DrRoi #fundie bibleforums.org
Hi Soupy, My above posts have covered much of what I can say. My Doctoral theses was snatched up and classified so it is difficult for me to enter a fray in comparison with the prevalent astronomical, and physical journals, as they are not privy to the science that goes on in the "black" world. My theories combine quantum, and relativity into a single theory. It is called the theory of Triangularity. All of creation is manifested in a triangulated symmetrical 9 dimensional matrix. The system includes all of the large, Universal level and small subatomic level manifestations of matter and energy, time, and space, Gravity and, fundamental forces of the universe. Each is interconnected through a single source. All things are triangulated in their manifestation, duel in their nature, and one in purpose. Each triangle connects to every other triangle in a 9-D formation. This explains the Unified field theory, and the theory of everything. One problem academia has with finding the theory of everything is that they fail to take into account everything. By leaving the possibility of a Creator out of the picture they are missing half of the universal manifestations, which brings it all together. Once the duality of the physical/Spiritual is understood then the electron entanglement, spooky action, temporal relativity, and the possibility of eternity/infinity come into play thus forming a complete picture of all physical, spiritual, and multiversal /multitemporal manifestations become a singularity allowing for all the phenomena that we observe from our 3 ½ dimensional perspective. I hope this helps because I can't go much farther that I have.