
Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

(describing "Satanic" symbols)

'PEACE' SYMBOL OR BROKEN CROSS: Welcome to the seventies, flower child. Originally the Cross of Nero (who falsely blamed the new first-century sect called Christians for burning down Rome), this emblem was used profusely by the hippies and freeks(1), or more respectfully, the student movement of the seventies and by the anti-Vietnam war activists. Now it is back by "popular demand." Little did the student movement and anti-Vietnam war activists know they were promoting the main doctrine of the church of Satan -- "Do what thou wilt' is the whole of the law." Or maybe they DID know what they were promoting? At least some of them likely did. In the hippie cult/student movement of the seventies, the focus of our culture was (and mostly still is) self-this and self-that, with total reliance on the self, never on Jesus except in probably rationalized (blasphemous) ways as in the Jesus-freeks who tainted the Authority of Jesus with flippant and insincere hearts. Some questioned His Wisdom and Will by claiming that His Law applied in some but not all cases. Some also claimed some of His Glory for the self (there's the 'self' again). See how something seemingly innocent can lead to quiet and invisible embracing of the father of lies and his familiars?

Envision the Cross of Jesus: a vertically oriented lower case "t" without the serif (curve) at the bottom -- an upright beam (the stipes) with a cross-arm (or patibulum). Then invert the Cross then break the patibulum down on both sides. Now, the Cross is head down, the patibulum broken with both halves pointing downward, all away from God and toward Hell. Now you have the heart of the peace symbol, or a close variation of the Greek letter, lambda. How our culture associated the Greek letter lambda as a symbol of peace, I have no idea. The peace sign has even become known as the "devil's claw." In 1970, the Earth Day movement used the peace sign with a U.S. flag.

Inductees into satanism may be given a trinket cross for inverting and breaking the patibulum as an initiation ritual symbolic of rejecting Jesus or as having the power to break Him. The purpose of the circle around the broken cross is not well known. It may be symbolic of Satan's lie that he is an eternal god who will reign forever. While the circle may be only adornment or cosmetic, I suspect it is symbolic of further rejection of Jesus by symbolizing that His power can be confined. The peace sign may also be symbolic of Satan casting Jesus into the eternal pit, broken and helpless; an inversion of the True future for Satan. Jesus has already been there (for your sake and mine -- for three days) and has emerged as Champion.

More contemporarily, the Cross of Nero is claimed to be a combination of the semaphore characters "N" and "D" for "Nuclear Disarmament." While this may indeed be an adaptation of the Cross of Nero, I more believe the nuclear disarmament people adapted the symbol to suit their needs.

(1) "Freeks" is the familiar spelling of "freaks." A colloquial term used by and among the hippie culture.

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

This is NOT a typical commercialized back-to-school special for tots and teens. This page is entirely for parents and grandparents of school-aged children to help you identify any signs and signals of interest in occultism, satanism, witchcraft or other evils.

Following are a few, and only a few of the symbols used by practitioners of evil. While some of these symbols are used as logos for seemingly innocent reasons and/or activities and even for righteous religious purposes, possession and display of them may be indication of something not so innocent or righteous.

This material is based on personal research and in part on the work of our brother Bill Schnoebelen, and largely on the work of Drs. Michael Haynes and Paul Carlin: Satanism in America: What They Do Not Want You To Know, ©1989, Kerusson Company, Inc.

You may want to check with the local laws first, but as Dr. Haynes told me, look everywhere for evidence of these icons. Everywhere. In the child's dresser, closet and backpack; on his/her books, notepads and pencil boxes; under his/her mattress, throw rug and CD player. Look even under previously secure but now loose carpet corners. And if evidence is there, have an electrician check the outlet and switch boxes and lamp fixtures. Your child might argue "It's MY room! You have no right to search it!" Well, it's YOUR house and YOUR child.

