
TheSavior #god-complex #crackpot #fundie #dunning-kruger freejoy.aimoo.com

Understanding Why The Natural Disasters Come: Floods, Tsunami, Earthquake, Volcano Eruption

You are not living alone on Earth, there are also many super deities, super beings with many thousand years of age who are residing on Earth as well.

There is no any science can explain and tell you exactly what, when, why those natural disaster catastrophe come.
The only way for human to learn, understand and control it is by using common sense and history sacred teaching.

The current virus pandemic is a proxy war about:
1. Climate Change, Global Warming Subject.
2. International Financial Money System.

Because it cannot be real for the casualties death number are way too low compare to the other deadly virus pandemic event in history.

The natural disasters only come when “human are too stupid”.
When they are too stupid?
When they do not understand the Earth game correctly.

I have said the Earth game have 2 parts:
- Part 1 is team work in order to find the Himalaya mountain rage.
- Part 2 is personal job in order to find & conquer mount Kailash.

The downfall of most empires, nations throughout history is because they do not understand that game rule.

- Part 1 here I really mean is that have a fair community people support each other when “necessary”, but you cannot control enslave and treat them like animals.
- Part 2 here I mean everybody should have some room of freedom, free choice when they need, so they can self discover the Earth game.

But many so called governments was and are treating their citizens terrible, they do not allowed people to talk “bad” against government, do not allow to report corruption,etc.

Have any of you wonder they China got virus pandemic and a historic rain floods just few months in 2020.
Do know you in China, there was some prophecies made by some “beings” correct 100% about what will happen in the future for the last 1000-2000 years?
Because they are not mortal humans but they are super beings have lived on Earth for many thousand years and still observing the Earth game between mortal humans.

I would more convinced that those super deities/natural gods has made corona virus NCOV and many other diseases and other natural catastrophe in history to wake up and destroy the regime/empire/nation because those leaders have failed too lead the people.

This is the last part in 2 part series about the connection between natural catastrophe and humanity.
Overall, the natural disaster only come when “human are too stupid”, or in more details:
1. They are destroying the nature environment.
2. The game/society rule between humans affair are not fair and too imbalance.

If they do not break any of those 2 conditions, the natural catastrophe cannot come.
Any other reasons are all wrong, stop “gambling”, you must face the truth !

The Lord of the lords, and the King of the kings is me !

Best Regard,
The Savior

TheSavior #god-complex #crackpot freejoy.aimoo.com

If you have a basic common sense, you should connect the dot and ask your self “Who going to give you the free money”?

1. Believe in a crazy online blogger like me who said having a working cure for the NCOV Covid-19.

2. Believe in nice words, tell and ask you to follow them even though they have made many false predictions.

To phrase it to more easier to understand: if you got the NCOV Covid-19, listen to crazy people who are saying have a working cure or listen to nice people who saying waiting, should try this or that drug but not sure work, which one will give you more chance of live more? Use your common sense.

TheSavior #god-complex #crackpot #fundie freejoy.aimoo.com

The Bible & Other Ancient Prophecies Already Predicted AboutThe Corona Wuhan Virus Event

Over the last 2years, I have warned that this civilization going to get a globalcatastrophe event in 2021, but many if not all secret societies,governments & groups have all ignored my information and manyeven said I am not the real savior Messiah, how stupid & funny.

With the currentgoing on with the corona Wuhan China virus, you can see and have yourown prediction about the year 2021, this is just a first month of2020. And this is just a small unseen with human eyes virus, not asuper volcano eruption yet.

The Bible revelationalready said about this event and at least 1/3 of world populationgoing to disappear because of this deadly virus event, unless theGovernment & secret societies wake up & listen to me the realsavior Messiah.

Do you know there isa famous Chinese prophecy also said that 90% of Chinese people goingto die because of this event as well.

I am not postingthat information to scare any of you but I just want the “controller”the government & many secret societies wake up and open theirmind set and listen to me.

Instead of waiting for “healthexpert” for vaccine or whatever “potential working” medicine,you better listen for whoever can claim able to solve this apocalypseevent, then whether it is useable for the public or not, you candecide later.

I have designed aspecial method & way to solve this deadly Wuhan virus event atglobal macro public level, not just some easy individual level. But Icannot publish it freely on the internet because of law of karma &law of creation, I can only reveal to some government in a secretmanner.

So if yourgovernment or any groups, especially the Asian one want to have aperfect solution and solve this problem, you better quick and have adirect communication at freejoy.aimoo.com or theworld.data.blog.

I highly recommendall the readers forward this message to the authority & yourgovernment. It is better have a real test and do something, ratherthan wait then die.

It is easy to designa new living system for all but this virus event is something worthyfor the savior to show his talent & super ability.

If you have not know& see a real living Buddha, then you are going to see it if youstill alive.

Best Regard,
The SaviorMessiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever-Name

TheSavior #god-complex #crackpot #fundie freejoy.aimoo.com

Where Did All The Religions Come From & Why Most People Do Not Understand Me The World Savior

All the languages, religions on Earth are not made by mortal humans at that timeline.
It was made by above mortal human level: some beings are immortal gods, demigods, some beings from previous civilization and some beings are self evolution at that time.
Now what ever subject you want to debate with each others, you must use sacred old teaching & textbook, and real life result. You cannot said this theory, this ideology is “good” for humanity because you think so.

In order to have a “better” world you must:

1. define what exactly is a “better” world.
2. able to explain old religion teaching with action language along with real life examples.

If you cannot have correct answer for just 2 questions then all of the “theory” are meaningless.

Many of you do not understand me the world savior for whatever reason.

I have a feature like any search engine online, but in order to have a correct solution you guys must typing, tell what you are looking for and ask.
In real life, you cannot have the answer you are looking for just by opening your web browser and expect the search engine give you the answer without typing !
Many religions have some requirement activities such as “pray” and “worship”, but that rule do not apply to me. I am not want any of you to “pray” or “worship” me because I already have unlimited power already.

The real reason why “pray” and “worship” exist in many religions are:

- Remind people to study old religion sacred textbook.
- Receive the “blessing” or some small help from those beings you are “worship”.

I am not going to appear on all people eyes, display all kind of super abilities and give direct immortals life formula for all because that it is not the way of the infinite life in the Universe. The only way I will communicate with you guys is via online internet.
If you remember the religions time line and events, you will see the teaching come from direct in-person like Jew, Buddhism, Taoism to indirect via telepathy in Islamic and others.

What is the most highest level religions out of top 10 most popular religions at the moment?

Do any of you even have any answer.
I can reveal to you that is the Buddhism.
Because many monks corpse after burning, the result are not the dust like the rest but are some beautiful gemstones.
It only happened because they did follow the “right” leader Gautama Buddha, the one who know the secret of the infinite life in the Universe.
What I will do if have opportunity is unlike many other old teaching in all religions.
I am not going to preaching with boring words.
All I will do is redesign the social life system and help you guys archive/understand the secret human body, human life through exercises, activities. Or in short is real life experience. But of course with only beings who really want to know.
If you want me the verify my identity, all you need is just to ask me whatever question you have in life. Not just some boring text theory but with real life experiment result as well if you want to.
I still keeping the best of best knowledge and wisdom till now.
Find me at freejoy.aimoo.com.
Best Regard,
The Savior

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