Endersblade #fundie mmo-champion.com

Male Rape Victim forced to pay Child Support to Rapist.

Long story short. 20 year old woman has sex with a 14 year old boy. (Which is in Arizona classed as Statutory Rape). 6 years later, the woman sues for Child Support, and wins, during this time he was unaware that he had a child.

Funny enough, he is willing to pay, and is willing to take part in the kids life. His problem is that they also demand backpay for the past 6 years, which he is having a hard time meeting.

And this is not the first time this happens.

This actually happened to my roommate, although both were of age. They went to court over it, and they basically just blew it off like it couldn't happen. She moved states, had the kid unbeknownst to him, and a year later, filed for child support. He's been paying it ever since. He loves the kid, has zero custodial rights, even though the mom is letting the daughter turn into a fucking watermelon. She's 9 and weighs almost 120 lbs.

On subject but different issue, I cannot put into words how absolutely fucking stupid it is to say that a woman raped a male just because he was underage. Because, you know, you don't know jack shit about sex until you turn 18, and then suddenly poof, you're an expert. In that article, it was extremely obvious they were both consenting to what they were doing. To automatically make it rape just because he was 14? We have some seriously stupid fucking laws.

North American Man/Boy Love Association.

Basically, they say that a relationship between a full grown man and a young boy is perfectly fine, as long as there is no coercion..

Considering many cultures around the world already do this, I see nothing wrong with it. Although in their situation it may not always be consensual, at least here (from what little I've read up on the subject) NAMBLA requires consent on both sides for it to be ok.

Many of you seem to forget that even within the past 100 years, it was OK for someone 14, 15, 16 to be married and have kids, usually with an adult. It's something humans have been doing for thousands of years. Then suddenly, a...specific, will leave unnamed...group decided it's just ewwy gross and against their beliefs to be doing things with young, innocent kids who are completely innocent and don't know anything about sex, because they're innocent, you know? So somehow this got ingrained in our society, and now everyone gets up in arms if, even if 17 and almost 18, someone does something naughty with someone under the age of 18. Because 18 has suddenly become this magic number that turns kids into adults, even though, again, not more than 100 years ago people under the age of 18 were having families and holding jobs, contributing to their society.



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