
jacobum #fundie lifesitenews.com

The decentralization movement is nothing but pure satanic disorientation led by PF [Pope Francis] and his stone cold apostate heretics. It's the natural result of following Luther the heretic and his Deformation of Protestantism.

Mary Sayre #fundie lifesitenews.com

[This refers to Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood]

Cecile revealed she had an abortion. And to prove to herself how right she was to do this, she is destroying 300,000 of other people's babies a year. She is on a rampage in order to justify her "choice". But no matter how many cute "abortions are awesome" valentine cakes she makes; or how many pink-outs she holds; how much she "contributes to life-saving research"; or how many women and politicians she dupes into supporting the "right" to dismember living people- the decision she made to abort never becomes happy, good, right, just, healthy, etc. She must kill in order to prove she did the right thing. This is why she won't cave. She can't. She is so self-focused and powerful, the damage she did to herself and her baby have become a devastating poison for this society, and is spreading around the world. She has run amok. Rules don't apply to her or Planned Parenthood. Unrestrained destruction. Look at history. It's happened in other forms before. A little different each time so it is not recognizable until it is out of control.

Kirsten Andersen #fundie lifesitenews.com

This evangelist asked a gay bakery to make a traditional marriage cake. Now he may face charges.

April 9, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Joshua Feuerstein was just trying to make a point. Now, he may face legal action, as a bakery that refused to provide him with a cake opposing same-sex “marriage” threatens to sue him for taking their conversation public. The bakery owner is also threatening to press charges related to the recording of the phone call.

In the wake of heated national debate over whether business owners should have the right to refuse to participate in same-sex “weddings” that violate their religious beliefs, Feuerstein, an internet evangelist, decided to see if pro-gay business owners would give him the same deference as a Christian that homosexual activists are demanding Christian business owners give to same-sex couples, even if they disagreed with his worldview.

He made a tape of himself calling Florida-based bakery “Cut the Cake” and asking them to make a cake decorated with the words, “We do not support gay marriage.” As Feuerstein expected, the bakery – which calls itself LGBT-friendly and advertises same-sex “wedding” services in gay publications – refused and hung up the phone.

"We wanted to see if a pro-LGBT bakery would bake a cake for something that it was opposed to what they believed in,” Feuerstein told Florida’s WESH 2 News, “and you know what, I actually believe that Cut the Cake has every right as an American to refuse to print that on a cake.”

Feuerstein posted video of the phone call to YouTube with commentary explaining his position. “Cut the Cake[‘s owner]—refuses to make an anti-gay ‘marriage’ cake, so it obviously violates her principles, and so she doesn’t feel like she should be forced to make the cake,” Feuerstein said in the video. “And yet—there’s all of this hoopla going around because Christian bakeries think that they shouldn’t be forced.”

“Look, this is not about discrimination,” Feuerstein said. “This is about them having the freedom.”

Rabbi Yehuda Levin #fundie lifesitenews.com

A leading Rabbi says he is furious after Vice President Joseph Biden credited Jewish leaders last week for the success of same-sex 'marriage' in America.


"I'm mortified, I'm absolutely mortified," said Rabbi Yehuda Levin, spokesman for the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada, to LifeSiteNews.com.


Rabbi Levin called Biden's comments a "signal" that orthodox Jews "need to do a lot more to counter the religious consumer fraud of the liberal Jewish denominations that have totally lost their way."

"Unfortunately we have seen for several generations Jews who have totally lost their way. They've pigged out on Americana, on the freedom and liberty that America has afforded them, and they've gone to an extreme left, where they've created literally a pseudo religion," he said.

"These people are negating, they are spitting upon, their own great grandparents and progenitors all the way back to Sinai."

Levin said that homosexual acts are a "tremendously severe transgression" for orthodox Jews because such acts frustrate God's plan for sexuality and procreation.

"One of the greatest gifts God gives us is to be partner with him in creation. The closest we come to imitating him is conceiving and bringing into the world a child, and thus supplementing and complementing his creation," he said.

"What the homosexual does in effect is say: 'I'm not interested in being a partner with God, I reject this whole covenant, I want to use this [sexual act] selfishly just for my own pleasure'. Consequently it's a very very severe transgression."