Some occultists and satanists are very serious about stealing your child, both spiritually and physically. In a 1987 radio broadcast, Paul Harvey reported that of the missing California children, about 20% of them had been eaten in sacrificial rituals. This assault is no joke, mom/dad. And it is not regional or state-specific.

You must be very serious about protecting or saving your child from the heinous criminals. Think of it in the way Carrol O'Conner ("Archie Bunker") put it in a plea after the death of his son by drug overdose: "Do anything you can to get between your kid and drugs...anything." Be prepared to do anything you can to get between your child and the dark world...and take Jesus with you!

As you review this material, you might end up saying to yourself "Gimme a break! Some of these symbols are as innocent as a baby!" Some of these symbols may indeed be used innocently and even for wholesome purposes but please understand that the minions of Satan will use any means they can to turn your children away from God and you during their most impressionable years. They may use something as widely accepted and embraced as ignominy in the entertainment industry. They may use simple but compelling suggestions from people who do not believe in God. He may even use a type of belief in a supreme being other than God such as a belief in the planet earth as a god(ess). They may even use symbols that are used by many people both unawares and intentional. Whatever it is that turns one away from God and His Word is not holy and is not from God. And if it is not from God...

Above I said and worth repeating "While some of these symbols are used as logos for seemingly innocent reasons and/or activities and even for righteous religious purposes, possession and display of them may be indication of something not so innocent or righteous." MAY be indication... Just because some groups and individuals use the symbols and icons on this page for evil/satanic interests does NOT mean all who sport them do. And sporting them does not necessarily mean they who do so are expressing any interest in or allegiance to evil intent. All I am suggesting is that if your child(ren) sport(s) any of these symbols, check it out.

Just remember that the Truth in and of His Word does not depend on us believing it for it to be true. The price of sin is death whether we believe it. Jesus died in atonement of our sins whether we believe it. He loves us - every one of us - whether we believe it. And His Love is the only truly unconditional love.

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

"You Make All Christians Look Bad."

It is not people like me who make Christians look bad; who drive people away from Jesus. It is people who situationally(SIC) redefine, counterfeit and conditionally apply His Word to suit cultural tolerances, convenience "interpretations" and moral relativity who PULL people away from Christ: people who think they are wiser than God and feel they can comfortably reject some of His Word because they embrace some; people who so pitifully soften, cheapen, distort and weaken His Word and change it into lies and superficial "truths"; people who cause the ones who walk away to expect practicing the Christian faith to be something it is not. Then, when the seekers are confronted with the Truth BY HIS WORD they can't handle it since His Word now gets in their way because of people who for so long have diluted the Truth to make it seem what it isn't by pabulum feeding the people with feel-good counterfeitings (SIC) which suit man with any adherence to His True Word being coincidental.

"You Should Be More Tolerant."

We will NOT situationally redefine or conditionally apply His Word to suit modern ethics, social engineers, moral spinmeisters, false religions or even to avoid invading the comfort zone of Christians. We love you too much to feed you lies and less-than-truths. It is people who do who pull people away from the CHRIST of Christianity. Practicing the Christian faith and what is expected of it is being very intolerant ... of sin ... even our own by HIS Word, not your word or mine, by embracing the sinner but not embracing the sin; by helping the sinner, even ourselves, out of bondage to the sin by loving him/her enough to TELL THE TRUTH, not in a vindictive look-down-your-nose fashion but in a compassionate way.

Tolerance, eh? On Judgment Day, Jesus will send the unforgiven sinner into the fiery pits of Hell in a heartbeat. Now that is intolerance. Of sin. And Righteously so. He further will not excuse any sin. For example, Jesus forgave the prostitute of her sin but did not excuse the sin -- He did NOT forgive prostitution, He forgave the prostitute of it. Jesus did not argue the judgment nor did He argue the law. He argued our authority to execute the woman. Prostitution is just as sinful now, after Jesus forgave the prostitute of it, as it was before He forgave her. He even reminded her of the sin by telling her to go and sin no more. He will forgive us all our sins if we are humble enough to ask, but He will not excuse any sin. All behavior which is sinful before forgiveness is still sinful after forgiveness. More intolerance. And righteously so.

