Blammo #fundie
Another pharisee here I see, so you probably also pray "I thank you God that I am not like those nasty conservative Christians"
Another pharisee here I see, so you probably also pray "I thank you God that I am not like those nasty conservative Christians"
Speaking at GAFCON's conference in Jerusalem, the British evangelist Rico Tice warned God would "take his power, his spirit and his gospel outside of the institution" unless Anglicans "submit to scripture and repent of our sin". He also revealed he stepped down from the Archbishops' Task Group for Evangelism after Bishop Paul Bayes affirmed same sex relationships
I got ordained in the Anglican church yet I’ve had this profound disappointment. It was very interesting yesterday to hear the New Zealand delegate Rev Behan talk about weeping and grieving over his church. I could really relate to that - I weep over the people who have turned their backs on the authority of scripture.
So to come here and see the largest collection of Anglicans for the last 50 years meet together, to have a Nigerian bishop rebuke us about our sin was so refreshing. As we sat there and were told around the world "these are the different issues you’re facing in terms of your idolatry". And to know that every [bishop] I meet will be affirming the authority of scripture – you suddenly start feeling secure. That’s what it is to be a family and be at home.
If the Anglican communion won’t [submit to scripture], the Lord will take his power, his spirit and his gospel outside of the institution and go elsewhere. I think the message here, with the vast numbers that are here is "listen guys, the spirit will depart the traditional Anglican church unless we submit to scripture and repent of our sin and call people to do that." It’s a great warning to be heeded.
I’m speaking as an evangelist, someone who has spent the last 30 years trying to win the lost. I’m here because I know there’s no power in evangelism unless you’re submitted to scripture.
While I was on the Archbishop Task Group’s for Evangelism – and I’ve been to see him in person on this – the Rev Bishop Paul Bayes of Liverpool was affirming same sex relationships, which is putting people on the road to destruction. I don’t know how you could submit to his leadership? I had to leave that committee.
It’s a different religion. Bishop Paul Bayes and I have a different religion and it’s around whether scripture is authoritative in terms of human sexuality.
I think it’s a great wickedness to tell people who are on the road to destruction that they’re not - to tell them they’re safe when it comes to God’s wrath when they’re not.
The road to destruction in Britain is defined by two things. Tolerance and permissiveness - you can do what you please, and you can think what you please. If we have church leaders who are putting people on that road to destruction it’s a salvation issue. That’s why we have to distance ourselves. And that’s why I stepped down from the Archbishops' commission, which was grievous. I wept about it. I was longing to serve and found it a great honour that Archbishop Welby appointed me to that. Then I was having to submit to the leadership of a man who is contrary to scripture. It was agony.
In a way I come to GAFCON partly grieving but also delighted to find a family that is Anglican and that I can trust to submit to the Lord Jesus and to Scripture.
There’s a loss of nerve in the Church because the culture is getting more and more intolerant of people who hold onto the uniqueness of Jesus and his high and holy standards. So what’s happening is clergy are going with congregations, all of whom have a same sex attracted nephew or grandson – suddenly these relationships are there where people emotionally want to try and change position on those things because they have someone they love who is same sex attracted.
This is where the leadership of the Living Out Christians, people like Vaughan Roberts and Sam Allberry has been so magnificent because they’re saying "we are same sex attracted and we’re saying please, celibacy is the way because this is an eternal issue". They are in the midst of that battle saying "we’re celibate because that’s the way of Christ". We’ve got the people in place and the arguments in place. The question is whether church leaders will say to their people "let’s hold the line on scripture".
My son is homosexual, it breaks my heart. I will not disown him. I pray for him and his partner. I tell them same sex attraction and action is wrong. What more can I do. I show the love of God and tell them of their eternal consequences of living like a married couple but they don't listen. It makes me so very sad
But since, as the Bible says, a homosexual who becomes a Christian ceases to be a Christian, it is likelihood is that it would be considered 'conversion therapy'.
I'm afraid not. Genesis 2:24 clearly states God's original intention for marriage as between one man and one woman. The fact that humans did as they pleased does not negate that. Jesus merely restated God's plan for marriage to the Pharisees who had so twisted the institution for their own selfish ends.
There's nothing like "equal" or "unequal" divorce in the Bible. Divorce is divorce, period - and God hates it. God, through Paul, affirms monogamous, heterosexual marriage in the following verses:
1 Timothy 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
1 Timothy 3:12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.
Titus 1:5-7 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:
If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
All these verses set out God's intention for marriage. No mention of polygamy or same sex marriage there.
Tracy sorry but again you are deceived...there is no scientific proof anyone is born gay ....and many people have come out of the gay lifestyle. No it is not normal and no matter how many people yell and say it is makes it true...its isn't and our bodies physiology tell us it isn't.
Have you read Romans 1? Of course what we do with our bodies concerns God!! He knows what is best for us and created us for one man one woman relationship in marriage.Redefining it so we can gratify our lust doesn't make it suddenly become ok! The gay lifestyle is very rarely monogamous and ends in disease and death as does promiscuity between heterosexuals....Gods way works...ours doesn't and no amount of twisting Scripture will change Gods mind on the matter. Christians do not hate but they DO disagree but these days that = hate...again a lie.....Truth wins though tracy...Hes called Jesus and He is Holy which is why He died we could be too.Homosexuality is not holiness,it is rebellion and self love! :(