
blaid droog #fundie wonkette.com

The dimocrats own the concept of shooting themselves in the gonads. Since the thugs don't care about the evil within their party, I don't care about any misdeeds done by dimocrats. Franken could be accused of raping Ann Frank on the steps of the nearest temple and I would still be on his side. The dimocrats holier than the Republicans attitude will do nothing more than guarantee the permanency of the rethug reich.

DemsArePerverted #fundie wonkette.com

DemsArePerverted • a few seconds ago

Normal, healthy Americans envision one man powerfully penetrating another man's an*s and gag in disgust. Liberals envision that and think "Aww, what a sweet loving couple! They should get married!"

DemsArePerverted #fundie wonkette.com

DemsArePerverted • in a few seconds

The Democrat Party is filled with traitors. Anyone who has voted for a Democrat in the past 10 years should be rounded up and sprayed with automatic rifle fire, or perhaps Zyklon B.

Matt Rowan #racist wonkette.com

[Matt] Rowan was covering a game between Norman High School and Midwest City in the Oklahoma 6A State Basketball Tournament. The players kneeled during the National Anthem, which is a peaceful form of protest. Unlike breaking into the US Capitol.

"I hope Norman gets their ass kicked."
"F*** them. I hope they lose," he said. "...If they're going to kneel like that, hell no."
He then called the students the N-word. Video of the live broadcast was recorded and shared online.

Rowan, a former youth pastor, released one of those “I'm obviously not a racist because I'm not literally a member of the Klan" statements, but he jazzed it up with this nonsense:

I will state that I suffer Type 1 Diabetes and during the game my sugar was spiking. While not excusing my remarks it is not unusual when my sugar spikes that I become disoriented and often say things that are not appropriate as well as hurtful. I do not believe that I would have made such horrible statements absent my sugar spiking.

The New York Times confirmed that the broadcast team wouldn't be used for the rest of the tournament, and the matter is currently under investigation.

The Norman High Lady Tigers won the state championship. Still, these girls were called the "n-word" in 2021. Every Black child eventually receives their share of America's racist inheritance.

Louis C.K #fundie wonkette.com

HEADLINE: Louis C.K. Exposes Himself Unfunny, Racist Jerkoff Creep´

Audio surfaced this weekend of rightly disgraced comedian Louis C.K. performing a set at a Levittown, New York, club on December 16. The timing was unfortunate because C.K.'s career just missed inclusion on all the 2018 celebrity deaths lists.

After finally admitting, against his will, to repeatedly masturbating in front of women comics against their will, C.K. promised to "now step back and take a long time to listen." It was like the intro to a sex offender version of "The Real World." It seems he's spent that year listening to right-wing media and stewing in his own bile. His December act was repulsive and cruel. It's not the product of self-reflection but incensed rage that he has been held mildly accountable for his actions.

Where do you start with such garbage? How about where he implicitly blames women -- you know, the people he victimized -- for the PC culture that he doubtless believes led to his downfall. In the minds of men like C.K., it is always nagging women, or emasculated men, telling them what they can or can't say.

"I was kind of excited to be in my 50s and see people in their 20s and be like, 'You're crazy! these kids are nuts,' but they're not! They're fuckin' like 'Nyeaah.' They're just boring. Fuckin' tellin' ,' You shouldn't say that.' What are you? An old lady? What the fuck are you doing? 'Nyeeah, that's not appropriate.' Fuck you. you're a child.' "

I dunno. I think if you're a grown man who's "confused" about the appropriateness of masturbating in front of women in a professional setting, you probably should consider listening to children. They are clearly smarter than you. It really bothers C.K. that he's well into mid-life and the best he's accomplished are some records in long-distance semen propulsion. He takes aim at overall better humans like the survivors of the Parkland school shooting. It hasn't been a year yet since a deranged gunman killed their classmates in front of them but that doesn't stop C.K. from putting them in their place.

"You're not interesting because you went to a high school where kids got shot. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? How does that make you interesting? You didn't get shot, you pushed some fat kid in the way!"

