
emh112203 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Scientific proof of God]

Hypothesis: Humans will continue to enter the world through painful childbirth, minus cloning which is not an original human being born but a clone of one that already existed or still exists.

Prediction: We will continue to see people born of painful child birth as the Bible contends.

cicoccenta #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Posted as a comment on "<a href="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/09/14/national/main2011603.shtml" target="_blank">War widow dedicates Wiccan plaque symbol</a>" story]

...would you want to be buried right next to some guy with devil worship symbols on his grave? what a bunch of sickos. You can keep your Wicca, Satanic Symbols and other evil weird sh*t where it belongs--in the closets and basements of your homes! dont bring that crap to a place for the dead! disgraceful!!

father_thomas_aquinas #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[<a href="http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138539&tid=nmenvironmentbirddc&sid=37138539&mid=409" target="_blank">First post</a>]

Satan didn't place the "fossils" there.

"Scientists" did, in the hope of gaining false-fame.

Unfortunately, it worked for them.

[<a href="http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138539&tid=nmenvironmentbirddc&sid=37138539&mid=443" target="_blank">Second post</a>]

"Fossils" are carved from rock, or some are made of plaster.

I have even been told of one case where a skeleton was carved from old soap.

quackie9999 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

Evolution covers a finite time interval

It is comical that people who choose "evolution" as a philosophy which explains our ultimate origins are also claiming to be logical and intelligent.


ie - What happened before the "big bang"?

What percent of the infinity of time is accounted for by the finite time interval of the theory of evolution?


Since God created the dimensions of time and space and all matter from nothing, it is logical that He is also responsible for all life, whether or not any suppositions of the theory of ecolution are consistent with His creative process.

nokovichspi #wingnut news.messages.yahoo.com

how ignorant can these posers be

The guy says that this is the hottest that has been seen in 80 million years, We didn't have thermometers until the late 1500's by a guy named Galileo Galilei. They don't even know what the temperature was before that. I get really amused by these posers who think we have no brains. I'm beginning to wonder where their's is.

shrill_neoconazi_idiot #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

So first we disprove their little liberal evolution theory on the basis of unsatisfactory evidence, and suddenly POOF, they have more fossils which just happen to perfectly fit into the huge holes in their theories. You have to be pretty naive for fall for such a simpleminded trick!

['SIMPLEMINDED? And it is not simpleminded to believe in such archaic fables such as the existence of god which were believed to exist by the Mesopotamians, the inhabitants of one of the Earth's FIRST CIVILIZATIONS, thousands of years ago? SIMPLEMINDED! ha!']

You choose to mock God but yet you have no problem believing in such idiotic monstrosities as diplodocus or stegosaurus or archeopterix. I mean, come on! If you're going to fool people, at least TRY to be convincing. Evolution theory is simply laughable.

venomous_bird #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

there IS a conspiracy, open your eyes
you think that government and corporations aren't connected?
how much denial do you have?

ever wonder why there is a pyramid with an eye on your money AND on the supreme court of Israel?
and what's up with the washington obelisk monument?

face it, your country and almost the whole world is controlled by the occult of ancient egypt

muslconstruction #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

I bought a Bible for 99 cents at a "Marcs" discount store. The bible says that there is a devil who will tempt you into partaking in things that wiill kill you while decieivng you into thinking what you are doing is "oh so sophisticated". Just look at the healthy people. Read the slogans, the cigartettes "TASTE FRESH" blah, blah, blah. It's obvious that smoking is a sin glamorized by Jews like Louie B. Mayer, filling the coffers of Big Tobacco, blah blah. The Bible that I paid less than a fdollar for says that the wages of sin is death. Go to the hospitals and see all the women who were promiscuous dying of vaginal cancers. See all the promiscuous homosexuals dying of aids. The smokers on trach tubes dying of throat and lung cancers, the iv drug users whose heart valves were ruined blah, blah, blah. The fact is that sin and death are promoted in an evil world, and the truths of the bible are hidden. Of course smoking kills you.

pjmutnick@sbcglobal.net #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

I am awaiting the descent of the Lord with legions of extraterrestrial angels in the spaceships of the Ashtar Command. They will neutralize the U.S. military is a nanosecond, and then proceed to take over the country. SANANDA, aka Jesus, will declare Himself President, disband Congress and the Supreme Court, and then call for a new Constitutional Convention. This one will make "one nation under God" a reality and not a hypocritical joke. Jesus is a Christ Communist, so the new Constitution will outlaw all forms of capitalism, aka greed and self-seeking.

mabellehardie #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

The THEORY of evolutoion is a hoax. It is a lack of current studies and scientific study that keeps people or the uneducated masses ignorant of the truth about Creationalism.........Darwin did not even have proof of the cell.now we do...........evolution is just another tactic to have a socialistic society!

amruttan #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

Actually, creation/evolution are both non-scientific. Science is based on observable phenomenon, and as far as I know, no one was around to observe the beginning of everything....

