
A Midwestern Doctor #quack #conspiracy midwesterndoctor.com

[From “The FDA's War Against DMSO and America”]

Over the last month, I have been diligently working to alert the public to the decades of evidence demonstrating the remarkable therapeutic potential of DMSO. In turn, quite a few of my colleagues have shared patients are now asking them about DMSO[…]
For those who have not read the series, thus far I have made the case that:
•DMSO treats many circulatory and neurological disorders[…]
•DMSO is a miraculous therapy for chronic pain, wounds (e.g., burns or surgical incisions), injuries (e.g., sports injuries) and all types of chronic pain[…]
•DMSO is highly effective for treating a variety of challenging autoimmune disorders[…]
•DMSO is able to treat a variety of protein misfolding diseases (e.g., amyloidosis) including genetic disorders (e.g., Down Syndrome) which are classically considered to untreatable[…]
•DMSO is incredibly safe, having only a limited number of known and manageable side effects[…]
In contrast, most of the previously mentioned diseases have lackluster conventional options available for treating them, many of which are highly toxic, kill tens of thousands of Americans each year and simultaneously cause far more non-fatal injuries. Worse still, many of them simply are “untreatable” and have no option for what can be done with them

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