"Tolerance" has probably become the most abused word in the English language. There is nothing wrong with being tolerant if tolerance is being shown righteously. We must not be tolerant of sin. Even our own. We must not embrace the sin as we embrace the sinner. We do not have to "accept" the sin to accept the sinner. We do not have to participate in or encourage the sin to "reach" the sinner. To do so is to cause the sinner to sin which is a sin on ourselves. Not in one single case did Jesus ever participate in or even encourage our participation in a sin to teach us of it and its consequences.

It is not people like me who tell His Truth undiluted and unmasked by modern man's alterations and distillations of it who drive people away from Jesus. It is people who offer self-serving counterfeitings of His Word to suit alternative interests, political correctness or modern morality who DRAW some people away from Jesus when confronted with the complete Truth [Acts 20:30 "Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them"]. It is people who conveniently modify His Word, people who set His Word aside when it gets in their way who PULL people away from Christianity. The victims of such deceit are so conditioned by the narcotic effect of a "mamma's milk" Spiritual diet that when they get a Spiritual "solid food" meal by His Word they can't handle it. People can Spiritually survive on a "cake-n-ice cream" diet only so long. Sooner or later they must have "meat-n-veggies." That is what we serve.

It is not people like me who tell His Truth undiluted and unmasked by modern man's alterations and distillations of it who drive people away from Jesus. It is people who offer self-serving counterfeitings of His Word to suit alternative interests, political correctness or modern morality who DRAW some people away from Jesus when confronted with the complete Truth [Acts 20:30 "Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them"]. It is people who conveniently modify His Word, people who set His Word aside when it gets in their way who PULL people away from Christianity. The victims of such deceit are so conditioned by the narcotic effect of a "mamma's milk" Spiritual diet that when they get a Spiritual "solid food" meal by His Word they can't handle it. People can Spiritually survive on a "cake-n-ice cream" diet only so long. Sooner or later they must have "meat-n-veggies." That is what we serve.

Our gentle and loving and compassionate Jesus is One of finality who will say "I never knew you" without batting an eye on Judgment Day to those who have not accepted Him as Lord and Savior. That is certainly intolerance, of sin, to which He is righteously entitled. The point here is that while Jesus provided teachings of Salvation and of gentleness and compassion and indeed wants us to be gentle and compassionate as was He, Jesus also provided teachings of supreme finality and harshness for the arrogant and haughty. Righteously so. He taught of Hell which so many well-meaning men of the pulpit seem to avoid. All must know this because to say to Him on Judgment Day "But I thought...." or "So-n-so said..." or "Interpreted, that means......." or "I didn't believe..." will not buy another chance.

So, it is not people like me who tell His Word unbridled and unabridged who are driving people away from Christianity or Christ. It is the people who say we do who are.

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

WARNING! This analysis is blunt. South Park is a vulgar and vile movie. Any commentary will inherently border vulgar as well.

South Park is an incredibly dangerous movie for those who do not understand or are developing an understanding of the Gospel ....... INCREDIBLY dangerous! Some of the scenes in South Park reminded me so much of the image of demons screeching and dancing around a boiling cauldron as Satan gleefully looks on from the background as the demons pitch soul after soul after soul into the burning cauldron.

Satan is portrayed as the homosexual lover of Saddam Hussein and is portrayed as a sensitive, loving and caring being though the One who cast him into Hell clearly tells the Truth about him: that Satan's only interests are to steal, kill and destroy [John 10:10]. Hussein waves his disembodied male member around. And it was not a cardboard drawing like most other images of the movie -- it was of photographic resolution. The most foul of the foul words was clearly spoken by the children at least 131 times and many other times in a muffled or garbled way as well as in rapid uncountable succession in song [Col. 3:8]. The three/four letter word vocabulary was used at least 119 times, also mostly by children. God's name in vain was used 11 times without the four letter expletive and 6 times with it [Deut 5:11]. And many times the child characters were saying things like "What's the big deal" (about the foul language). "Suck my --", "Let's ([homo]sexual intercourse)", and repeated questions about a female private organ were but a very few of the vulgar expressions used by the kids.

