop? Nobody knows.
It *IS* wrong. So VERY, VERY WRONG.
How *can* anyone (other than a homosexual) claim otherwise?
Easy. They don't look at it the same way you do. What? You have to be the center of everyone's opinions? Fuck off, asshole.
*If* it's right, why do most, if not all, homosexuals die young of diseases
like AIDS, Hepatitis and Cancer?
Facts and figures escape you, huh?
How can it be right, and natural, if the human race would become extinct
if everyone in the world were to practice homosexuality?
Right and wrong are just words. Words that, by the way, have no place describing nature: a system that works from life brutally murdering and consuming other life.
And, how can homosexuals be Christians when the Bible *clearly* states that
homosexuality is wrong?
It also says "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," but you seem to be throwing the proverbial Anti-Gay Rock.... What the Hell did I just say? Is that like...a homophobic piece of quartz, or something?
Finally, why can't *anyone* answer questions like these with the truth?
See, this shows us that you don't really WANT an answer that doesn't agree with yours. You aren't INTERESTED in seeing this 'truth,' so you prepare a disclaimer for yourself before you even get a response.