Taking a belt to his daughter’s rear isn’t criminal, it isn’t anti-biblical, and it shouldn’t be condemned. If the wife stepped out of line he should be free to have her bend over and take a few whacks on the ass as well. A lot of times women get out of line and even the so-called “adult” women are often just children in adult bodies, they sometimes need discipline. For the most part they seem to crave it, they act in a fashion that they know SHOULD provoke a physical response from a healthy/sane male and then when that response doesn’t occur they get upset and begin pushing more and more to see what they can get away with.
If your wife spends more money than you told her she was allowed to spend, she is basically testing you, she is begging you to get tough with her, lay down the law, and be a man. Women won’t, don’t, and probably cannot respect a pushover man, they want a take charge man. Steinem once remarked, “we are becoming the men we wanted to marry” maybe so, but men are becoming the women of old and that doesn’t appeal to women, modern women or women at any other time. If your wife steps out of line and spends more than you told her she could spend, you have her bend over the table and take her belting/paddling like a big girl. Maybe for a lot of women it wouldn’t even be a negative thing.
What does modern society expect us to do, roll over and apologize that the woman was acting unruly and out of line? I say you paddle her ass and see where things go from there (more likely than not she’ll beg you to mount her right then and there).
What you do to a consenting partner is your own business, Bryan.
If she ISN'T consenting, though, you'll find that the courts aren't too fond of abusers.
"Taking a belt to his daughter’s rear isn’t criminal, it isn’t anti-biblical,..."
This is true. Great minds think alike .. ahem!. It's what I tell anyone who is uncertain about their religious beliefs or who is havering about their atheism. I say that in fact, beating ones daughter is especially biblical when it's accompanied by copious foul language and delivered by a bad-tempered lout who seems to be an incapable arsehole. In fact, for certain heinous crimes, like cheekiness for example, the Bible goes further, it seems that instead of the beating, or possibly after the beating, the miscreant daughter should be stoned to death.
To follow that sound biblical advice with yet another holy utterance, I like to clarify to the wavering believer the following biblical stricture, namely that wife-beating is de rigueur for all humble Christian fundamental cultists. Sometimes these biblical facts help sway the undecided in the right direction.
This evangelism sure is fun ain't it?
Beating your wife or daughter is abuse.
The fact that Bryan seems to get excited about it, makes him a sadistic sack of shit.
I just realized that Bryan never made a distinction between wife and daughter, but certainly did imply that having sex with the woman after he beats her, is a good thing.
Does he fuck his daughter after beating her?
"What does modern society expect us to do, roll over and apologize that the woman was acting unruly and out of line? I say you paddle her ass and see where things go from there (more likely than not she’ll beg you to mount her right then and there)."
Or she might just decide to wait until you're sleeping and take a Louisville Slugger to your kneecaps.
You've got to sleep sometime, buddy boy. Think about that the next time you want to smack some woman around.
"I say you paddle her ass and see where things go from there (more likely than not she’ll beg you to mount her right then and there)."
No, more likely she'll have your ass in jail for domestic violence, then in divorce court where the judge will see what a prick you are and give her everything, including half your income for the next 30 years.
"If your wife spends more money than you told her she was allowed to spend, she is basically testing you, she is begging you to get tough with her, lay down the law, and be a man."
No, she's not. She's silently protesting the fact that, instead of sharing everything like married couples are supposed to do, you're giving her a fucking allowance like a child.
I wonder if Bryan is forgetting that the daughter in question is *handicapped.*
It would still have been a Moral Event Horizon on the part of the father even if she were completely healthy, just from the amount of anger and desire for absolute megalomaniacal control over her, but this should convince even those 'fine gentlemen' from Spearhead what a monstrous act it was.
I guess not.
Oh God, there is just so much wrong with this.
“I say you paddle her ass and see where things go from there (more likely than not she’ll beg you to mount her right then and there ). ”
what the FUCK??
If she gets "out of line" or spends more than she was "allowed" to spend?
You seem to have adult women confused with dogs and toddlers.
Being in posession of a penis does not give you authority over other adults, no matter what their gender or their relationship to you.
It IS criminal over here, and it is very much condemned. You should not hit someone smaller than yourself, isn't that what we teach children at play-grounds? Shouldn't adults lead by example?
How can you decide how much money your wife is allowed to spend? It's just as much her money as it is yours, stupid.
What about when the man is unruly and out of line; when he drinks more than he was allowed to drink? Should the woman take a cane to his backside then?
If my husband paddled my ass, I would first report him to the authorities for abuse, then I would divorce the brute.
But my husband is a decent man, who would never hurt anyone, least of all me.
Besides, he has an IQ well above 80 and can argue his case, he doesn't have to resort to violence to show his point.
Pillar of the community do gooder christinsane who is a closet sodom and gomorrah perv #49883601.