Angels were portrayed as females - nude, very nude. God was called many vulgar and hateful names. Satan was glorified. Jesus was equated with sexual anatomy. A child was graphically incinerated by igniting his flatulence, then another kid tried to beat out the flames with a stick concerned about the stick catching fire. Body parts dripping with blood were ripped from a child by a surgeon who expressed flippant, shallow concern. The dead child was then seen with an exploded chest. The dead child, after being rejected from Heaven (by nude female angels) and cast into Hell (which is a violation of Scripture in and of itself), was then presented as a ghost trying to influence the other kids. An all-male chorus line wore pink bikini briefs. Homosexual acts were described. Decomposing burned bodies were cast as live occupants of Hell. "Big brother" electronic shock control of a child was used to prevent his use of foul language (each time he cussed he was shocked -- he used this shock later to defeat Hussein by shouting every known and several unknown foul words). A man committed suicide by jumping out of a window. And throughout the movie was script to promote licentious belittlement of wholesome life and entertainment: rationale to lessen even further the threshold of acceptance. [Rom. 16:17 - 18]

These are but a very few of the examples of ignominy in this sinematic cyanide. And the kids in the audience loved it, almost as much as the adults with them. Many of the children seemed to be laughing because their fathers expected them to laugh, looking up at their fathers, laughing nervously and loudly just so dad would know they were laughing along with him, not likely knowing at what it was they were laughing half the time. As long as dad was laughing. That was reason enough. May God have mercy on us. [Luke 17:2]

That is all I will say about the content this extraordinarily vulgar, vile, and repugnant movie. Other examples are just too vulgar and vile to even try to describe without being as vulgar and vile. Please note that the final score of 29 is not the lowest of scores earned by the movies we have analyzed, but this movie has earned the most severe CAP Influence Density (ID) of over 800 movies: a CAP ID of 10.65! Natural Born Killers (R) earned a CAP Influence Density of 7.46! Most R-rated movies earn CAP IDs between 1.00 and 3.00. A child cannot escape being influenced by "entertainment" such as this.

And you cannot imagine the depths of the influence of this sort of entertainment! In the months that followed our posting of this analysis report we received thousands of emails from adolescents who have seen this movie and spoke just like it. With the same or more severe level of contempt for wholesome and righteous ethics. I would post examples of their email here but most of them would look like "You --- ---, ---. You are a --- and a ---. Go --- ---. And see who cares about your --- ---, you --- --- sorry --- --- --- ---. --- my ---. And Satan's, too, you --- uncle ---- donkey ---." Just like South "Puke": BLU. And some people actually believe movies do not influence kids.

Thomas Carder #homophobia capalert.com

(regarding the song "We Are the Champions," by Queen)

While the phrase is a perfect rally cry for victors in competition, such a matter had nothing to do with the writing of that song. It was a song to encourage they who choose to practice homosexuality; calling the practitioners of homosexuality (the "we") champions whether merited or not. Freddie, a self-proclaimed practitioner of homosexuality, was singing encouragement to others who likewise choose to practice homosexuality, encouraging them to think of themselves as champions, about being fighters for others who likewise choose to practice homosexuality. Another phrase of the song, "...and we'll keep on fighting till the end" was not about competing until that last yard or that last goal, basket or buzzer, but was about death ... his own ... in never-give-up defiance.

