
Robert Urbanek #conspiracy tonyahardingshotjfk.com

I waited for the show to eventually confirm my theory of spiritual ecoterrorism. Instead, the show devolved into a routine soap opera. Had I read into the show a meaning that wasn't there? I came to another conclusion: The spiritual world is trying to send us messages through creative artists. Writers and artists are usually unaware of this process and do not understand the messages that are symbolically represented in their movies, TV shows, songs and other creative endeavors. Twin Peaks is but one example of this phenomenon. I would subsequently discover symbolic messages in the movies Independence Day and the 1982 remake of The Thing.

Robert Urbanek #conspiracy tonyahardingshotjfk.com

A nuclear reactor, on the other hand, has "female" characteristics: it provides a long continuous release of energy, like the female orgasm. Instead of killing by penetration (like a bullet) or by explosion, the reactor in a meltdown kills by radiation poisoning. Poison is the traditional weapon of the female. Note the double standard: male weapons that kill by penetration or explosion are deemed acceptable in war; female weapons that kill by poisoning, such as germ or chemical warfare, are considered abhorrent.

Robert Urbanek/Jesus Christ/Ra/Allah/Yahweh/Adolf Hitler #fundie tonyahardingshotjfk.com

[Urbanek argues he is the Egyptian sun god Ra.]

Epiphany! All things become clear. The encounters with falcons, the dream of being on a ship, and the bloody urine from my inexplicable affliction were all signs that I was the incarnation of Ra. The falcon encounters with black men — the used car dealer, the home seller, the tax preparer and the dog owner — also had an Egyptian connection. In a past life I was a Pharaoh or other prominent Egyptian who had dealings and conflicts with his Nubian neighbors.

[Realize at other points in the site, Urbanek argues Ra was reincarnated as Adolf Hitler and that Ra, Allah, Yahweh, and Jesus are all the same person/God.]

Robert Urbanek #fundie tonyahardingshotjfk.com

The miraculous swirling sun witnessed by pilgrims to Fatima in 1917 was a representation of the swastika and a sign that heaven had sent Adolph Hitler to punish humanity for its sins. The miracle at Fatima also showed that the God of Christianity and Ra, the sun god of ancient Egypt, are the same diety. After centuries of "Passover" — passing over from the Egyptians to the Jews to the Christians to the Muslims — God was again appearing on earth as a sun god, this time in the person of Hitler.

Robert Urbanek #conspiracy tonyahardingshotjfk.com

Tonya Harding assassinated John F. Kennedy in her previous life as Lee Harvey Oswald. Both Oswald and his victim, President Kennedy, have returned in this life as figure skaters Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan.


Consider the evidence of reincarnation. Both Tonya Harding and Lee Harvey Oswald have the letters "Har" in their names. Both of their victims were Irish Catholics from Massachusetts whose last names began with the letters "Ke": John F. Kennedy and Nancy Kerrigan, and both were attacked in cities beginning with the letter "D": Dallas and Detroit. Time magazine also saw a connection in the assaults on Kerrigan and Kennedy. Margaret Carlson wrote in the February 21, 1994 issue, "The videocam verite of the clubbing [of Kerrigan] provides the same gritty realism that the Zapruder footage brought to Oliver Stone's JFK."

Robert Urbanek #conspiracy tonyahardingshotjfk.com

I am not the only person who dreams of a fusion reactor. Let us visit the nuclear power plant in the town of Springfield, where supervising technician Homer Simpson sits at a control panel. He begins to daydream, not realizing that his subconscious is pointing to the creation of a fusion reactor . . . "Mmmm donuts."

Robert Urbanek #conspiracy tonyahardingshotjfk.com

[The entire article is CTSTDT worthy, I reccomend you read it. Urbanek argues Egyptian mythology is true based on coincidences with Ra the sun god. Keep in mind Urbanek is Christian.]

We can predict business, political and cultural cycles by looking backward to ancient Egypt and the cycle of Ra, the sun god. (Ra, pronounced "rah," is also known as Re, "ray.")

