SecondSkin, CryingInYourInbox & shewolfoffrance #transphobia
They’re still pushing the “cis women get aroused by themselves as women too” bullshit
( SecondSkin )
But… so what if women did? It doesn’t involve us violating other women’s boundaries even if some women did. Apg is a boundary violation paraphilia, it doesn’t exist without violating women’s boundaries and making us scared and unsafe. Even if there were women who get off on the idea of being a woman, they are women and that reality doesn’t involve forcing others to comply to their delusions and demands. So it’s a false equivalency. It’s like saying people who are only happy when others agree the world is flat = people who are only happy when others agree the world is not flat. It’s nonsense on stilts.
( CryingInYourInbox )
Right like let's say theyre correct and women express the same sexual behaviors we would consider to be AGP on males...the fact that they're similar wouldn't be a coincidence, it would be both women and men emulating the idea of what men find arousing. Men are the gatekeepers of sexuality, like literally. They lock women up it chastity belts and kill them for having sex. We haven't been allowed to express sexuality outside of what males deem palatable so of course there would be overlap between a woman self objectify and AGP type behaviors
( shewolfoffrance )
I mean, even if women were engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior in women-only spaces at the same rates men do (they really, really aren't), other women would at least be able to report them and take the appropriate next steps. That isn't the case with TiMs. They have Teflon armor. Even in online spaces that informally meant for women, TiMs who display obviously fetishistic behavior are treated with kid gloves, and the spaces slowly die because women would generally rather quietly pack up and go than get metaphorically burned as a witch.