There is something contradictory about Japanese culture.
On the one hand, they love to bathe and keep the body well washed and cleaned of dirt and sweat.
On the other hand, they are rotten inside. Within them there is lust, lasciviousness, debauchery, impurity, shame, wickedness, lies, demons, wiles, wickedness, and all that the ancient Canaanites had when they were exterminated by the Israelis.
Did the Japs have relations with animals like the Canaanites? And man with man, woman with woman. I laughed when God enumerated the sins of the Canaanites as homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality (it is confusion!), Incest (did you hear Japanese?).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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