I believe young people who respond to tragedy with resilience and determination to make things better for others are inherently more interesting than the writer/director of Pootie Tang. As Jay Smooth would say, C.K. is just being "wrong on purpose." He's a needy little boy trying to get attention, but he's not dropping his pants in the middle of class. No, he's callously attempting to monetize the suffering and struggles of others.
C.K. doesn't drop the mic after mocking children. He has more cruelty to spread. He goes after marginalized people who have the audacity to believe they deserve respect.

"They tell you what to call them – 'You should address me as they, them, because I identify as gender neutral.' Oh okay, okay. 'You should address me as there, because I identify as a location, and the location is your mother's cunt.'"

He also gifts us with more of his hipster racism. I've never understood why I'm supposed to appreciate racist jokes as somehow trenchant and brilliant because the comedian went to Harvard and doesn't wear a white hood (that we know of). I don't know why this form of bullying became synonymous with "art" or why anyone thinks it's brave to mock the suffering or struggles of others, suffering and struggling that they'll never share.

My life is over. I don't give a shit. You can, you can be offended, it's OK. You can get mad at me. Anyway. So why do black guys have big dicks? Let's talk about that for a minute.

Oh boo hoo! Those awful women ruined your life, so now you have nothing to lose by being a racist creep. He should also lose his Emmys. You can hear this crap at a bowling alley.

You know why Asian guys have small dicks? Cause they're women. They're not dudes. They're all women. All Asians are women. And they have big clits, and when they have sex they just stick their clits in each other's pussies and they procreate using math.

No, that was real, he really said it.

Penn. Rep. Stephanie Borowicz (R) #fundie wonkette.com

Have you seen the OMG LOL WTF opening prayer at the Pennsylvania state House that's got everybody talking about what a crazy ass GOP state Rep. Stephanie Borowicz is? The one what happened the same day the legislative body swore in its first Muslim rep, Democrat Movita Johnson-Harrell, who had brought all her friends and family to celebrate the occasion with her, many of whom were also Muslims?

It was OH MY DEAR SWEET JESUS, but we don't mean that in a religious way, or in a nice way.


First off, we must note that these sorts of opening prayers are fucked up and weird and seem to fly in the face of that whole "separation of church and state" thing. (There's been a bit of controversy about this in Pennsylvania!)

We also must note that Rep. Borowicz herself responded to the controversy by saying, "That's how I pray every day," she is not sorry, and we believe her when she says all her prayers are that batshit.

And oh boy, do we mean batshit! Far be it from Wonkette to make fun of a person's personal praying style, haha just kidding, LET'S DO IT.

Borowicz started out with that whole "HEY LORD" casual Southern Baptist crap, like you are just asking God how it's hangin', but then she quit fucking around and got serious. She told Jesus some things about himself and reminded Him of all His greatest hits, kind of like when Trump's Cabinet praises him before a meeting. She shouted "JESUS" no fewer than one million and eight times, we guess because you have to say "JESUS" a lot to make sure you have His holy attention, as JESUS is reportedly bad about playing with His iPhone these days while people are praying.

It's around the 1:22 mark when House Speaker Mike Turzai, who is also a Republican, kind of casually looks over at Borowicz like "the fuck is happening right now?" Around then, Borowicz begins explaining Jesus some evangelical GOP talking points about Donald Trump protecting Israel. (Is that a tell that really she meant this prayer as a dogwhistle, because OMG MUSLIMS EVERYWHERE, or is it just because Michele Bachmann types can't fucking shut up about their extremely two-faced support for Israel, which is in and of itself pretty anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim, considering why they support Israel? Only God knows her heart.)

It's at the 1:46 mark, when Borowicz is wrapping up her long-winded Amen, when Turzai literally nudges her like "in the name of Jesus CUT IT THE FUCK OUT."

We thought she might break out in tongue-speaking, but maybe Turzai's nudge interrupted the Holy Spirit's flow. Shit happens.

Are people offended? Oh yes, they are! Because even if Borowicz didn't literally mean her prayer like WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE, MUSLIMS, it sure came across that way to a lot of people, on such a historic day in the Pennsylvania state House.

