Southron Blood #racist
The entire US is being browned out and you're concerned about fellow White Americans moving to the south? There is no way you're pro-white.)
- Change "Fellow white Americans" to "Yankee hordes" and the answer would be a resounding "yes". Yankee migrants - who number in the tens of millions - are a deadly threat to the survival of the South. We Southerners will very likely become extinct in the coming generations and it will mostly be because of assimilation into Americanism and dilution of our identity by mixing with the Yankee newcomers.
- I am not aware of any requirement to accept massive colonisation of my native land by outsiders in order to be pro-white, solely on the grounds that the millions of outsiders are white. The South has a long history of being both pro-white and against Yankee domination and conquest. To try to say that I can only be one or the other is completely absurd.
- The Yankee newcomers have created a culture that is alien to the South and in which Southerners are culturally and politically marginalised. The overwhelming net result of Yankee migration to the South has been a shift Leftwards in politics here. The South has long been an obstacle to the plans of the internationalists. With the South broken and ruined by assimilation, mass immigration, and loss of identity, nothing will be left in North America to block the internationalists and the white race from here to Canada will be wide open for conquest.
- The migration of Yankees to the South is a major goal of the internationalists. By supporting it, you are pushing the same things that the internationalists push. Have you ever thought that there is a reason why internationalists push Yankee migration to the South (or, for that matter, Polish immigration to Germany and Britain)?
Conclusion: Supporting mass Yankee migration to the South makes you anti-white.
At this point does it matter what pieces of land a given European country holds when all of Europe including Germany is being ethnically replaced? You are not choosing your battles wisely when we currently face the greatest threat the White race has EVER faced. We are marked for extinction.)
Yes, it does matter. There is some hope for Germany awakening and leading Europe to victory at some point in the future. There is no hope for Poland doing that. There is a reason why Jews and communists supported giving German land (including most of their entire Baltic coast) to Poland.