various commenters #transphobia
( NastasyaFillipovna )
Atleast flatearthers have "Earth actually looks flat" going for them. I don't know what Gendies huff tbh
( GoodGoneGirl )
They have this:
“Most scientists now reject the idea that sex is strictly binary. The likes of Nature, possibly one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world, has noted that “the research and medical community now sees sex as more complex than male and female”.”
Gendies are the flat earthers who successfully captured science and academia. That gives their beliefs some weight, for now. They think appeals to science will save them and their stupid ideology, I don’t think they have considered the possibility that they will drag science down with them.
( VestalVirgin )
Yeah. Compared to gendies, flatearthers are downright sane. Earth looks flat, and until the first ship sailed all around the earth, there was not even witnesses to the fact that the earth is round, just the possibility to deduce that info. (And photographic proof only exists since space rockets.)
But also, I am not aware that flat-earthism in itself ever caused any harm. Presumably, flat earthers don't work as pilots or astronauts or in other professions where their belief could impair their ability to do their job. Genderism, on the other hand ... yeah.
( oneofthesesigns )
This annoys me so much as an argument. We discussed this "the undifferentiated fetus is female" concept in my developmental bio class over a decade ago. My super old male prof was like that is only true if you assume that the female is passive genetically, which is misogyny. We don't know what a fetus that doesn't differentiate looks like as an adult because that is most likely a mutation that is incompatible with life and would result in a miscarriage shortly after differentiation normally takes place.