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

(Regarding the Disney/Pixar film "Up")

The only sexually immoral content noted was more on the part of the writers than the performers. Young Ellie was heard telling young Carl that she was "going to let [Carl] see something I have never shown..." while they were unsupervised in an abandoned house and her with "naughty" on her voice and on her face. I commend the artists for being able to accurately portray such anticipation on the cartoon face of a young girl. That could not have been easy. Too bad such talents were spent on such a matter. Though this was an implication of intended exhibitionism, suggestion is at times and under the right conditions more powerful than out-n-out display. In addition, Disney has set precedence for suggestive background objects on cover art for their animated features such as a phallus-looking spire on the cover of The Little Mermaid. The same could be said (and I am going to say it) for suggestive artistry in UP. Some stone pillars are meshed together in such a way as to suggest sexual anatomy. I'll not go into any more detail about it.

I know these two issues seem like I am really stretching to find things wrong with the film but after more than 1200 film analyses I need to bite the bullet and point out such matters. It is very difficult for the average moviegoer to see all the little ankle biters that ooze up out of the cinematic sludge. Just because one's "vision" does not always notice such content does not mean the content is not there. One must try to develop the hawk-like perception and lightspeed attention to detail of most kids. Nothing on that larger-than-life screen escapes our youth though it may seem so. And everything to which they are exposed to some degree shapes their outlook and morals.

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

"RPG" means Rocket-Propelled Grenade. Something dies when a RPG explodes. The "R-PG" influence of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince may "explode" some day during the moral development of children who watch it, killing some of their parent-taught and Bile-taught teachings and values. Especially in the area of the perception of and degree of embracement of witchcraft and sorcery by the child(ren) thus distancing themselves from God's Holy Word and inherently from God Himself. They may end up thinking just like the characters in the film: that magic is good if it used for good whether by a witch or an angel. Wrong!

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

[From a review of the movie “Andre”]

Andre was extremely successful at having no examples of murder or suicide. There had to be a little slice of sex by showing a young teenage girl sunbathing, but not severe enough to warrant a loss of points. Maybe I should have taken off at least one point because it was clear why the scene was presented -- only to show the girl in a bathing suit. And if this was not a little slice of sex, why was the scene not of a fat person in shorts?

Thomas A. Carder #fundie capalert.com

From a review of the film Dinosaur on the web site of the Child Care Action Project. This whole website is a giant steaming pile of fundie:

Protagonists might get the impression that a sub plot of the story is of togetherness during times of distress, portraying that all peoples of all races and ages can live and work together and can attain much more in unity than in division [Luke 11:17]. While this is true, the T-Rexes and other meat-eaters (pure speculation, by the way--we do not know for certain that any dinosaurs were carnivorous -- there was no death before the great Fall) did not flock with the plant eaters, so division was still present--and thankfully so (in the animal world, anyway). The last time what is now the predator by nature laid next to what is now the prey was in the Garden of Eden and there will come a day when this happens again [Is. 11:6]. Since the period of Dinosaur is between Creation and the Garden of Eden, no one knows for sure how predator/prey aggression manifested itself if at all. The Bible speaks of a time when the lion will eat hay like the ox [Is. 11:7], so carnivorous attacks on live prey will one day not be vital to survival and perhaps, long ago, were not.

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

Forrest Gump was a prime example of attemps of Hollywood to lower the threshold of acceptance of immoral and vulgar material. Under the humorous and warm front was graphic violence, very foul language, sexual material, some use of drugs and alcohol, and a suicide attempt. Worst of all was the 56 examples of Offense to God (the use of God's name, direct and euphemistically, with and without the three-four letter word vocabulary).(1) Although CAP Investigation Standards do not include acts of actual war as examples of unacceptable material, the Vietnam war in the movie was not an actual accounting of the war nor actual file footage -- it was Hollywood fanfare of gore and violence. Two sodliers were incinerated to the bone with bomb fire. Another was tossed by bomb blast.(2) These things happened in the Vietnam war, but the "soldiers" in Forrest Gump were not soldiers nor were they in Vietnam. Of other noteworthiness was nudity, physical abuse of a woman, child gang brutality against a disadvantaged child, and a child sneaking out of her house in the middle of the night to get into bed with Gump as a child.

