
Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy freewestmedia.com

What peace needed was a quick decisive Russian victory that demonstrated extraordinary military power that completely stopped any further Western provocations of Russia. But the Kremlin was too liberal-minded to do what was neccessary. Consequently the Kremlin made a strategic error, dropped the ball and has failed to protect Russia from provocations that are leading to WW III.

Instead, the Kremlin filled with liberal delusions long discarded in the West decided to show a good side by limiting itself to the rescue of the Donbass Russians. This gave the West all it needed to present Russia as a military incompetent upstart. Among the Kremlin’s errors, the Kremlin overlooked that Ukraine’s distress from the limited Russian intervention created an opportunity for Poland to claim former Polish territories in western Ukraine where there are no Russian troops engaged.
If Poland moves into western Ukraine as it is tempted to do, opportunities for Polish-Russian conflict arise. As Poland is a NATO member, Washington has given Poland, as the British government did with World War II’s “Polish Guarantee,” the power to start a world war.

The Polish government has a penchant for emotional decisons, not responsible decisions. Just as the Polish military dictatorship thought the “British Guarantee” protected them, causing them to spurn Hitler’s demand for the return of German territory stripped from Germany in the Versailles Treaty despite President Wilson’s “guarantee” of no territorial losses, the Polish government thinks today that NATO membership protects Poland from Russian retaliation.

The government in Warsaw does not comprehend that the “NATO Guarantee” is worth no more than the British Government’s guarantee that launched WW II.

The governments that comprise the Western World have given Poland, once again, the decision whether there is to be a World War.

This deplorable and unsettling fact stares us in the face, but no Western media, not even online media, acknowledges it.

Fabian Fjälling #wingnut #conspiracy #racist freewestmedia.com

Sweden’s Decaying Democracy – More Like Communist Romania without the Torture

A journalist is arrested and dragged out of the Gothenburg Book Fair because he politely asked a powerful politician… the wrong questions about his support for the ethnically-cleansed Zimbabwean dictatorship. Not only journalists, but academics and bloggers are being hounded by the leftist establishment daily. And they have all the nasty instruments of the state at their disposal. Citizen reporter Fabian Fjälling looks into their excesses.

The Swedish regime and its media have always promoted the idea that Sweden is the role model for freedom and democracy. The Swedish people have slowly and subtly been manipulated into a position where the Swedes themselves act like Pavlovian dogs who start barking as soon as their master plays the racist or Nazi card. In fact, the regime never needed to pass their many laws on what kind of speech is permissible or not, and which political parties should be taking part in Sweden’s so-called democracy.

Sweden has many laws against alleged hate speech, which are regularly trotted out any time someone dares to stand up for the Swedish people. For the most part however, Swedes have sadly been brainwashed into suppressing free speech themselves. In some mysterious way, the general sentiment has for a long time been that if you – being a Swede – stand up for white indigenous Swedes, you are assumed to want to kill anyone who does not fit that description.

The situation in the country is almost like a severe form of brainwashing, or Monarch programming, where the master can induce the victim to inflict severe injuries upon him or herself. In Sweden, the programming has been applied to a whole nation.

A Romanian I spoke to compared Sweden to Romania in the fifties. That was a time when such infamous facilities such as the Pieteshti and Gherla torture centers were used to programme a whole generation of intellectuals. This was done in order to create the perfect communist citizen in a communist utopia. My Romanian friend was astonished to learn that the Swedish regime has accomplished what the Romanian Bolshevists had so keenly desired, but without using torture.

Recently, Swedish alternative media has gained a huge audience, and this is even more surprising since the regime has done all in its power to suppress its advances. Truth is slowly penetrating the bubble in which the nation is being held captive. Swedes are starting to realize that the obsolete mainstream media has been shaping their world view, and that this old media has been far from neutral.

They have started to understand that there are a number of very important questions which are never asked by the obsolete media. Pervasive still, however, are the social stigma and informal repression of people who ask questions along the lines of: “Do Swedes exist as a people?”

Or: “What will the long term effect be on life for the Swedish people if their country is filled with third world immigrants?”

Or: “Are immigrants from Somalia really a badly needed asset for Sweden, and if so, are they not more needed in Somalia?”

The social stigma and informal repression that follow when posing such questions force many alternative journalists and thinkers to publish under pseudonyms. If an alternative media journalist is doxed, there is a very high risk that he or she will get fired. After that no one will employ “the racist” to avoid bad publicity for the company.

Still, some media outlets have chosen to fight the battle in Sweden head-on. On a shoestring budget, while making intelligent moves, they manage to expose the emperor’s pretence of being clad. The newspaper Nya Tider [New Times] is one example.


The Nya Tider journalist managed to find the former top diplomat, Social Democrat Pierre Schori (pictured), who has on several occasions openly supported the genocidal Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe. In all his career, Schori had only ever been interviewed by leftist liberals. Being faced with questions from a conservative angle made him completely lose his composure as is evident from the video. At the end, one sees the reporter eventually being arrested by police. His crime was asking questions, as he never once touched the former politician.

It’s therefore official: Sweden is a police state where journalists are arrested if they ask questions that make the regime look bad. The task of the mainstream media in Sweden is to make Sweden look nice abroad. The functionaries of the regime are to be portrayed as the great beloved leaders, no matter how many people are shot or blown to pieces in the escalating gang violence that the regime has imported.


{Submitter’s note: The original article mentions many more ‘cases’. See the source link if you’d like to see them.}

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