Peter: Given many of the same people that refuse to serve us cakes have voted in a serial adulterer as president we aren't treated equally.
But both those activities go against Jesus principles for all morality and the comparison with the second one is beyond contempt.
Martin: You can hardly complain about adultery when you promote sexual immorality. And the alternative they had was a woman who not only connived at her husband's serial adultery and also undermined those young women he took advantage of. Not only that but she also campaigns to kill babies. Trump certainly appears the more moral of the two.
Peter: What part of Jesus teaching that all morality is based on love God and agape love of neighbour are you finding so difficult to grasp? To say trump evidences this and merits support on that basis - ongoing support from white conservative evangelicals - is risible.
Martin: Trump certainly provides evidence that he cares for the poor in the USA, whose jobs are being taken by illegal immigrants, and helpless infants aborted for no other reason than the convenience of the 'mothers'.
And what does Clinton do to show her love for God and her neighbour?
Peter: You do realise the election is over? The support for trump from white evangelical religious conservatives is ongoing and nothing to do with clinton.
When you disgracefully try to scapegoat "illegal immigrants" for economic problems you are closer to home. So much for giving two hoots what the bible, staunch defender of immigrants, has to say.
Martin: And the whining from the left is never ceasing. That people reject your politics is because it doesn't work and it isn't compatible with Christianity. Why shouldn't Christians seek to influence the president?
It's a fact that illegal immigrants do take work away from the poorer strata of society. Curiously the left seem to have given up on the working man these days.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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