Other examples of unacceptable material in Forrest Gump included living together out of wedlock while spouting "...doing nothing wrong," portrayal of sexual intercourse out of wedlock as acceptable, sexual foreplay in a car, drunkenness, and demonstration of how to use drugs.

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

[Regarding the evils of Bend it Like Beckham]
Playing football in the local park with a few of the local boys one day, Jessie is noticed by a real football player, Juliette 'Jules' Paxton (Keira Knightly). Seeing quality athletics in Jessie, Jules invites Jessie to try out for her all-girl football team. But Jessie knows her parents do not approve of her playing football. But she is so good at it and playing football is all she wants to do. So, she sneaks. A lot. She defies. She deceives. And she lies. Just to get to play football. The poster above fairly well says it all. I can hear it now! "If her parents had let her play, she wouldn't have been forced to sneak and lie." No one forces anyone to do these things. It is a choice for which the defiant one is completely accountable. To say that denial of a privilege forces one to lie is like a bad guy with a gun saying "Don't force me to kill you."

CAP Alert #fundie capalert.com

[In a review of "Brokeback Mountain"]

A "Brokeback"-type movie could easily be made, for instance, to portray a female school teacher's affair with a 14-year-old student as "a magnificent love story." And I'm not talking about the 2000 made-for-TV potboiler, "All-American Girl: The Mary Kay Letourneau Story," about the Seattle school teacher who seduced a sixth-grade student, went to prison for statutory rape, and later married the boy having had two children by him. I'm talking about a big-budget, big-name Hollywood masterpiece aimed at transforming America through film, just as Hitler relied on master filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl to make propaganda films to manipulate the emotions of an entire nation.

CAP Alert #fundie capalert.com

The Joker is, of course, not responsible for his rampage of villainy and malfeasance. One must always understand that a bad daddy is the one responsible for his adult son's evil choices since the victim of a dysfunctional home never has a mind of his own. At least that is apparently what the Spocks and Frueds want us to believe.

By the way, Benjamin Spock, who died on March 16, 1998, admitted he was wrong. He said We have reared a generation of brats. Parents aren't firm enough with their children ... We didn't realize until it was too late how our know-it-all attitude was undermining the self-assurance of parents. Maybe God is more right than Spock was after all. 'Spare the rod, spoil the child', 'beat him with the rod' [Prov. 23:14] and all that.

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

[On Raiders of the Lost Ark]

Sexual Immorality (S)
Raiders presented a full tribe of Hovitos running after Indy with their bare bottoms flopping in the breeze. Whether such nudity in endemic to a culture does not excuse it. "Nakedness" (display of nudity) is spoken of as dark, restricted, undesirable, shameful, etc. 47 times in the KJV from Genesis to Revelation.

CAPAlert #fundie capalert.com

[The sinister effects of growing up with Disney's "Pinnochio"]

The youth of the Pinocchio era are the leaders of our country, policies. legal systems and society today. And what, may I ask, happened to prayer in school? To the Ten Commandments in public places? To Christianity in general? Hasn't Satanism become an official "religion" today? And Paganism? And how might you suspect the separation of church and state, which is NOT in the Constitution but was rather a letter from an early president to a pastor promising no national religion, became a law of the land? Maybe this multi-level inference is not as far-fetched as you might think.

Capalert #fundie capalert.com

One of Eliza's friends is a professor-sounding chimpanzee (voice of Tom Kane) named, what else, Darwin. In keeping the with thrust of Darwinism, all the animals are as articulate and intelligent as humans. Each is even as experienced and practical as humans. Darwin reminds Eliza there is only 2% difference between his DNA and hers. Maybe there is only 2% difference between human and ape DNA, but it might as well be 200%. Apes are still not human. Never were. Never will be. And never were we apes *because* of that 2% difference. And that is as if DNA is the only thing that separates us from the apes. There is also that non-empirical entity called a soul which apes do not have. That God used similar design parameters in creating the physical host does not make us apes. Indeed, God placed us above all that moves on the planet. [Gen. 1:28]

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

Not so in many films which steal the very childhood from children. By the way, a glaring paradox haunted me as I tried to find justification in the Bible for the G, PG, PG-13 and R classifications established by the MPAA.

