
Jennifer Bilek #transphobia jbilek.substack.com

The Gender Industry: Deconstructing Reproductive Sex

Continuing to frame the gender industry as "woke" political ideology run amuck, a medical scandal, and a social contagion, ignores the enormous power and money behind what is now an industry in deconstructing human reproductive sex.


The gender industry is, at core, a technological enterprise, one intent on removing humanity from its roots in the natural world, and toward greater fusion with technology . It markets the idea that we can transcend our humanity through technology, that we can change our sexed reality, embedded in every cell of our bodies.

While transsexualism and the macabre surgeries attempting to alter human sex, were made manifest in the bowels of the medical industry, with the help of sexologists, this paraphilia has been normalized and industrialized by the tech industry because it deconstructs womanhood. It reduces female reproductive biology to merchandise for sale. The normalization of this paraphilia of adult men, grooms the public to adapt to technological reproduction processes that remove men and women, as whole human beings, from reproduction.

This grooming process is particularly important for the youth, who are learning in schools that they can be created through technology, that their reproductive anatomy is both cordoned off from the rest of their bodies, and that compartmentalized, it can be treated as mix and match commodities for expressing oneself.

The gender industry is fundamentally a technological castration cult, which has been inserted into the market. It indoctrinates children to offer themselves as sacrifices to a technological god as an initiation rite toward transcendence from flesh. The destruction being meted out by this cult is happening because it attacks the nucleus of our humanity. If we continue to address the many fronts of damage it is manifesting, without addressing the monetized power at the root, we will be helpless to end the carnage. It may be possible to drive back some fronts, but overall the LGBTQI+ political apparatus, where gender ideology is being funneled into society, is extremely powerful and intent on advancing the rights of same sex attracted individuals to have their own biological children, with their partners.


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