As the prayer reached a crescendo, at least one member shouted objections. Turzai, standing behind her, looked up again and nudged her elbow, prompting her to quickly conclude the address. Afterward, the protests only grew louder.

"It blatantly represented the Islamophobia that exists among some leaders — leaders that are supposed to represent the people," Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell, the newly sworn-in Democrat who is Muslim, told the Pennsylvania Capital-Star on Monday. "I came to the Capitol to help build bipartisanship and collaborations regardless of race or religion to enhance the quality of life for everyone in the Commonwealth."

Johnson-Harrell has also said she would like Borowicz to be censured. The governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, was reportedly "horrified."

The top Democrat in the state House had thoughts:

"Never have we started out with a prayer that divides us," House Minority Leader Frank Dermody said to applause from Democratic members. "Prayer should never divide us. It should bring us together."

And this guy walked out:

I walked off the House floor in protest during today’s prayer led by a GOP member. This fire and brimstone Evangelical prayer was before the swearing in of the PA House’s first ever Muslim woman. It epitomizes religious intolerance.
— Rep. Kevin J. Boyle

And this Democratic rep, a Christian man, also had thoughts:

Prayer should never be weaponized, especially on a celebratory day for @RepMovita as she’s sworn in as the 1st Muslim woman to serve in the #PAHouse. This prayer was deeply disrespectful and meant to intimidate Movita & her family. We won’t stay silent on what matters! #LoveWins
- Rep. Jordan A. Harris

As for Borowicz, as we noted, she is not sorry, because it ain't your business what she says to the Lord, whose name is JESUS, did you hear His name is JESUS, all you Muslim people in the chamber? Oh, you knew that, because of how Jesus is a beloved prophet in your religion? OK well anyway, JESUS!

On Monday, Turzai, the GOP House speaker, reminded everyone to at least try not being total dicks while they're praying:

"As you are preparing your thoughts, we'd ask that you craft a prayer that is respectful of all religious belief," Turzai said.

At press time, Vice President Mike Pence was thinking about calling Borowicz and appointing her to be the new Space Force Secretary Of Going To The Moon And Stickin' A Cross In It For Jesus, just kidding, he's not allowed to talk to women unsupervised because Mother is worried he'll accidentally fuck them.

various nazis of various sanity levels #fundie wonkette.com

Not sure where to submit this - it's a fundy fight between regular Nazi holocaust deniers and flat earth Nazi holocaust deniers


here is a challenge for all the non believers, somebody give me a picture of the earth that is not CGI

just one


Science is the acquisition of knowledge capable of being reproduced.

You can’t reproduce Big Bang. It’s not science.

With flat earth, there are multiple lines of evidence that point in the same direction.

Many globe claims have been power of suggestion, reliance on authority, and black box frauds. As a thesis, flat earth is stronger in 2017 than 2007.

You can’t land on a lightning bolt. You can’t land on the “sun” or “stars” or “planets,” if they are electromagnetic plasma formations. We don’t normally deal with plasma, or understand its properties, or understand the connection between plasma and consciousness, in terms of the concept, field.

Newton’s Third Law prohibits acceleration in space. You need a medium to move: floor, water, atmosphere. Space is not a medium. This would explain why NASA had to lie and fake a moon mission.


Why not? They lie about the holocaust, they lie about the bible, they lie about every single war, they constantly change history, the pretend to be part of the European diaspora, they lie about the control their banks have, they shovel race mixing propaganda down our throats, so if any of this flat earth stiff has any merit at all, it wouldn’t be a surprise if the jews were lying about that too.

In all honesty i do believe the moon landings are fake. I don’t think we can even get to the moon, nasa even admitted we cant get past the van allen belt due to radiation, so i am 100% convinced the moon landings were faked, at least the first one.

But then we have . . .


What are all the thousands of photos of stars, galaxies and planets and why would they go to such extreme lengths to create such a dumb conspiracy? And why would they invent all of these apparently totally fictional satellites and go into great detail about their workings, specifications, and spend time making these elaborate and unnecessary ‘props’ in lab environments? Again, utterly stupid idea.