Tom Carder #fundie capalert.com

[Reviewing the film Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium]

Sexual Immorality (S)
The only content applicable to this investigation area is Natalie Portman wearing a dress that exposed a large gap over her chest. Such a display of skin normally not seen is clearly sexual: clearly intended to tease, to incite lust in the male viewer. If she had worn a dress that covered the gap, the Sexual Immorality investigation area score would have been 100. Sure, some highfalutin, high society performers wear such clothing for such affairs, but does that make such a cultural-specific display acceptable? If you think "Yes" then the fact that some cultures eat other people makes it acceptable since it is a cultural-specific behavior. Don't argue with me about what is morally acceptable. Argue about it with God. He will give you a much better Answer than I ever could. [1Cor. 8:9, Matt. 5:28]

Tom Carder #fundie #homophobia capalert.com

[A fundie's review of Bee Movie]

As pointed out above, there was one politically correct suggestion of homosexuality in the form of the queen bee being a male bee in "drag." Various homosexuality protagonists are trying to get teaching that the practice of homosexuality is normal, acceptable, natural, etc. into classes as young as kindergarten and preschool. Why not include "little kid" films in the campaign as well? [1Cor. 6:9-10] If you think these "Babylonians" will go away in our lifetime, think again. [Jer. 37:9 - 10] As long as we turn deaf ears to it and stick our heads in the sand about it, it will grow. And grow. And grow. But alas it will never go away completely -- until Jesus finally locks up Satan with a simple rotation of His Hand holding the keys to the gates of Hell.

CAPreport reviewer #fundie capalert.com

[From the review of Erin Brockovich]

Along the way, Brockovich gets tangled up with a Harley biker, George (Aaron Eckhart) who turns out to be a great pretend dad for the kids but also a source of immoral sex [1Cor. 6:18-20]. I wonder how accurate this portrayal of a courageous woman was and how much new age ignominy was added. And I wonder if the role reversal was true -- the role which gives the "husband" the final authority in family matters. Note that since Erin and George were not married (not husband and wife) and since he had no dominion over the kids other than that which she gives him, she fully had the authority in her home to assume any role over George. When Brockovich achieved the chief bread winner of the Erin/George pair, she finds herself saying the things you usually hear [what the movies have] the man saying: "I have a career that takes all my time. You [the man] will have to watch the kids while I'm gone." It is when a man and a woman become married that Gen. 3:16 and Ep. 5:23 apply. The husband is head of the wife/family as Christ is head of the church, NOT the head of women. In NO case is the husband the dictator and in every case the husband is responsible for the wife (and family) just as Adam was responsible for Eve in the Garden of Eden -- when God came for an accounting of their sins, He did not call for Eve [Gen.3:9].

CAPreport reviewer #fundie #homophobia capalert.com

[Oddly enough, from a review of 'Mean Girls'. He's pretty nasty about Lindsay Lohan, too]

Apparently Canada has made it illegal to believe God's Word about the practice of homosexuality and has made free speech about it and freedom of religion illegal. But America has not. Just think. In Canada, homosexual practitioners can now approach young kids and their parents cannot speak out against it. If you don't want that to happen here, speak out. Now! To your legislators and congresspeople. Now! And don't let them tell you there is nothing happening. YOU tell THEM what is happening. They work for YOU. And they do NOT know everything. Some of them are apparently clueless about the progression of the practice of homosexuality in America. And some of them want it to progress. If you don't tell your legislators and congresspeople what you want and don't want, you'll have to take what you get.

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