Yes Bryan, you are hoping she will secretly like it. So you can have your secret little sin that you would never confess to the church women in the choir. Oh you dirty naughty boy......
Fucking putz........
Bryan, you are bloody loving the idea of beating your wife/daughter (don't see any distinction) and then having sex with her, only in your twisted mind it's her begging you to.
If there is no sadistic sexual element, why not exercise 'biblical discipline' over your son? Or your younger brother?
Sir, you need help. Badly. I don't mean fundamentalist Christian counselling. Stay away from sites that uphold your perversion as godly. Think clean thoughts. Healthy thoughts. Get a good therapist.
Yes, I understand some women like the idea of play torture, play punishment as a submissive. But then so do some men. But we aren't talking about consensual sex games here. We are taking someone who fantasises about breaking their wife, making them depended on him, and her enjoying it.
Before you end up in prison for violent assault, get help.
He appears to be a 'mens' rights'er actually, as do most people on that site. So he probably genuinely wants to hurt/abuse women, rather than any kind of sexual fetish aspect.
Also, abuse isn't BDSM, and BDSM isn't (usually) abuse.
Well, we all know that the most vociferous about corporal punishment (high court judges etc, who secretly go to dominatrixes, paying good money to have the same done to them ) are actually themselves subconscious power bottom masochist trollops themselves, the dirty little hypocrite punishment whores they are.
Thus, Bryan...:
One doesn't need to be Freud to figure you out.
I normally abhor violence, believing it to be a method of expression reserved for the mindless unreflective masses.
However, Bryan's words waken my lower animal instincs and I find myself wishing I could give him a full body massage with a baseball bat.
I really, really hope his wife/girlfriend/whatever is one of those horrible insecure complex laden nags who makes his life hell as it is and would make it much worse if he even so much as contradicted her.
Sounds like you're into that kind of thing.
(crap, I've become another crass, immature commenter)
Well. Yeah, some grown women act like children in an adult body.
Guess what? Some men do to.
That is about all I agree with though.
So if the guy's being a pig, the gal can spank him! RIGHT?!
Oh you poor weak widdle boy, I hope a female kickboxing champion permanenly separates you face from your body!
Sorry to clarify. The British army does not have female combat troops, but PLA (People's Liberation Army of China) and IDF (Israeli Defence Force) and SADF (South African forces do, My favourite person after my wife is PLA; but I have known lovely women from IDF and SADF as well.
Who I would really really not want to have to fight. Because I would lose.
"Taking a belt to his daughter’s rear isn’t criminal, it isn’t anti-biblical, and it shouldn’t be condemned."
Even if it is not abuse, it comes awfully close, and it depends on WHY you are doing it.
"If the wife stepped out of line he should be free to have her bend over and take a few whacks on the ass as well. A lot of times women get out of line and even the so-called “adult” women are often just children in adult bodies, they sometimes need discipline."
... and you just crossed the line from ultra-strict to fundie. A wife stepping "out of line" should not have to put up with that.
"What does modern society expect us to do, roll over and apologize that the woman was acting unruly and out of line? I say you paddle her ass and see where things go from there (more likely than not she’ll beg you to mount her right then and there)."
I seriously doubt you are married, and if so, I feel bad for your wife. Unless a woman TELLS YOU she gets off on that stuff, you are spewing bullshit. I cannot believe it is the 21st century and people advocate wife-beating.
"If your wife spends more money than you told her she was allowed to spend, she is basically testing you, she is begging you to get tough with her, lay down the law, and be a man."
I don't want someone like you near my beloved hypothetical daughter, my nieces, my cousin, my friends, or anybody else I care about.
You are acting pretty childish yourself, there. By your own logic, you need a spanking, Bryan. (Is your last name Fischer by any chance?)
One of these days, just as I wish to revoke the American citizenships of all idiotic fundie Americans, I would like to castrate all these despicable chauvinists. They are perpetuating the belief that men only care about one thing and one thing only, and treat "the womenfolk" lower than cattle. It's unseemly.
I dare ANY man to try to physically abuse me in any way.I'd send them to the hospital needing stitches and an ice-pack for their genitals.
I don't give a fuck if I, as a modern woman, don't appeal to you. Why the fuck would any woman want to be with you? You're an asshole.It takes everything I have not to punch my own father in the face and tell him to fuck off for abusing my mother over 20 years ago. I honestly think he's a peice of shit and I have more respect and love for a random garden spider.If I think about my own dad that way, you can imagine how stupidly meaningless you are to me.
Being a relationship: You're doing it wrong
Being a good parent: You're doing it wrong
Being a decent human being: You're doing it wrong
Being a fucking asshole: You've got it down pat
At first I thought he was advocating BDSM, twas a little weird while reading it that way.
Not that it's any less nutters when reading it in the correct context!
As a woman I want to bash you over the skull for being a Neanderthal. Come on, take your punishment like a man! No? Well then stfu and get some psychiatric help, please.
Q: What has testicles but no penis?