[If it snowed last night and I didn't see it happening, I still know it snowed by the evidence left behind in the morning. The evidence for evolution is abundant and obvious. The evidence for creationism is zero.]

You are around to observe the snow, but you cannot say what caused it. You can only say that there is snow on the ground. You assume that it has fallen, and you can throw it in the air to observe it falling, but you cannot state with certainty that it did indeed fall. Simply because you were not there to observe it. It is likely that it did fall, but not certain.

roughneck_derrickman #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

['do you honestly believe in a god whose ego is so fragile that without you conducting daily worship of his exsistence he would punish you? What kind of a god is that']

A just God is a God that tells you how to get out of a deadly situation. If he were unjust, he would force you to yield. But, he has given you the roadmap to eternal bliss and lets you decide which road you want to travel.

Free Will? That is a whole lot better than you have it here on this planet.

sx1207 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Responding to an article title "Scientists say magnet therapy is a waste of time"]

The great scientists of the day do not even believe the human body contains an aura (aka, the soul) so they claim that something beyond their understanding does not work because all of their theories and science does not yet understand how the true universe works. The can only observe and measure the world we live in, and even when they do that the results are questionable.

Magnetic therapy has influence on the aura, the aura has influence on the body. The physical body contains an energy body , magnetic waves are energy, how the two interact can have beneficial and negative effects.

As the world once believed that the world was flat, and the universe revolved around the earth, maybe one day scientists will discover the aura, and how magnetic waves interact with it.

patdeeee #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

So what we have are two bulls here. One is satan-led, Godless liberals, who insist on pumping unproven theories down the bodies of children NO matter if the facts are proven wrong. ON the other hand, you have creationists who lack the courage to stand up to the liberals and say what they really feel and believe.

So they deserve their house to fall! (“A house divided against itself, shall not stand!”) God will NEVER bless ANY creationist who hides from truth for NOT saying boldly, “GOD created heaven and earth, and ALL that is in it; and he did this in 6 days; just 6,000 yrs Ago!” And then LET the satan-led, Godless liberals deal with it as they will.

I happen to believe that God created ALL in 6 days, JUST 6,000 yrs ago. I will look ANY teacher; or any professor; or any scientist in the eye; and state my belief to them; whether they like it or not. I am not going to hide God while trying to play their game using contrived words like “creationism” so I can try to sell it to Godless minds on THEIR level.

I will further tell them; that they ARE the quintessential satan-led, Godless liberal; for NOT stating their TRUE agenda also. And then we can agree to disagree; and they can go to hell, and I will enjoy heaven. NOT because of whether evolution is true or not; rather because I put my faith in God, and they put their faith in satan.

SO BE IT! (Amen!)

toby_keith_shats_on_liberals #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Re: <a href="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/09/14/national/main2011603.shtml" target="_blank">War widow wins fight to put Wiccan symbol</a> on the headstone of her husband killed in Afghanistan]


People should be allowed to practice whatever religion they want, but no one should be allowed to disgrace Christianity by putting another symbol of idolotary on their grave. Screw this guy, he should get a big gold cross up there just for that.

null_and_void_in_calif #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

Bible is too old to not be true

Back when the Bible was written, people had a good, healthy fear of God. They were terrified of the consequences of sin, which of course includes lying. The educated were keenly aware of proper behaviour, and would not have written a book and passed it off as truth if it wasn't. This, of course, is the case with the men who penned God's word into man's greatest history book -- The Bible. To think they would have included lies is preposterous.

In fact, the further one goes back in history, the less sin that occured (per capita) and thus the fewer lies that were told (oral AND written). This is why older books tend to be more accurate than newer ones.

beth4christ_and_country #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

Dinos: One of the biggest lies peddled by the atheist liberal left. It's like, yeah right, we're supposed to believe that gigantic lizards walked around for supposedly millions of years, and magically no one knew they even existed until the coming of the atheist religion of Evolution in the 1800s.

