PWR #racist

Before even thinking about forms of government, we must mold ourselves into a true white nation. A nation is PEOPLE. In our case, a people sharing the convictions that we are much better off when left alone to manage our own affairs. We cannot thrive surrounded by mongrels. They suck the life from us. Nation crosses all geographical boundaries We have citizens scattered to the four winds but we are genetically brothers and sisters.

When we reach the tipping point measured in numbers and depth of devotion, we can successfully pursue our own state thus becoming a nation-state. Hats off to our hooked-nose enemy. He was a nation for over two thousand years before becoming a nation-state. That is why he is known as the international Jew. The Jew formed a nation based partly upon race but primarily greed and a conviction of superiority. In his own mind, he is a/the supreme being destined to be master of the universe. He is a parasite which builds nothing but prospers solely from the labour of others.

I certainly do not advocate replicating the Jew model but pointed it out simply to demonstrate that nations are people regardless of geography. Every time I see a white person, I see kinfolk. WHEN we become a fully-functioning nation, we can then begin to contemplate our manner of governance and acquire territory sufficient for our well being. We may choose a monarchy. Who knows? Folk, Nation, and Blood are what it is all about.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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