Ann Coulter #fundie wonkette.com

[Part of a larger transcript wherein she argues that Bill Clinton is gay because he had a lot of heterosexual sex.]

Well, there is something narcissistic about homosexuality. Right? Because you’re in love with someone who looks like you. I’m not breaking new territory here, why are you looking at me like that?

Petermillman1 #fundie wonkette.com

Jesus is the only Reason for the season.There is no such thing as a mythological “holiday season.” There is only the Advent and Christmas season. Hanukkah is not a holiday and you can’t find it in the Jewish version of the Old Testament. If the Jews want to win friends and influence people, then they should cease trying to step on the Christian Christmas. As a Greek Orthodox Christian , I find Hanukkah to be very offfensive. If the Jews want to make a big deal about a Jewish holiday, then they can emphasize Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur or even Purim, but stay away from Christmas.

Tucker Carlson #sexist wonkette.com

HEADLINE: Being Tucker Carlson Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry For Defending Child Rape

On Sunday afternoon, Media Matters For America released a series of audio tapes of Tucker Carlson making regular calls to the Bubba the Love Sponge show in which he made a variety of disturbing comments, not the least of which were several defenses of FLDS leader Warren Jeffs and his habit of marrying young girls himself or forcing them to marry other older men -- a crime Tucker Carlson does not consider all that bad if it is even a crime at all.

While most people in Carlson's position would apologize and do the whole "I know better now" rigamarole, he is refusing, and has instead released a statement telling people to watch his show.

Media Matters caught me saying something naughty on a radio show more than a decade ago. Rather than express the usual ritual contrition, how about this: I'm on television every weeknight live for an hour. If you want to know what I think, you can watch. Anyone who disagrees with my views is welcome to come on and explain why.

Hard pass!

The newly released tapes reveal that in 2006, Carlson defended Warren Jeffs by saying that he didn't do anything that bad because he didn't rape any of those underage girls himself, insisting that forcing a girl to marry an old dude and have sex with him the rest of her life just is not as bad as pulling a stranger off the street and raping her.

CARLSON: He's not accused of touching anybody; he is accused of facilitating a marriage between a 16-year-old girl and a 27-year-old man. That's the accusation. That's what they're calling felony rape. [crosstalk] That's bullshit. I'm sorry. Now this guy may be [crosstalk], may be a child rapist. I'm just telling you that arranging a marriage between a 16-year-old and a 27-year-old is not the same as pulling a stranger off the street and raping her. That's bullshit.

THE LOVE SPONGE: But Tuck, that's just a small little thing that they got him on. Now, this guy is a --

CARLSON: Wait, wait, wait. Since when do you believe everything the government says? Wait a second.

THE LOVE SPONGE: Hold on. You know what --

CARLSON: All of a sudden, like we're very skeptical about everything until like some prosecutor comes out and says, "This guy's bad," and the rest of us nod in agreement like a church choir, "Yeah, he's bad." How do we know he's bad? What do we know exactly? Nothing.

THE LOVE SPONGE: Tucker, Tucker, settle down, lover. I mean, come on. I mean, jeez.

CARLSON: Get excited.

Yeah. If Warren Jeffs had only ever forced underage girls to marry and have sex with old dudes, that would still be illegal. However, that was not the case. While the charges Jeffs faced in Utah and Arizona were for facilitation only, he was indicted in 2008b on felony charges in Texas for personally sexually assaulting two girls, ages 12 and 15 (the conviction on which he is currently serving time, as both the Utah and Arizona charges were thrown out so that Texas could pursue the more serious charge). In May of 2008, The Smoking Gun released "first anniversary" pictures of Jeffs, taken in 2006, with a girl he had married when she was 12.

[Photos of Jeffs with his child-bride shown (her face is blurred). Caption reads, 'These were available and well-publicized at the time Carlson said Jeffs did not marry underage girls himself.']

Now, had Carlson only said these things in 2006, it would have been fair for him to say "Well, that information was not available to me at the time." Yet, all of this information was available to Carlson in 2009 when he made these other statements about Jeffs, which repulsed even the shock jock hosts:

CARLSON: Look, just to make it absolutely clear. I am not defending underage marriage at all. I just don't think it's the same thing exactly as pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting that child.

