
Carl Morris #homophobia heteroseparatist.com

The homofascists in American society don't want it to be known that, dissociating with someone because of their behavior and oppressing someone because of the color of their skin are two vastly different things. Vastly different.

The definition of a bigot used to be a person who thought that he/she was superior to a person of color. This definition has been changed in an attempt to silence those who acknowledge the truth about sexual behavior. When a gay person calls a straight person a "bigot," they are stealing the nobility of the African-American civil-rights movement.

When were homosexuals taken from their homeland and sold into slavery? When were homosexuals forbidden to learn to read or forbidden to vote? When were members of the GLBT community denied the right to own property or relegated to the back of the bus? When were gays systematically and legally denied service in hotels and restaurants. When where there water fountains with signs reading "Straight people only?" Isn't equating race with behavior the epitome of racism?

How can I support people that define themselves by their sexual activities when such activities should remain private? How can I interface with a mind that sees homosexuality and heterosexuality as the same when billions of human beings, including "gay" people, walk the Earth as a result of heterosexuality and not one human being has been born as the result of a same-sex union? How can I get along with someone who rejects their own genitals? How can I remain silent when men who have sex with other men insult me?

Carl Morris AKA Mantronikk #homophobia heteroseparatist.com

The five divisions of homosexuality are...

The Stockholm (syndrome) homosexual, who was seduced and/or graduated into homosexuality by another, almost-always-older, male. The Effeminate homosexual who over-relates to women, usually due to an absent or passive father, and/or an overbearing mother. The Spotlight homosexual who’s rebelling against manlaw and loves the attention and drama that homosexuality brings. The Vagifearian homosexual who’s terrified of girls/women, usually due to older-female-on-younger-male sexual or physical or emotional abuse. And finally, the rarest of all, the Normalphobe homosexual, who is without any outward signs of homosexuality and doesn’t need or want attention, but can’t stand being sexually normal. Every homosexual is in at least one of these five divisions.

Carl Morris AKA Mantronikk #fundie #homophobia heteroseparatist.com

What about the media-ignored, ex-gay community? The entertainer Little Richard is a former homosexual and a man named Steven Bennett, also a former homosexual, is the head pastor of a church that reaches out to the GLBT community called Steven Bennett Ministries. Wasn’t Anne Heche “gay” for a time and now a married (to a man) mother? Then there’s Exodus International, a ministry that’s full of formerly “gay” people. Also, I’ve personally known three men that were once homosexuals and aren’t anymore.

Because of my time and travels on planet Earth, I’ve spoken, at length, to at least one hundred and seventy homosexuals and at least eighty lesbians. And when I sifted through all of the bits and pieces of information that I’ve gathered from talking to members of the GLBT community, I came to the conclusion that the gay lifestyle, although not an overnight choice, still begins as a choice, sparked by sudden and/or gradual childhood, emotional trauma. And then becomes a daily choice to ignore or rebel against the natural order of life.

Typically, a boy “misbonds” with his father before he’s five and bonds to a female that is usually his mother. Then other boys sense his effeminate behavior and humiliate and reject him. And often, a homophile offers the lonely, misdeveloped boy, “love” and acceptance. The gay lifestyle is the psychological equivalent of a broken bone that wasn’t set correctly before knitting itself back together.

There are two specific psychological terms relating to the GLBT lifestyle; one is called, “gender identity disorder,” and the other is called “gender dysphoria.” Simply put, it’s a boy who doesn’t grow out of the “I don’t like girls” stage of male sexual development. Or, vice-versa.

Carl Morris #fundie heteroseparatist.com

It was somewhere around 1982 when I first heard the “born gay” concept, and it took me twenty years to figure out that people can actually deceive themselves into believing that they were born “gay,” whilst common-sense observations about the human species prove them wrong. The “born gay” concept is in direct opposition to the ridiculously obvious pattern of human reproduction. Human beings reproduce sexually. This means that people who say that they were “born gay” are, in effect, saying that nature has chosen to remove their ability to reproduce.

Nature doesn’t do that.

Nature is, very obviously, dedicated to the reproduction of all species of life. Why would nature create a life form with millions of cells and remove that life form’s attraction to the opposite sex which is necessary for the propagation of the species?

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