I still don't like this To Catch A Predator bullshit. Some of them are out there looking, yes, but many of them are lured into it.
Thats the point. The real sick person there is the guy who is aggressivly pushing someone to do the deed, breaking down their will, then taking some moral ground for it.
Lol I mean when is the person who provokes someone into a fight ever truly innocent? Why is this any different?
Yep. The better way to stop girls from hooking up with men is for parents to wake up. That "To Catch A Predator" show is disgusting. So many of the victims on that show are average men just trolling around the internet, and a nice hot pie of sexy bait was put down right under their nose, offering themselves up willingly. If there wasn't any bait in the first place doing that, many of those men would have never even considered it. Ruin people's lives just for a tv show. You think that guy will keep his friends, his job, his family when they see that episode? It's horrible.
most states require a 4 year age gap for statutory rape
it's pretty fucked up how many of you in this thread are pro-pedophilia. you disgust me
vizzle: there is no way you feel bad for pedophiles who hook up with people who pretend to be 14 year old girls and you're not one yourself. normal people do not sympathize with grown men who look to fuck 14 year old girls
Nobody here is pro-pedophilia. We're saying that the way they lure these men is horrible.
Give a man a bomb, an empty room, and the person he hates the most in the world, and make him believe that nobody will ever know what happens, and you're sure to see an explosion. Would that man kill under normal circumstances though? Not always.
Do you take issue with police leaving bait cars out to catch thieves? I'm sure most wouldn't consider stealing a car if one wasn't left sitting right out in front of them, right? It doesn't matter whether there's a lure or not; any decent human being wouldn't even entertain the thought of banging a kid.
Considering men have been fucking young girls for all of written history except for the last hundred years or so because people suddenly decided it's taboo, and in some places around the world the legal consent is 14, I really don't understand this giant "OH MY GOD YOU'RE A PEDOPHILE" epidemic plaguing everyone. I'm not a pedophile, I'm not pro-pedophile, I'm anti-rape (of course) and I don't like it when girls are abused, but I think it's silly that all of a sudden we have to change the way humans think despite the fact that men have been doing it for centuries and still do, legally, in parts of the world.
Men have been killing people since the dawn of time. We've also raped women because they were below us. We also kept slaves. Do I need to seriously compile an entire thesis of things we've done up until the last century that we shouldn't have been doing in the first place?
Yes, but killing and raping have always been "bad". Men and girls getting married and raising families together was always normal.
if you think it's ok for a grown man to fuck a 14 year old kid, then you are a pedophile. just because they married off 14 year old kids and traded them for sheep in the dark ages when everyone died at 28 doesn't mean it's ok
You honestly should be infracted for spouting "pedophile" at everyone who has a different opinion from you. If a 14 year old girl wants to do it with a man, I see no reason why she shouldn't. It's the responsibility of the parents to make sure she is educated and knows about it, to make sure she won't do something stupid. Biologically, there is nothing wrong with a girl having sex at that age.
[Bali] 14 year old teen arrested on Drug charges
Australian authorities have confirmed that a 14-year-old boy from NSW has been arrested in Indonesia after allegedly being caught with drugs while on holiday in Bali.The boy was arrested on Tuesday, allegedly in possession of a small amount of marijuana.
He could face a lengthy jail term if convicted of possession charges, which carry a maximum penalty of 12 years in jail.
Can't really feel sorry for him, he knew the consequences when he did it.
HHe was 14, he probably didn't. 12 years? thats irrational. I don't do weed, but I dont even think it should be illegal, while alcohol isn't.
How would you not know that getting caught with drugs is illegal when you're 14? Unless you're completely unaware of the outside world (which I'm going to assume he isn't) a 14 year old, even if he doesn't know the ins and outs of the law completely, would definitely know that drugs = illegal.