goofyfoot #racist
As for me, I am done with these whiney black pussies. They have backed themselves into a corner that they will be forever in. No longer will I hold any door open, say thank you or you’re welcome or cater to any business that they might own. Next year we buy a car for my kid, if its a dealership, not one black will get a commission from me, when we go to dinner, not one black will wait on me or my family, no tip for you, at the grocery store, even if the line is long with the white gal, I stay in the long line while the black sits and wonders. Look into any pro sport that’s mostly black, who the fuck is paying for tickets? Whites. Who the fuck needs tree hockey anyways (NBA) or the negro felon league (NFL) and fuck baseball too! I have finally realized why canines including my own hate them and can smell em a mile away. Thanks for opening my eyes blacks, you caused me to feel this, you make me hate you! I’m 48 and I ain’t got time for this black whiney bullshit anymore!!