CO-HOST: Yeah, it's -- you know what it is? It's much more planned out and plotted.

THE LOVE SPONGE: Yeah, it should be almost -- you almost should put a premeditation --

CARLSON: Wait, wait! Hold on a second. The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to love and take care of the person, so it is a little different. I mean, let's be honest about it.

CO-HOST: That's twisted.

That is, indeed, twisted.

By no measure is rape somehow more OK if you marry a woman and rape her for the rest of her life. It's not more OK if the rapist "loves" the victim, it's not more OK if they buy the victim dinner first, or if that rape is part of their "religion." A father who rapes his daughter has also made a commitment to love and take care of her, and I don't think anyone would say that is somehow "less bad" than if he grabbed another girl "off the street." Jeffs forced hundreds of underage girls to marry adult men and have sex with them. He also married and had sex with underage girls himself.

In 2009 -- which was, I remind you, a full year after Jeffs' Texas indictment and the pictures released by The Smoking Gun -- Carlson continued insisting that Jeffs absolutely did not marry underage girls himself.

CO-HOST: Yeah, that's what Warren Jeffs' in prison for. He's not in prison for polygamy, he's in prison for child rape.

CARLSON: Well, actually, he's not in prison for that. He didn't -- Warren Jeffs didn't marry underaged girls, actually.

CO-HOST: No, he's in prison for facilitation of child rape.

CARLSON: Whatever the hell that means.

CO-HOST: That means that --

CARLSON: He's in prison because he's weird and unpopular and he has a different lifestyle that other people find creepy.

CO-HOST: No, he is an accessory to the rape of children. That is a felony and a serious one at that.

CARLSON: What do you mean an accessory? He's like got some weird religious cult where he thinks it's OK to, you know, marry underaged girls, but he didn't do it. Why wouldn't the guy who actually did it, who had sex with an underaged girl, he should be the one who's doing life.

Wait until he finds out about Charles Manson!

And then he said:

I should make the -- you know what, I should make the laws around here, and Michael Vick would have been executed, and Warren Jeffs would be out on the street.

For the record, of his own 78 wives, 12 were 16 when Jeffs married them, and another 12 were 15 or under. So not only was Carlson's defense of Jeffs "twisted," he was also incredibly factually wrong about what Jeffs was accused of doing.

Of course, Carlson's defense of Jeffs isn't that far off from what other conservatives have said in the past about rape. Notably, Todd Akin tried to argue that there was a difference between "grey rape" and "legitimate rape," while claiming that women could not get pregnant from "legitimate" rape.

These weren't the only horrific statements Carlson made on the program. He also defended a teacher sleeping with a 13-year-old male student by saying that the teacher was actually doing a "service" by raping a child, so that the girls in his class wouldn't have to have sex with them.

So my point is that teacher's like this, not necessarily this one in particular, but they are doing a service to all 13-year-old girls by taking the pressure off. They are a pressure relief valve, like the kind you have on your furnace.

Again, child rape is bad. It's not up for discussion.

Carlson also laughed gleefully at the idea of abusing women, called Martha Stewart's daughter "cunty" and offered to give her the "spanking" she deserves (Carlson notably flipped out over Samantha Bee using the word "cunt" to describe Ivanka Trump, saying that he didn't know any man who would ever dare use that word because of how degrading it is), he compared women to dogs and called them "primitive," he repeatedly accused Hillary Clinton of wanting to cut off all of the penises in the world, and claimed that there is "no Canadian woman" anyone would pay to sleep with.

Will Carlson face the same fate Milo Yiannopoulos faced after he defended child rape? That's doubtful. The fact is, none of this is any worse than what he says on a daily basis on his show. He says terrible things all the time, and that is why he is so beloved by so many terrible, terrible people. It's not surprising that he is standing by his statements, or that people like Erick Erickson think the real crime is unearthing the things he said many years ago in the first place, suggesting that defending child rape as an adult man is just some kind of youthful indiscretion that isn't worth being concerned over.

After all, what would you expect from the party that elected President Grab Em By The Pussy?

