
#1vaderfan #fundie forums.starwars.com

(after quoting the Declaration of Independence)

Evolution (with an atheistic view), destroys these foundations of Rights and Liberties of the individual. Where can these unalienable Rights be derived from if atheistic evolution is the foundation of society? Or just evolution in general; how can we be sure the Creator has given individuals the Right to secure these Rights if His word is not infallible?

#1vaderfan #fundie forums.starwars.com

[Fundie was asked to describe punctuated equilibrium]

I've heard that they say, that due to a radiation exposure, it alters the DNA so when they reproduce, they could reproduce a new species because the DNA is slightly unstable. they use this to explain why there are "gaps" in the fossil record. I call this idea a little far-fetched.

#1vaderfan #fundie forums.starwars.com

There is sometimes places in the textbooks that lie. Such as the Colorado carved the Grand Canyon over millions of years. Science has show, through the press, that you don't necessarily need a little water and a lot of time, but a lot of water and a little time. If they want to state these "new findings" they should be able to, which also needs an explanation of how the water got there (such as the Great Flood). Secondly, if you backed the water up in the Grand Canyon, if would all fill in above the Canyon's "water" line...creating a giant lake.

#1vaderfan #fundie forums.starwars.com

[Adam invented science when he named the animals, according to this fundie.]

What I'm trying to get at saying was that Adam did a much simpler categorization, and I'm guessing that by the way he named woman after man (man+womb=woman; a man with a womb...that's how women can be categorized under mankind), so he must have been a pretty intelligent being. So in a sense, he did begin a classification.

#1vaderfan #fundie forums.starwars.com

Evolution is philosophically and somewhat religiously based.

It is a philosophy/religion. I'm sure if it wasn't for tax dollars, or if the world just accepted it as a philosophy/religion, it would almost die out completely.

#1vaderfan #fundie forums.starwars.com

[Fundie was asked where and how those who follow the religion of evolution worship.]

A place (I'm only listing one for now) would be Public Schools (where we study, learn, and apply this Religion to life). The Priests are the Scientists, the Teachers,...

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Adolf Hitler, other political leaders; Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Other Hollywood stars; etc... Since we removed a God or group of gods, we only have one more immediate thing left: MANKIND; the highest by-product of Evolution.

Zekey #fundie forums.starwars.com

The chinese written language has evidence that it was derived from biblical teaching. The character for forbidden consists of three symbols: tree (of knowledge), tree (of life) and command (from God). There are other similar occurances like this.

Zekey #fundie forums.starwars.com

Galileo was pursecuted for being a trouble-maker. Do your homework and you'll see that it wasn't the church that didn't like what he was saying, it was other scientists who didn't want their work to be meaningless. It was supposed to be argued about by academics but Galileo wanted to have a stronger influence so he used political power to shame his opponents. The church only became involved when he was asked to stop preaching so loud (church was the law at the time and they were approached by the other scientists).

crazy4starwars006 #fundie forums.starwars.com

3.) if we evolved...why don't we eveolve today? IN PUBLIC...why (if u still believe in the sasquach) must we do it in private, away form scientist that can record it? and don't tell me "because we are perfectly adapt and no longer need 2 evolve" because, if we came from monkey's, why don't they evolve since thier not perfectly adapt? scientist have been watching and waiting 2 c if thier lab animals will evolve rite b4 thier eyes 4 centuries and what have they got? NOTHING!! did they/ we just all the sudden decide 2 stop evolving the moment man was able 2 record it? it's stupid.

will it ever end!!...

crazy4starwars006 #fundie forums.starwars.com

5.) and lastly...take a look outside 4 a quick minute. how could all of that have been formed by a bang? it makes no sense whatsoever!! humans coming from rocks? that's rediculous!! there has 2 b another way, 1 that actually makes sense and that won't fall apert like evolution!!

