Just Us #racist stormfront.org
What else would it take then for that jew marionette to wake up about the black on white race war and double standard in this nation and world? Kelsey should be kicked for being a good goyim employee and going along to get along to have his pathetic narcissistic entertainment livelihood. When has he stood with US here????
How loudly would he denounce us if we claimed his support and solidarity??? Do you not think he isn't just.like the Heebs who sign his inflated checks while good white men who he isn't fit to stand next to to pee are breaking their backs in coal mines? Kelsey lives in jew land, works for jews, reads the words the put in his mouth on their mind control thought box, and now forgives a negroe he should want to kill himself over months for what he did to his sister.
Really...the white men on this thread need to grow a pair and stop being emotionally manipulated just because in your moments of boredom you grew an artificial affinity for some damn actor and TV show character. You shouldn't have been watching him or the jew tube to begin with if you were red piled at that point in your life.
Kelsey Grammer gets zero sympathy from me and only contempt in continuing to dance for the jew by making a public spectacle of his misguided forgiveness for the poor downtrodden negros in a last bid to make himself useful to the jew by influencing other stupid goy to give a pass to blacks for raping and killing our women.
I blow more sophisticated thoughgs than that out my rear. Clean out your head white man. Kelsey Grammer is not now and will never be your racial kinsman. The time for the silliness of actors and their bogus livelihood that endear the weak minded amongst us is over. Unplug your TV and tell Kelsey to go to hell for betraying his race with that show of self centered forgiveness.
Any negro that did that to my family or women had better get on a spaceship to get away from me. And that friends and neighbors is the difference between a WHITE MAN and jew employed slime like coke head Kelsey. Let him join SF, donate to Don, and speak at the next summit about the impact of black on white crime and our people.
He wont do that? Then let the buzzards tear the flesh from his traitorous bones.