Thus spoke Ra: "I am Khepera at the dawn, and Ra at noon, and Tem in the evening." Khepera rolls the sun across the sky like the scarab rolls a ball of dung. He has the power of resurrection and self-renewal, bring the sun back to life after it "dies" at night. Ra at noon, depicted as a falcon, brings power and wisdom, but also brings an unforgiving heat as the sun descends to earth. Tem, represented by the water lily, carried the god force through the night, assuring its return in the dawn.

The Ra cycle is being repeated in modern history, with each god of the trinity representing a different era. Khepera brings rebellion, freedom and creativity, but in his later stages falls into decadence and economic speculation, such as witnessed in the "Roaring Twenties." When the bubble bursts, as in the stock market crash in 1929, Ra at noon appears as a reactionary force, seeking to restore order and morality, often through war against internal or external enemies. After war, nations turn to Tem for rest and recovery, as Europe and Japan did during the 1950s.

How far can we trace back the modern Ra cycle and what great persons embody the gods?

Robert Urbanek #conspiracy tonyahardingshotjfk.com

Thus, after the human Borg has enslaved and destroyed much of humanity, I will intervene as Species 8472 and defeat the Borg Queens. US forces must capture and destroy the Ka'bah. The Black Stone, and its powers of synchronicity, will be stolen and placed in the White House. Rubble from the Ka'bah would be used in the construction of a cube-shaped brothel in the center of the energy circle at Fermilab. Thus, the force of the dark goddess would be harnessed for lust, not human sacrifice. In place of the Ka'bah in Mecca would be constructed a giant nude reclining statue of the performer Madonna. Any Muslim still kneeling toward Mecca at prayer time would, in fact, be bowing to the Great American Whore. I got this idea after watching an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond, in which the mother-in-law, Marie, unintentionally sculpts a stylized nude female torso.

Robert Urbanek #fundie tonyahardingshotjfk.com

In 1982, Universal released John Carpenter's remake of The Thing. The movie, starring Kurt Russell, made its debut when AIDS was just emerging as an epidemic. Except for its unrelenting splash of blood and guts, the movie was not considered remarkable at the time.

In the movie, a monster from space: 1) reproduced itself on an all-male Antarctic base, hiding itself in the bodies of humans; 2) jumped from man to man; 3) was projected on a computer as a disease that would spread exponentially; 4) attacked the base's blood supply; and 5) could be detected by a blood test devised by the hero.

At the end of the film, the viewer was led to believe that the Thing might still be alive. In an extensively edited version for broadcast TV, the monster apparently survived in the body of a dog. In retrospect, Carpenter's Thing was a mythical representation of AIDS; it behaved like the AIDS virus.

Mind of God Reality operates at two levels: 1) linear, observable events in the material world, and 2) nonlinear episodes in the collective unconscious, which are expressed by artists through our culture. These stories from the collective unconscious, or the mind of God, as some might say, are mythical representations of actual events and, in some cases, predict events. The Thing was God's way of telling gays that their bathhouse culture had brought a monster to life.

In the movie, when the monster is discovered, one of the characters, senior biologist Blair, goes "mad" and decides that no one should leave the base alive. He destroys the helicopters, tractors and communications equipment. The other base members overcome and disarm him, and lock him in a shed. As the plot develops, it becomes evident that Blair wasn't so mad after all.

God's message in the story was that you have to identify and kill, or at least quarantine, everyone possessed by the monster (AIDS). We ignored His advice. Instead, our misplaced compassion let the monster escape from the "base" and infect millions of people.

Robert Urbanek #conspiracy tonyahardingshotjfk.com

In a dream I had in March 2002, I got into a fight with George Costanza, that balding, short weasel from Seinfeld. I knocked him to the floor and put my foot on his face. What had I done? He is my best friend, perhaps my only friend. I kneeled before him, begging forgiveness. He shrugged off the incident.

Three months later, George again appeared in a dream. He was being interviewed on a talk show and was joking about his large bushy toupee. He took it off, revealing a smaller toupee underneath. He then pulled that off, showing his very bald head. Suddenly, from backstage, my mother, who was wearing a fur coat, stepped behind George and kissed him on the head. George was surprised but not upset; he thought it was all a big joke.