A: A Penis.
Hey, that kind of sounds like you, Bryan.
Killing your disobedient children by stoning isn't anti-Biblical. Slavery and bigomy aren't anti-Biblical either. Are you advocating for those things as well? Perhaps we have moved beyond beating people as a solution to our, or their, problems.
No, she's not. She's silently protesting the fact that, instead of sharing everything like married couples are supposed to do, you're giving her a fucking allowance like a child.
I don't know if you're married or not, nor does this necessarily apply to all married couples. I have found that in my own marriage, setting an agreed upon allowance (for both of us) helps keep us from overspending. I've met a few other married couples who do similar things, and they do it for the same reasons.
Granted, this isn't exactly what Bryan is talking about (since he's doing it from a dictatorial standpoint, as opposed to both spouses discussing the finances), but the concept of an "allowance" when it comes to discretionary spending isn't really that far out there.
"Taking a belt to his daughter’s rear isn’t criminal, it isn’t anti-biblical, and it shouldn’t be condemned."
It is and it should.
"If the wife stepped out of line he should be free to have her bend over and take a few whacks on the ass as well."
Bend over, oo-er!
"A lot of times women get out of line and even the so-called “adult” women are often just children in adult bodies, they sometimes need discipline."
Don't talk bollocks, you sexist cunt. Besides, that's bronies .
"children in adult bodies"
"beg you to mount her"
Yeah, that's it. This guy's a pedophilic, abusive creep.
The Spearhead must be a site that caters to sexist pigs. To Bryan and everyone else on that site, on behalf of all good, non-misogynist men, get off my planet.
"provoke a physical response from a healthy/sane male"
Oh, now everyone who doesn't hit his wife is crazy?
That was a beating, you fucking idiot. There is nothing someone could do that should warrant something like that.
God damnit, when will you little boys/pricks all die off so the rest of us can move on?
Basically, the very name of this site implies it's about weaponising the phallic image.
In short, the evidence is beginning to mount that The Spearhead is a pro-rape site.
A lot of times women get out of line and even the so-called “adult” women are often just children in adult bodies, they sometimes need discipline.
o.O Is Bryan married to a severely mentally disabled woman?
He's right about one thing. It isn't anti-biblical to beat your wife or your daughter. Such beatings are considered normal by the people who wrote that horrid set of writings.
His error is in thinking that "it is biblical" and "it is moral" are the same thing, a very common error that you don't even have to be a fundamentalist to make. Many more liberal Christians make exactly the same mistake of presuming that which is good must necessarily be that which the bible condones, which is why they have a pathological need to pretend the bible is a much more nice, happy set of nicey-nice wirtings than it actually is. They will lie outright and claim the bible *doesn't* support the idea that a man should treat his wife and daughter as property when it most certainly DOES. In fact their patholo0gical need to make the bible align with "goodness" will cause them to lash out very angrily at those of us who do point out these flaws in the bible, and they'll even accuse us of being fundamentalists, weirdly. It's as if the concept of holding the book accountable to morality rather than the other way around is so alien to them that they can't wrap their head around it when someone says "the bible does support X, and that's what makes it a bad moral guide", all they can hear is "the bible does support X" and they just stop there and accuse us of being fundamentalists. They can't comprehend the concept of someone taking the bible at face value *for the purpose of shooting it down*. In their little world, there are only two options: the bible is true and literal, or the bible is true but in a metaphorical fuzzy way. They don't get it when someone argues from the "it's not true in the first place" angle.
As for Bryan... I reccomend he find a woman with the same fetish he has and he stops trying to force his onto someone against their will.
"bend over and take a few whacks on the ass"
"pushing more and more"
"she is begging you to get tough with her, lay down the law, and be a man"
"you have her bend over the table and take her belting/paddling like a big girl"
"I say you paddle her ass and see where things go from there (more likely than not she’ll beg you to mount her right then and there)."
MY GOD this guy's horny. Just go and wank off already, rather than treating all of us to your perverted fantasy!
If you tried to get me to bend over a table so you could PADDLE me, that table would be smashed over your egotistical, sexist, dumbfuck HEAD!!
That or I'd wait until you fell asleep after and play a game of Lorraine Labobbit...
"What does modern society expect us to do, roll over and apologize that the woman was acting unruly and out of line? I say you paddle her ass and see where things go from there (more likely than not she’ll beg you to mount her right then and there)."
Certainly, some will. But not everyone's into that, y'know?
Ooh, look at the big man, threatening to beat women for not conforming to his whims. I'm so intimidated. Please don't beat me, massa, I'll suck your cock! (If I can find it.)
Good to know that because I lack a penis, I'm a permanent child who deserves to be beaten and raped at the whim of my owner, a male and therefore a real person - unlike me. If women are nothing but children, Bryan, then heterosexual men are pedophiles... including you. Are we going to be lectured by a pedophile? Hell no!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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