
Tobytwo #fundie unreasonablefaith.com

[Re: God "Testing" Abraham by telling him to sacrifice his son Isaac]

Because Abraham had free will just like the rest of God’s children. So God tested his faith, to see if he would truly put the Lord’s will before everything earthly.

It is not cruel, because God loves all of his children, and even if Isaac had died he would have just gone up to live with God in heaven. In fact, it’s almost like teasing Isaac, because he almost got an express ticket to the pearly gates.

CSalt #fundie unreasonablefaith.com

Isn’t it immoral (and illegal) to republish another person’s artwork? Oh, yeah. Who needs morality when there is no god? Whew— Time to to go ‘borrow’ the neighbor’s car while he’s not looking—

schildan #fundie unreasonablefaith.com

The “evolution” of bacteria within it’s preset limits as intelligently designed by God is not equivalent to life “evolving” from nothing. The idea of DNA codes writing themselves by pure chance and improving more often than destabalizing is absurd. The contemporary theory of punctuated equilibrium holds that natural catastrophes combined with random mutations naturally select the mutations taht would improve a species. If this were true, natural selection today would lead to a general increase of variation rather than extinction. There is one way to test if punctuated equilibrium works: nuke the planet. This will both provide a catastrophe, as well as a mechanism for random mutation.

Anonymous #fundie unreasonablefaith.com

You have put on the blinders of Atheism and do not realize that the previous societies all died out before the arrival of Abraham and his lineage that allowed the Ten Commandments to come into existence. A Godless society never lasts for long.

Unknown #fundie unreasonablefaith.com

You have put on the blinders of Atheism and do not realize that the previous societies all died out before the arrival of Abraham and his lineage that allowed the Ten Commandments to come into existence. A Godless society never lasts for long.