Johnno #fundie lifesitenews.com

Actually with respect to the Galileo Affair, it was indeed within the Church's competency to judge because the topic touched upon Sacred Scripture and the Church Fathers directly. And the Church was right and Galileo was wrong. Science cannot prove the Earth is moving through space. Every experiment ended up telling them that the Earth was not moving. So the establishment, unwilling to admit the Holy Inquisition and 16th Century Church were right, fled behind Relativity which only ended up saying that one could not tell the difference. And now Relativity continues to be untenable and only creates more nonsense. None of Galileo's arguments are even entertained seriously any more even within establishment science which continues to try and foist more nonsense upon us like the ClimateGate Scandal. The Church of Galileo's time would not have fallen for this nonsense precisely because they stood by Tradition and knew what they were talking about. The Churchmen of today abandon Tradition and kiss the feet of heretical science and its adherents who don't possess a shred of credibility.

anonymous #fundie lifesitenews.com

[letter to aborted half-sibling]

She was 15 when your life started, 16 when your life ended. She said no one told her you were more than a lump of tissue. I’m sorry for ignorance.

Your father would be 57 now. She said he doesn’t know. I wish she told him. I wish he fought for you. I wish somebody fought. I’m sorry for secrets.

You would have been my half sibling. 14 years older than me. She took you from me before I even existed—before I could do anything. I’m sorry for unfairness.

You would have been 34 years old. You would have more than likely been married and have your own children. I would have nieces and nephews, you would have a family. But you weren’t even given a name. I’m sorry for abandonment.

Maybe when my other siblings were telling me lies and devaluing me, you would have spoken truth. Maybe you would have stood up for me when no one did. I’m sorry for life being devalued.

Is it possible to miss someone you’ve never even met?—because my heart longs for you. It longs for you to have life. I’m sorry for death.

I wish you could have come to my graduation, I wish I could have gone to yours. I wish we were friends. I wish I could call you right now. I wish we could share all of our joys and griefs. I wish we were at least given a chance.

I’m sorry for selfishness.

It’s just so unfair for you—for us. How could she have killed you? How could our grandmother drive our mother to the clinic so that they could murder you? I’m sorry for silence.

I miss you. I love you.

I’m so sorry no one loved you.

Fr. Dennis Wilde #fundie lifesitenews.com

(Friar Dennis Wilde gives a speech about Terri Schiavo's death.)

The priest said that the weeks leading up to Terri’s death were a time of “terror on all sides,” which he described as “no less than the terror visited upon our nation on ‘9-11.’”

Robin Teresa Beck #fundie lifesitenews.com

It’s my belief that all gay folks are wounded. Many people, including good solid Christians, take issue with that stance. But I have yet to meet a person active in this lifestyle — or who has come out of it — who is not harboring some pain, rejection, etc., from years gone by, usually from childhood.

But there’s more at play here. Women are emotional, that’s our strong point, and when you put two women together in intimacy, you’ve got drama all over the place. It’s like a soap opera on steroids. That’s something that most women in a Lesbian relationship will not tell you. You know, God made men more sexually driven, and women are just more emotionally driven. And that’s the beauty of men and women coming together in partnership: Somehow, it balances out. Men and women balance each other out. But when you put men together sexually, you get guys who become unsatisfied and always looking for something more. That’s why some gay men go through a hundred relationships, some even a thousand. It's similar when two women become sexual together: There is nothing but emotion, turmoil, and all kinds of upheaval.


Now, some people might learn to function in these relationships — some might say that they’ve been together for 40 years and that they’re really happy — but I think they always end up deviating from created design in their attempt to become happy. Some people might just believe they are happy as their car sinks into the river, but eventually reality will set in. God made women to be women, and men to be men. If you’re going to put men together sexually, that relationship has got to deviate from the way God created sexual relationships to be and that will only cause misery to the people involved.


I think the majority of lesbians who are craving relationships with other women have a deficiency in their relationship with their mother. I know it’s true for me. I did not get the nurturing I needed from my mom. I had this woundedness from my mother and I tried to have it healed by turning to other women and asking them to give me what my mother was not able to.

Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse #homophobia #fundie #wingnut lifesitenews.com

[on Obama's denouncement of Uganda's newly-passed anti-gay law which, among other things, imposes life imprisonment for "repeat homosexual offenders"]

“His arrogance is breathtaking,” Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, director and senior fellow of Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute, told LifeSiteNews. The “president repeatedly insists that his personal values and beliefs are equated with the nation's values and beliefs. When he insists that those controversial ideas constitute a human right, the president is saying that the deeply-held religious beliefs of many Americans are irrelevant.”

He is also disregarding the views of most Africans, they [anti-gay conservatives] say. An estimated 72 percent of all African nations have passed or are in the process of passing laws restricting public homosexual behavior.

Crouse told LifeSiteNews President Obama's actions are a form of “cultural imperialism – exporting the sexual crusade of a very small minority of Americans with outsized influence,” who have tried “to tear down the moral foundations of our nation as well as the rest of the world.”

“It is unseemly for an American president to dictate to other countries what their cultural, moral and religious traditions ought to be,” Dr. Crouse told LifeSiteNews. “And it is hypocritical for him on the one hand to say America is unexceptional and bow to other national leaders and then on the other hand, seemingly from a position of moral superiority, tell other nations that their beliefs are inferior to his supposedly enlightened, exalted views.”

“The homosexual activists are not content with acceptance and respect as human beings,” she said. “They, and now our president, are forcing the world to approve and mainstream their homosexuality.”

John #fundie lifesitenews.com

Complicated?? The only complication concerning Mandela is trying to make sense of how this promoter of abortion, sodomy and terrorism can be adulated by so many spiritually blind people.

Loupdegarre #fundie lifesitenews.com

In 130 A.D. Roman Emperor Hadrian’s homosexual lover Antinous was most likely murdered either by Hadrian or by a small group of the priesthood of Cybele and Attis who saw him as a threat to their power over the Emperor. Hadrian’s grief was immense had Antinous proclaimed a god and a star was named after him. For a time he replaced Hermes in the pantheon of gods and temples were built to him all through the Empire and a new “Edict” went out that all Romans were to worship Antinous as a god. The Christians and Jews refused and after the Second Revolt was put down, Hadrian banned the Jews from Jerusalem, banned circumcision and other traditions and he began a rounding up of Christians and gave them a choice; burn incense at the altar of Antinous or die as an “Enemy of the State”. This continued after his death to various degrees until Constantine. So to all you citizens who have bought the idea that “What can it hurt, it’s only two loving people wanting to express their love”, remember how Hadrian’s expression of love turned out and think about this, when the jack booted thugs come to your church and turn it into a temple to Antinous, will you burn the incense?

Matthew Hoffman #fundie lifesitenews.com

In reality, homosexual relationships do not represent an authentic intimacy, but rather involve mutual exploitation for the sake of satisfying an unnatural lust. Such behavior harms bodies and minds, causing physical damage and spreading diseases, and leading often to depression, drug abuse, domestic violence, and even suicide. Numerous studies have documented the destructive consequences of the “gay lifestyle,” although they should be hardly necessary if one merely considers the physical and psychological incompatibility of same-sex relationships, which substitute the natural complementarity of an opposite-sex companion in favor of a narcissistic parody of the same.

schmenz #fundie lifesitenews.com

I'm afraid you are gravely mistaken. I was born homosexual, it is a fact of life, and there is nothing that can be done to change this.

My dear friend,

No, you were not born that way, any more than one is born a bank robber, a murderer or an abuser of animals. You have, sadly, chosen this. No one is born with unnatural instincts; quite the contrary. Whatever combination of circumstances in your life caused you to take this fatal step, I know not. But I do know that no one is born with a manner of living which will bring them horrendous venereal diseases (not to mention hepatitus-B).

There is hope for you but, like the alcoholic, you must take the first steps to overcome this.

Peter Baklinski #fundie lifesitenews.com

Women around the world have swallowed a detestable lie that a person’s identity can somehow be separated from his or her biological body. This lie has women believing that freedom can only be found once she has separated her personal identity from the procreative potential of her body. Women are told that this will give them sexual freedom and make them more like men. Living this lie necessitates contraception, which effectively separates a woman from her feminine fertility, and abortion to cover up the mistakes that will arise when contraceptive technologies fail[...]

