Lydia Church #fundie

(Responding to story “Vulgar ‘Abortion Is Normal’ Art Exhibit in NYC to Benefit Planned Parenthood Political Action Committee”):

And this "it's normal" stuff? Sure, if you're hitler, then it's 'normal,' for psychopaths!
And it's not God who they are to 'thank,' it's satan! God opposes this murder and no matter how brazen they feel about it, that unrepentance instead of shame will land them in hell. Then they'll know how it feels.

I can't get over their evil heartedness! Oh sure, all these people, men and women, feel they have the right to f#@& left and right, then they get pregnant, so they feel they have the right to butcher it and murder the resulting human being! And they call this the height of 'enlightened' civilization! What a joke!!!

It is interesting to notice how society has gotten so far away from God and has become truly evil. Back in the 50's, folks would get married and have a family. Most would wait until marriage for sex, at least if they were Christians. The mother would stay home to be a mother to the children and not outsource her job to someone who is not their mother. If a woman got pregnant, the man would marry her. Fast forward to today. 99.99999% of all men expect sex before marriage, and that includes those who attend church. Then if the woman happens to get pregnant and doesn't run straight for an abortion, but approaches the father, he just implies that she should murder the baby because, you know, the option is there. If she still decides to have the baby, many men abandon the woman, look for another, and the cycle continues. The woman may cave and murder her unborn child, or end up a single mom in a rough economy. My solution? Keep it in your pants until the wedding night. It worked best then and it still works best now. The Bible was right after all: Don't fornicate. But who knew?!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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