AugustineThomas #fundie wonkette.com

People who regularly attend church are more educated than Secularists such as yourself. You guys watch pop culture, which is completely brain-dead entertainment. It’s hilarious for you fools to pretend to be intelligent. You can barely even pull of this attempt at a high-brow insult and I’m sure you were Googling to check if you were right or not.

It’s absolutely ridiculous for a Secularist Leftist who represents mediocre, illiterate pop culture to call out the intellectual abilities of others. You need to address the log in your own eye before criticizing the splinter in mine.

If I were you, I would worry about my pornography addiction and the other immorality that goes along with being a Secularist Leftist. That is why you guys have such a high rate of depression and suicide. Without God, you have no purpose in life except to engage in cheap pleasures that ultimately leave you empty and miserable.

Senator Mike Lee (R) #fundie wonkette.com

Remember "The West Wing"? Aaron Sorkin put a lot of effort into depicting Republicans -- okay, probably just Alan Alda -- as serious-minded, ethical mammals who just had a difference of opinion with the Democratic protagonists. It turns out "The West Wing" was as realistic as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." That's because too many Republicans are like Mike Lee. The Utah Senator more closely resembles a character from a bad USA comedy series.

Republicans are holding a procedural vote today on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal. Lee took to the Senate floor to tell us how terrible it is. He could have done this with facts and data. Instead, he went with Ronald Reagan and a velociraptor.

LEE: This is, of course, a picture of former President Ronald Reagan, naturally firing a machine gun while riding on the back of a dinosaur. You'll notice a couple of important features here.

Oh, sweet Christ! What the hell is he talking about? He even had some poor staffer cart out out the Reagan dinosaur picture. How is this even relevant? Is he trying to sell us the painting? Is this a damn infomercial? Lee goes on to describe the "stirring, unmistakable patriotism" of the velociraptor "holding up a tattered, American flag."

Presumably, Lee believes the Green New Deal is so absurd and ridiculous, it is not worthy of serious debate. This is beneath the dignity of a senator, which is saying something. Lee would probably not appreciate having his own beliefs held up for public ridicule.

Republicans have resorted to some childish and petty displays recently. There was the "liar, liar, pants on fire" visual aid during the Michael Cohen hearings. New Hampshire Republicans wore pearls a few weeks ago to mock women advocating for sensible gun laws. However, Lee seemed positively unhinged. Just straight-up bonkers. All because Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats think we should consider doing something serious about the growing threat from climate change.

LEE: The solution to climate change is not this unserious resolution ...the solution to so many of our problems at all times and in all places is to fall in love, get married, and have some kids.

Yeah, that's what he said -- using his words and mouth organ. We don't know why he chose to address climate change that way Prince flippantly addressed the "Sign o' the Times": "Let's fall in love, get married, have a baby. We'll call him Nate. If he's a boy."

Lee believes more babies are the "solution" to climate change. Are they supposed to keep the oceans from rising? They can't even sit up or change themselves. The fool acts like he's appearing in some Kirk Cameron fundamentalist flick: "The courage needed to solve climate change is nothing compared with the courage needed to start a family." Seriously, that means nothing. Everything he just said was bullshit.

Does Lee really think we're so dumb that all this treacle about babies and families will distract us from doing anything to make sure there's an actual future for our own children and families? Suggesting we just fuck while the world burns is again literally a Prince song but as much as we love the brother, it's not viable environmental policy.

It should surprise no one that Ocasio-Cortez instantly owned Lee in seconds flat.

Like many other women + working people, I occasionally
suffer from impostor syndrome: those small moments, especially
on hard days, where you wonder if the haters are right.

But then they do things like this to clear it right up.

If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything.

This is a political master stroke: In a single tweet, Ocasio-Cortez demonstrates a humility that any American can recognize and appreciate. She also shows a wisdom and maturity that casts a brutal spotlight on Lee's arrogance and dismissiveness. We don't claim there are no reasonable arguments against the Green New Deal, but Republicans should at least have the decency to try to come up with one. The more they lie about the program and try to shame it like a bullied school kid, the more pathetic they all look.

