Alruqya Healing #fundie #magick
The literal meaning of Black Magic is to make something appear in a form other than its real one. Magic occurs when a Magician, Sorcerer, Soothsayer etc makes falsehood appear to be true or makes something appear differently to people in other than its true form.
The technical meaning of black magic is anything of which the cause is hidden and which appears in a form other than its real one with the intention to distort the reality of things and deceive. There has been a huge difference of opinion among the scholars because of its nature so the definitions vary widely. However, black magic is anything that the cause of which is hidden and which appears in a form other than its real one with the intention to distort the reality of things and deceive.
There has been a wide difference of opinion among the scholars of fiqh, jurists and other scholars because of its nature, so the definition varies widely. Sihr is anything that the cause of which is hidden, and which appears in a form other than its real one, with the intention to distort the reality of things and deceive. Al Badawi said what is meant by sihr is that one seeks to be close with Shaytaan to achieve what man cannot accomplish by himself. Not just anybody can achieve this goal of acquiring the knowledge of magic, the soul of the person has to be as evil as Shaytaan. The knowledge of witchcraft is based on certain jewels and numbers, looking at star signs, astrology and taking objects and picture of the person and applying them at the correct time and words of evil and immorality are used. In this he seeks satanic help, and this is the way the person is afflicted in a strange way, which cannot be explained to the mind of man. This is against the laws of Islam. Sihr is made up of the effects of evil spirits and the reaction of the soul whether it be weak or strong to combat the force. The Hanbali’s say sihr is knots, speaking spells, writing, and acts that effects a person heart, body, or mind indirectly.
Al Badawi (RA) said what is meant by back magic is that one seeks to be close to the Shaytaan in order to achieve that which man cannot accomplish by himself. Not anyone can achieve the goal of acquiring the knowledge of magic; the soul of the person has to be evil and wicked as Shaytaan. The knowledge of witchcraft is based on certain jewels and numbers, looking at star signs, astrology and taking objects and pictures of a person and then applying them at the correct time along with words of evil and immorality. In this he seeks satanic help and this is the way the person is afflicted in a strange way which cannot be explained logically. All of this is against the laws of Islam.
The Hanbali’s say black magic is knots, speaking spells, writing and acts that effect a person’s heart, mind or body indirectly.
Ibn Qudama Al-Maqdisi (RA) said black magic is a set of knots, incantations and words uttered or written, carried out in such a way as to affect the body of the subject, his heart or mind without coming into contact with him/her. The reality of black magic is that there are types that can kill, sicken or thwart a man’s sexual intercourse with his wife. Other types can separate spouses and make them hate or love each other. (Al-Mughni)
Ibn Al-Qayyim (RA) said black magic is a combination of the effects of evil spirits and the reaction of natural forces. (Zaad Al Ma’ad)
Black Magic is an agreement between a sorcerer and a shaytaan which stipulates that a sorcerer fulfil the shaytaan’s requests by committing certain illegal or polytheistic acts in return for the shaytaan to assist and obey the sorcerers requests. Below are some examples of the conditions that a sorcerer must fulfil:
using the Qur’an as footwear to go to the toilet
writing some Qur’anic versus with filth
writing some Qur’anic versus with menus discharge
writing some Qur’anic versus under the sorcerer’s feet
anagrammatising (writing in reverse) the opening chapter (Al-Fatihah) of the Qur’an.
performing prayers without ablution
remaining in a state of Janaaba (major impurity)
sacrificing animals in the name of shaytaan and not in the name of Allah and placing the carcass at a location specified by the shaytaan.
prostrating to other than Allah (SWT), whether it is a human, jinn, planet, object etc
committing incest
writing incantations with that which constitutes disbelief
It is thus clear that the Jinn do not assist the sorcerer without something in return, and the greater the sorcerers disbelief, the faster and more obedient the shaytaan is to him/ her in executing the orders given.
He asks about one’s name and one’s mother’s name.
He demands the slaughter of an animal or bird whether it has specific characteristics or not. He could also ask for the blood to be smeared on the sick person or may not ask.
He tells the sick person to eat a certain kind of food or to drink a certain kind of drink for a specific period of time whilst keeping away from people in a darkened room during this period.
He gives the sick person paper to burn and scent himself with the smoke (like incense), or to hang the paper or bury it.
Drawing letters, numbers, hexagons or tearing up the words of Allah.
Uttering incomprehensible words or words in a language other than Arabic or a language known and understood by the people.
There are certain signs and symptoms that show in a person who has been bewitched. Signs and symptoms will be individual to the person and may not necessarily be obvious. This can be the case especially if they are close to Allah (SWT). The effects of sihr may not take control of them in the same way or to the same extent it might do to someone who is not particularly mindful of Allah, so therefore generally it will not be obvious to the untrained eye. The signs of sihr may be similar or identical to the signs of Ayn (Evil eye) or Hasad (Envy), and may even resemble the signs of a person possessed by a jinn, either physically or mentally. The way to differentiate between the different afflictions is through Ruqya.