Dinosaurs are just an attempt by radical leftists to try and cast doubt on the existence and omnipotence of God and to attack Creationist science. It's their way of worming an idea into people God is an imperfect God who tinkered around with another species before giving up on it and creating mankind. But there is no evidence in the Bible or otherwise to support such a stance.

sovietdemocrats #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[In response to an article about federal funding being denied for stem cell research.]

This Is Why We Are Winning, This Is Why

... 65% of Americans now oppose abortion.

[This isn't about abortion. It's about using embryos that were created at fertility clinics and are going to be thrown away if nobody uses them.]

For 40 years abortions including Planned Parenthood classroom instructors claimed that embryos were not a live. Now we are told that dead embryos are be used. How did they become dead if they were never alive? Now abortionists forgive me, stem cell people are growing embryos in labs. Only living things can be grown. If it is a human growing outside a mother than that human has constitutional rights doesn't it. Roe Vs Wade only applies to embryos (dead things) that are inside the mother. These are outside. Ohhhhh, it looks like another trip back to the US Supreme Court to resolve this dilemma. Gifted ones please explain this anomaly.

floatpool #conspiracy news.messages.yahoo.com

When Ronald Reagan was going around injecting gays with infected blood from the lab where he and George W created the virus?

I remember hearing something about that. Anyway, if the media said Reagan created AIDS and Bush II helped him it must be true. It's amazing that such a tricky virus was created by two guys who the same media says were so stupid. But they are the media, so who am I to dispute that?

Remember, promiscuous sex didn't cause the spread of AIDS..Ronald Reagan and now Bush did.

qomzghtybnm #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Apparently describes natural selection without knowing he's describing natural selection]

The frogs did NOT evolve longer legs in response to it's enviroment. The frogs with shorter legs died off because of competition for food or because they were too slow to avoid their predators. This allowed toads with longer legs more chance to breed and populate the area.

Remember the peppered moth! (evilutionists want to forget about it)

I can't believe these LIARS are believing their own lies - or they are intentionally LYING to people in order to spread their fairy tale of evilution.

trulyfree57 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

In my humble opinion: If you've studied body magnets, you know that Lourdes is the most magnetized place on earth that we know of. Of course, all magnetism on earth was created by Jehovah God. You can put magnetism to work for yourself by wearing bi-polar body magnets. The best ones on the market are by Nikken and they can be found on the web. Do a google search to learn about the healing effects of magnets. Use the healing things God provided for us in nature and trust in Him for all things!

presario0960 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

Whales are mammals meing they breathe air with their lungs, but at some point evolutionsists say they were a fish with gills and breated oxygen from the ocean's water, well apparently at the time of transition from gills to lungs the first baby came out not as an egg but alive, during the transition was it half and egg and half an embryo and it just decided to change into an embryo, well wouldn't the very first whale baby have drowned that was born in the depths of the sea as an embryo with lungs?
There are so many cases where evolution is laughable and are serious scientific arguemnts why the thought of evolution is quite laughable.

jetsz@rogers.com #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

you want extraterestrial beings to what
by: jetsz@rogers.com 10/10/06 11:53 am
Msg: 13 of 13

If this race of ours called human think that they can send anything into space for extraterestrial life to get informed about...try to remember that extraterestrial life knows everything that mankind has discovered or will for a matter of hypothesis.
Also should the mid heavens want anyhing to do with this race they certainly wouldnt use the same technology that you are using. Instead of looking for other worlds why not just have faith that GOD is and will always be watching all creation from alpha to omaga.
Aliens have and always will be just that until you look into the mirror and realise that you are an alien to this planet. Fallin from where you want to get back too. The only way is to be humble to the king of kings, and not Darwin and his monkey hypothesis. Never proven, but taught. What alien in thier right mind would want to know monkeys lol. Darwin is biology not prof of evolution. I cn think of a hundred places that money would benefit versus sending it into bolivia.

randy_ds9 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Previous Poster: "It seems the biggest problem with Christians is their political lobby to stop abortion, to have prayer in schools, to have God on our money and in the pledge, and generally ramming their beliefs down our throats."]

and that is right beside you lobby to force the US to accept gay marriage, insist that a 12 year old is mature enough to make an abortion decision for herself, 13 should be the legal age of sexual consent, and all drugs should be legal. When we won't go along, you try to use lawsuits, lawyers, and activist ACLU judges to "force your agenda down everyones throat"

"Why do you care so much what others believe?"

