DoctorDoom #racist
Sister Atty, I have no argument with your point. However, the welfare parasites are of secondary impact. We have an avowed enemy of the United States polluting the People's House, a confirmed Marxist who loathes this country and everything that it has stood for since its inception. Being the lawless, illegal occupant of the world's most powerful office, he must be removed from any position of authority.
If nothing else is done, rendering the son of a bitch a lame duck in '14 should be Job One. And by the time next November rolls around, there are going to be tens of millions of victims of Obastardcare who will be ready to slit throats at the polls. And the standard RAT mantra, "The Republicans did it!" is becoming ineffectual. Only the terminally stupid still believe that.
The Magic Negro's phony anger at the dismal failure of the Ocare rollout is also wearing thin. It is HIS law. Even the OAKM call it Obamacare. At some point his eternal campaigning and his incessant claims to be fighting against his own policies will bite his 1/16th black ass.
Food for thought: the liberal media exist only to promote liberalism. Their seeming allegiance to the Kenyan nigga stems from his image as the very incarnation of liberalism. If his continued psychotic behavior threatens to imperil the liberal agenda, he is expendable. Ask HRC about what happens to a liberal media darling when an even more radical liberal makes the scene.
Obozo is committing political harikari by exposing liberalism in all its extremist ugliness. The media have to decide whether they will go down with him or defend liberalism at his expense.
They made him. They can break him.