Women like Fluke who accept this detestable lie, have thereby rejected the glorious beauty and radiant splendor of what is really at the core of a woman’s being, namely her profound ability to procreate, to form a new life, to carry that life within her for nine months, to birth that new life into the world, and to nourish that life until it reaches independence.

The life-creating potential and nurturing capacities that belong to a woman’s very nature are most marvelous. But in the name of so-called freedom, Fluke and others want to elect a president who will support them in rendering their feminine bodies sterile and who will aid them in killing their offspring when their sterility strategy fails[...]

Women like Fluke are not fighting against the alleged “War on Women”; they are in fact its biggest perpetrators. Contraception and abortion have separated women from their true selves. Depraved men, capitalizing on this unnatural separation, have used and abused women’s bodies like never before. Women are commonly degraded as objects for recreation, pleasure, and profit. They are dehumanized and depersonalized through pornography and prostitution. Their so-called “freedom to choose” has not exalted them, but has effected their very reduction and abasement. Women’s “right to choose” has not led to freedom, but to the meanest form of slavery and servitude. It has made women believe that they only way they can be equal and free is by killing their own children.

American or any nation cannot honor and respect women as they truly deserve until every man, woman, and child has learned the meaning of these words: “Blessed is the fruit of your womb.”

JohnLamprey #fundie lifesitenews.com

Let's face it - the three words "Rape and Incest" has already cost 55 million innocent babies their lives and as horrible and violent as rape is, we don't punish the children of criminals in America!

What is almost never mentioned by those who yell loudest, along with most of humanity, is the fact that none of us would exist if we considered rape.

For thousands of years, conquering armies have actually done what teachers said - they have raped and pillaged. If we could go back in our own family history far enough, I'm pretty confident that all of us would have some of that rapist blood within us, and without which, we would not be here.

It only took one. And while looking around back there we would almost certainly find the blood of a few other things we detest, like the slaveholder.

So yes Governor Romney, do exactly what they claim and End Legalized Abortion - NO EXCEPTIONS and do it on Inauguration Day. We'll all be watching with tears in our eyes.

Archbishop Timothy Dolan #fundie lifesitenews.com

American Christians may one day find themselves facing legal penalties simply for believing marriage can only exist between a man and a woman, a fate already suffered by believers in other countries, said the leader of America’s most influential Catholic pulpit this week.

Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York reflected on his blogThursday on the recent legalization of gay “marriage” in New York, and what repercussions true marriage supporters can expect in the future.

... “If the experience of those few other states and countries where this is already law is any indication, the churches, and believers, will soon be harassed, threatened, and hauled into court for their conviction that marriage is between one man, one woman, forever, bringing children into the world,” wrote the archbishop.

Christians in the UK, Canada, and elsewhere have lost their jobs, been dragged through lengthy “human rights” proceedings, and faced steep fines for questioning the dangerous homosexual lifestyle, declining to facilitate gay “marriages,” or even failing to acknowledge “gay pride” events.

Petra #fundie lifesitenews.com

The problem runs deeper than abortion and contraception. Telling our children that it is OK to delay marriage so long as they practice abstinence is wrong. Even if they do not have sex with another person, they perform other immoral acts. Sexual urges are a natural part of God’s plan and should lead to marriage and children. Even “devoted” Catholics are avoiding this truth by saying that being unmarried is moral so long as one is abstinent, and that natural family planning (a technological form of contraception just like the others) is acceptable within marriage. The result is couples that finally get around to wanting a family when they are in their mid to late 30s that either do not have babies or need to have them manufactured in a laboratory. These children are the product of, at a minimum, masturbation (if the husband’s seed is used), or worse adultry (when donor eggs or seed is used), or worse still abortion (when some of the babies created are not settled into the womb). Even to those that do not have Faith in our Lord and the Church, it should be obvious that this cannot go on for long.

UK Catholics #fundie #homophobia lifesitenews.com

Promiscuity, as well as homosexuality and pornography, says 73 year-old Fr. Jeremy Davies, is a form of sexual perversion and can lead to demonic possession. Offering what may be an explanation for the explosion of homosexuality in recent years, Fr. Davies said, "Among the causes of homosexuality is a contagious demonic factor."

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