I don't, but I am sick and tired of mindless left wing idiots like you trying to belittle and attack what I believe. Your ID [bushisatraitor] says it all

cdecar2000 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

Why should America follow the Geneve convention when terrorists do not? We must act in the same way as the terrorists. War has no rules much like the terrorists. Screw the world opinion when it comes to fighting terrorism. Torture, excecute terrorists if need be to find necessary information.

This is a new generation of war, Geneva convention is old and out dated. There is no human rights in war.

We must let the terrorists know that if they are caught with explosive material on their hands then its automatic excecution on site.

kayttt2000 #conspiracy news.messages.yahoo.com


I wonder if they joined on with World Order or any other countries security that believes in the law.......

I just wanted you to know this.....
They apperently didn't want me to move and notify the FBI and MSM for awhile......
For about 3 years they crippled my legs with there equipment many miles away.....
Then they started poking at me with there equipment......

They pounded on my heart,ovaries,limbs,head

They have technology light years ahead and can HEAR everything....MILES AWAY!

My advice don't fck with these boys.......
If your corrupt and have lighten my jail time cards,,,,,you better use them before there not usable......

This needs repeating,THEY KNOW EVERYTHING,

rneeshus #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Another response to a news story about forthcoming new U.S. $1 coins featuring presidents' faces on them, but presented a bit larger than on most coins because words such as "In God We Trust" will be printed on the edge instead of the face of the coin.]

If we remove, from obvious view, the words "IN GOD WE TRUST", then we, as a nation, will deserve everything we get in the way of judgement from God. You can blame mother nature for just so much !

adamgadahnarouseslibtardstreason #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

GOP only party protecting family values

And that's why it's such an abnormality and unorthodox anomaly that a sodomite actually comes out of the closet running in a GOP primary. Demoncrats usually are the party of freaks, geeks and all-around weirdos which tolerates these unnatural and ungodly freaks of nature, so Koering (the sodomite) can expect to probably lose the GOP primary to Goedker. If Koering the Sodomite loses the primary for councilman to Goedker, it won't be because the GOP is a party which is "intolerant," as commonly derogated by the narrow-minded and simplistic imbeciles called leftards. Rather, if Koering the Sodomite is refused in the GOP primary, it will be because of GOP voters exercising their moral clarity and superior values, virtues and religious conviction. Sodomites like Koering are anathema in the sense that they offend religion, offend nature since they can't reproduce, and offend the family values the GOP is known for. Another hazardous precedent of treating sodomites like a demographic is that after you legitimate them, you'll have to do the same for all other "alternative" lifestyles--like NAMBLA sex with kids. Still, it's of note to point out that gay as Koering is, his stand against abortion, for veterans, and for gun rights makes him more macho than any "heterosexual" lib male.

wanda_for_decent_values #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

Christians are taking back America!

And we are THROUGH kowtowing to witches, satanists, muslims, atheists, homosexuals and socialist liberals!

America is a Christian nation, not a nation of witches. Satan symbols over my dead body.

By the end of President George W Bush's 2nd term:

1) Iraq will be well on the way to being a peaceful Christian country. Once Iraq has gone Christian, the Gospel of Jesus will spread throughout the Middle East. The region will be at peace and millions of Arab souls will be saved through the grace of Jesus Christ.

2) Bush will have appointed at least three or four USSC Justices and the baby slaughterhouses will finally be closed down forever.

3) Gays will be put back in the closet for good. The sodomy and decency laws will be reinstated and their disgusting disease spreading activities will be outlawed again. Maybe we can’t get rid of them, but we can get them out our children’s view.

4) School vouchers will allow parents to send their kids to decent Christian schools instead of the NEA-infested cesspools that exist now.

5) Worthless liberal social welfare programs will be dismantled and replaced by Christian faith-based government funded programs. People will finally get REAL help through Jesus Christ.

6) Filthy shows like Howard Stern, Will & Grace and Desperate Housewives will be off the air and replaced with decent Christian family programming. Families will once again be able to turn on the radio or television and not be embarrassed to listen or watch together.

7) The abominable scourge of Internet pornography will end with the introduction and ENFORCEMENT of the Online Decency Act. Pornographers who expose the public to this sickening material will be behind bars where they belong.

You can be with us or against us, but you had BETTER believe one thing:

Christians are DONE sitting at the back of the bus.

eimlauqons9 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

very simple adam and eve were perfect and when they became imperfect, they still had a lot more genes than us. in other words they had not been diluted out. so their children were of varying races and as you describe when there became enough of them, they took mates of their race for the most part and were living in certain areas.

saccos_cell_phones #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[David D. G notes 'He makes reference to a link halfway through the post, but does not provide one there; however, he makes a sort of "takeback" reference to it toward the end.']