Various 4channers #racist wonkette.com

What is Operation B.A.B.B.Y.?

This operation is about raising up the white birth rates in both Europe and America. Our plan is to make pro-family propaganda and spread it around social media through popular normie pages on Facebook,Twitter,Tumblr and Pinterest. These are meant to target Millennial men and women which will cause them to fall in love and reproduce. How can you join in? You must make something light hearted like this picture related. It can not have anything humorous whatsoever. If you’re an MGTOW nerd virgin that screws shit up please don’t post.

(Another description from another thread states:)

This is a normie-tier propaganda campaign intended to promote the traditional nuclear family and help to offset our demographic displacement. Overt racism is beyond the scope of this, make your own thread/propaganda. Race is to be implied by selecting images of families that have people of the same race. We want to increase white birthrates, but also while restoring the traditional family.

Recommended distribution methods are Pinterest and Tumblr. DO NOT USE TROLL ACCOUNTS TO SPREAD THESE. Recommended stylizing is lower case captions with a period (full stop) at the end. Where possible, select images that reinforce the ideal nuclear family.

The “Proud Boys” Idiot Bunch #wingnut #conspiracy #ableist wonkette.com

[WONKETTE HEADLINE: Proud Boys Tore Down A COVID-19 Memorial, Because Caring That People Died Is For Commies ]

In recent weeks, the covidiots have turned. Now, those at anti-lockdown protests are not only demanding their right to defy stay-at-home orders and social distancing protocols, they're not only asking that they get to risk other people's lives, they are demanding that everyone else join them. They grab at the masks of reporters who cover the rally and at those belonging to counterprotesters. They get in people's faces. They scream. If they were leftists this would be a super big deal and Tucker Carlson would have had a thousand fainting spells by now, but they're not.

One thing that would be very big news if these people were liberals but is not because they're not is that last week, during an anti-lockdown rally in Spokane, Washington, a bunch of Proud Boys trashed a memorial to COVID-19 victims. A memorial made out of crosses meant to represent people who have died from the novel coronavirus, two of which they broke. Crosses. You know, like the one Jesus hung on?

The memorial had been put together by activist Tom Robinson, who runs the Stronger Together Spokane Facebook page. Robinson also attended the protest as a counterprotester, where he planned to simply stand with his memorial and not bother anybody. This did not work out as planned, because these people are the biggest assholes on earth. A video posted to the group's Facebook page show the protesters harassing Robinson, screaming at him to take off his mask and otherwise acting like the school bullies in a John Hughes movie.

The primary antagonist in the video was a Seattle Proud Boy who called himself "Milkshake," but whose real name is Daniel Lyons Scott. "Milkshake" wore a midriff bulletproof vest and a Hawaiian shirt — aka "big luau," get it, official shirts of "Boogaloo Boys," the far-right fanatics hoping that the pandemic will lead to a race war.


Here’s the video
[Sadly I couldn’t post a video link]

The video also features a man old enough to have grey hair taunting Robinson and claiming that he "knows" that this is all a hoax and a very aggressive woman wielding a flag. Here are their pictures, should you happen to live in the area and want to avoid people who will probably infect you with COVID-19. Or, you know, if you work in human resources.


Tom Robinson told the Spokesman-Review that he felt afraid for his safety and so left the area. When he returned, he found his memorial had been destroyed.

Soon after, Seattle area Proud Boys Zac Staggs, Josh Hanks, and Daniel "Milkshake" Lyons Scott posted a video to TikTok in which they actually bragged about tearing the memorial down, writing "Antifa made a fear propaganda cemetery. We cleaned it up. We don't stand for COMMUNIST FEAR" as a caption on a picture of it. The image then switches to a picture of the crosses in a pile on the ground, with a hand doing the "OK" symbol now associated with "White Power" over it. Because of course.

[TikTok of the fromage-for-brains doing just that. Jerks.]

Charming people, no?

Robinson has since put the memorial back together, replacing the two crosses broken by the Proud Boys in their attempt to stamp out "communist fear." Most likely, unless these douchenozzles keel over and die from COVID-19, everyone involved will remain at an impasse. Because that's just how things are now.