I have read Ezekiel thanks,I've also read Jude 1:7,the only possibility for the two texts to be congruent,is if the 'so they committed abominations' ..refers to the sexual immorality we see on display in Genesis 19
where all of the men of Sodom expressed their desire for homosexuality..
"who indulged in sexual immorality and pursued strange flesh, are on display as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire."
Jude 1:7
(as Jude requires an example)to act as a warning to others,we have this in Genesis 19 ,where all the men of Sodom desire to have homosexual sex with Angels they believed to be men.
So although they did commit other sins,they were not the reason given for their destruction.
As you will notice,the sins of not having regard for the poor and needy,being overfed and complacent,although sinful are not punishable by death under Levitical law....homosexuality however is.
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