crazy4starwars006 #fundie forums.starwars.com

In response to:
[We are still evolving. We're not talking about a process over a generation, we're talking about countless generations behind evolution]

oh plz!! we have not changed at all. apparently we stopped evolving the moment man could record the happenings

crazy4starwars006 #fundie forums.starwars.com

4.) scientists believe that we evolved from rocks!! now don't try 2 tell me otherwise because if not, then where do monkies come from? i've already heard this debate. scientists believe that they came from various sea creatures, but where did they come from as well as the water? "well, it rained on the earth for billions of years" (is that not correct according 2 evolution's theory?) great now what about the fish? "well it rained on the rocks 4 so long that they became liquified and...." oops. it makes no sense!!
5.) proven fact (scientist have also proven it): LIFE CAN NOT COME FROM NON-LIFE!! in other words: u can't get life from something that is not alive. and last i checked rocks r not alive!!

it just keeps going!!...

crazy4starwars006 #fundie forums.starwars.com

if we evolved...why don't we eveolve today? IN PUBLIC...why (if u still believe in the sasquach) must we do it in private, away form scientist that can record it? and don't tell me "because we are perfectly adapt and no longer need 2 evolve" because, if we came from monkey's, why don't they evolve since thier not perfectly adapt? scientist have been watching and waiting 2 c if thier lab animals will evolve rite b4 thier eyes 4 centuries and what have they got? NOTHING!!

crazy4starwars006 #fundie forums.starwars.com

In response to:

[No evolutionist is trying to argue that a monkey suddenly became a human after walking out from behind a tree or in the blink of an eye.]

i didn't say so. i said that there is no way monkeys change to humans. if so, then we would have millions of half man half monkey people walking around

crazy4starwars006 #fundie forums.starwars.com

why i believe the Bible is the truth:
1.) everything in the Bible has been proven 1 way or another up 2 "Revelations" (which is things 2 come). whether it b countless written documents or caligraphy on the occurences found in this book or simply just the excivational proof.
2.) if u go 2 the red sea and scubba 2 the bottom not only will u find the remains of the Egyptian army, but u will also detect large quantities of metal from their armor from when God parted the sea 4 the Isrealites 2 escape.
3.) Noah's ark was reported 2 have been discovered several years ago BY SCIENTISTS+, people all over the world (china, europe, ect.) have told tales of their ancestors surviving in a large boat 4 40 days and nites after a great WORLDWIDE flood.
4.) the remains of Jesus still have not been discovered, even after centuries of searching
5.) and lastly...take a look outside 4 a quick minute. how could all of that have been formed by a bang? it makes no sense whatsoever!! humans coming from rocks? that's rediculous!! there has 2 b another way, 1 that actually makes sense and that won't fall apert like evolution!!
now i'm not trying 2 tell u 2 change ur religion, but what i am telling u is that if u want 2 keep believing in evolution, then ur just fooling urself. u may have come from monkies...but i certainly did NOT!!

LucasSkywalker21 #fundie forums.starwars.com

[This is either a troll or someone who has been told scare stories about what happens to boys who masturbate. Hard to tell which.]

A person is either Gay because a) he's sexually gratified himself alot (jerked off) or: b) he's slept with alot of women [God bless you, if you do both]
Science/research is never required for this topic. I'm not stuck-up, but I do know what I'm talking about. All being gay is, is a cause/affect reaction. There's nothing genetic about it.
When you call someone "Gay", what's going through your head at that EXACT second is "Did he jerk off alot, or Sleep with alot of women?" It makes you just as gay as him, for thinking about his cock.

The more you masturbate/engage in intercourse, the shorter you get, and in the end just leaves with a "short pen0r". And all that means is that you don't get sexually aroused by women anymore, hense the term "Gay".

Lord Mainerd09 #fundie forums.starwars.com

I like Ham, he's brilliant and his ideas are consice. I don't swallow everything, only what makes sense. He made sense, checking facts... he's a Christian and I'm sure if he's running a business as big as Answers in Genesis, he would not be making up or distorting things, or scientists would be all over him. I'm not slinging out remarks just to read them, I can write it on paper. He simplifies it for the audience, not distorts it. If he gave them the full science, they would be overwhelmed and not understand a thing he'd be saying.

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