In the first dream, I was trying to defeat my "inner weasel," that part of me that is insecure and selfish, but then realized I needed that part of my personality. In the second dream, the baldness represented by vulnerability. The more I reveal my weaknesses (removing the toupees), the more I am "blessed" by the Mother Goddess.

My inner George may prove helpful in attaining my goal of becoming King or Pharaoh of America. This country was originally ruled by King George III. We have already had George Bush I and George Bush II. America is reading for another George the Third.

Robert Urbanek #conspiracy tonyahardingshotjfk.com

The new CBS drama Jericho, which follows the lives of small-town residents who survive a nuclear attack on America, will eventually reveal its anti-white, anti-religion agenda.

Here’s the plot spoiler: America was not attacked by the Russians or Chinese, but by a cabal of white supremacists and religious fanatics who infiltrated the military and dropped bombs on American cities to kill the large numbers of blacks, Hispanics and homosexuals in metropolitan areas.

The early episodes offer a number of clues. Atlanta, a black-dominated city, was identified as one of the first targets while the mostly white Seattle apparently escaped destruction. The surviving community of Jericho appears to be about 95 percent white and the leading African-American character is building a safe room in his basement, probably because he suspects the genocidal war is not over.

Robert Urbanek #conspiracy tonyahardingshotjfk.com

Two donuts That leaves the fusion reactor as the one incomplete part of the nuclear equation. Current fusion experiments use a chamber in the form of a torus or donut. The donut is a classic "female" geometric shape as it is all curves and no straight lines. However, as a donut represents only one female, one may conclude that a successful "lesbian" reactor must incorporate two donuts, perhaps one on top of another.

A dream I had suggests that my concepts may lead to success. In the dream, I have decided I must obtain a patent on my idea. As I begin to draw an illustration of a double torus, a corporation offers me a million dollars for my concept, although I know the idea is worth a billion dollars.

Next, I am in a tunnel that is part of a fusion experiment. A strong wind blows through the tunnel. Scientists are excited by the wind; they believe it means the experiment is a success. Scientists then find a plate-size metal disk that has the name of a scientist, "Antichrist," engraved on it. However, the word is spelled slightly differently, as if it was in a foreign language. Again, the scientists are enthusiastic, believing the word "Antichrist" to be a sign of success.

Finally, in the dream, I see a complicated equation. I don't remember the formula, but I believe the letter "e" is repeated several times.

Robert Urbanek #conspiracy tonyahardingshotjfk.com

At Hiroshima, where the atomic bomb was first used against the Japanese, the temperature at the site of the explosion reached approximately 5,400 F. People within a half mile of the fireball were turned into "bundles of smoking char in a fraction of a second," noted Richard Rhodes in the book The Making of the Atomic Bomb. Such black bundles numbered in the thousands ? the shadows of destroyed souls. In the explosion of a much more powerful H-bomb, the fireball can expand to three miles in diameter, claiming the souls of tens of thousands.

That the creation of a sun on earth could destroy souls is consistent with mythology. The sun god is often represented by a falcon or other raptor, symbolizing the soaring spirit. The earth goddess is usually depicted with a snake, representing the powers of the flesh and the generation of life. The god and goddess thus represent the duality of soul and body. The angry goddess would destroy the body; the angry god would destroy the soul.

The scientists who created the nuclear bomb were not unaware of the spiritual or mythic dimensions of their actions. Moments after the explosion in the New Mexico desert, Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the Manhattan Project, recalled a line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavadgita: "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." In communications with each other, physicists considering the ethics of the bomb cited the Old Testament, the teachings of Buddha and various works of literature, such as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Shakespeare's The Tempest.

Yet, for all their soul-searching, apparently none of the physicists in the Manhattan Project ever considered the possibility that a nuclear inferno would destroy both body and soul.

The decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ultimately rested with the Commander in Chief, President Harry Truman, who apparently spent little time contemplating the unique destructive power of the atomic bomb. Hitler killed millions of people, but at least the essence of those people ? their souls ? lived on in the afterlife or through reincarnation. Truman was the first person in history to rob people of both body and soul, and thus he was worse than Hitler. Unless, of course, you believe killing souls is a good idea.