I came across an insurgent propaganda video on the Internet produced by al Qaida in which they declare they will kill all Americans and why.

In the script of the video, which al Qaida and Muslim insurgents are fond of running in front of their sniper and IED video footage, al Qaida claims that Jesus was a Muslim.

That alone tells me that al Qaida is afraid of Jesus and his Bible thumpers in Christianity. Afraid enough to try and con the world into believe Jesus is a Muslim and not a Christian.

Or it makes a direct connection between Christianity and al Qaida. I know for a fact that US Christians are terrorists but I never thought they were directly aligned with al Qaida and Islam.

Here's the link to the al Qaida produced video on the Internet so you can see for yourselves their claim that Jesus was a Muslim.

It proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that all religion is a lie and nothing but a con job.

Well, strke me dead, but I can't find the video any longer. It was either at www.ogrish.com or www.puttfile.com. The Christian terrorists spying on me likely learned I found the video yesterday and made certain it was removed to deter any link between themselves and al Qaida.

But the script at the head of the al Qaida vid clearly stated that Jesus was a Muslim.

I know that Italians are cocksuckers.

choose_erudite #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

['You keep ranting about how evolutionary theory is predicated on 'random' chemical reactions. If you passed high school chemistry, you would know that atoms do not 'randomly' interact with each other.']

says Wea pon..

I distinctly remember pouring a little bit of this and a little bit of that, randomly, ignorantly, without taking notes, and certainly with intelligent design. You know what I got, don't you? It certainly wasn't a strand of DNA. IT WAS MUD.

ayatollah_koranhater #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

how much more evidence is needed until all the hand-wringing fencesitters finally face facts?

islam is CANCER on planet earth and must be DESTROYED.

islam has done nothing positive for the world in hundreds of years. I think they came up with some mathematical innovations in the 16th century. since then, nothing but death, murder, and mayhem.

ever see Starship Troopers? how different is islam from the space insects? no much.

islam must be DESTROYED before civilization is ruined.

ateisuk #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

hate to hating all Christian religions.
This person is another free thinker who is bound by his free thinking to be a CATHOLIC HATER first by grammar history and arrives at being a slave to free thinking. Of course it is always that way with bigots and haters who think they are FREE but WILLED themselves into being another Slavish carbon copy free thinker. A worthless set of words used by CATHOLIC HATERS to think they FREE themslves from CATHOLICS but arrive right where they started; CATHOLIC HATING. And now for the history of that English word SLAVE. AH, SLAVS ARE SLAVES BUT NOT MAD DOG ENGLISHMAN. They are FREE THINKERS united in CATHOLIC HATE who coined the word SLAV to be united forever with those SLAVS who are obviously CATHOLIC. See how deep your hate goes CATHOLIC HATING ENGLISHMAN???

muslconstruction #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

I don't think so. Lent like most of Catholicism is a pagan import. Want a big fat child molesting fertility God who has all the same letters in his name as Satan. See Santa. Want a pagan fertility Goddess whose worship involved temple prostitutes and pagan fertility symbols like bunnies and eggs, see easter. Want a big evergreen tree as a sign of everlasting life by which you set offerings for your pagan priests see the christmas tree. Some Catholic stuff is in the bible though. Like the pope who as a symbol of satan "is in the temple declaring himself to be god" and having the power to remit sins. The end times apostacy regarding celibates and their forbidding to eat certain meats. Oh maybe that's lent. Plus the worship of graven images, the stealing of scripture ("Satan comes to steal the Word") and other stuff. Remember observing lying vanities forsaketh your own mercy" and see New orleans for what happens to those practicing religious blasphemies and pagan abominations.

Theme_investor #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

No....they are different 'kinds' within the same main specie.

Animals are animals, but there are many different kinds.

Just because 2 kinds can't breed doesn't make them different main species.
A cat and a dog are both the same main specie...animal...but they can't breed.

One main specie can never morph into another main specie !....absolutely impossible !

keypointist #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

If we asked a doctor what he thought about me drugging and raping baloney_detector [another poster] he would surely say in his clinical judgement no medical harm was done.

I am saying that we SHOULD provide pain relief as a matter of course to foetuses but this will not eliminate the moral issue.