
Francis MacNutt #fundie #homophobia christianhealingmin.org

Homosexuality: A Cure?

The current debate on homosexuality in our society, particularly within the Church, is a painful one. Two positions on homosexuality are tearing apart many church denominations and Christians. These two positions are basically irreconcilable:

1. Homosexuality is condemned by the Bible. God's Word to the homosexual is, "Repent, and get your life in order."
2. Homosexuality is a given in some people's lives: "I can't change; this is the way I am, and I can't repent for that. Stop trying to heap shame on me! You are the one who should repent. If you were like Jesus, your compassion would lead you to accept homosexuals with open arms."

But there is a third position which we believe is the best solution: simply, homosexuality can be healed. That is, a homosexual can become a heterosexual; the homosexual orientation can be changed through prayer for inner healing and the power of the Holy Spirit. This solution, too, we believe, accords well with what Scripture teaches.

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