
Thinker2 #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com

I’m not Biblically inclined. Is it History? (Sure) Is it Human History? (No) Is it our Future? (Only if we want it to be)

I am not seeking a Nanny Government (Govern-mind) from anyone (Christ, Anti-Christ, President, etc).

No one can be ruler if no one wants to be ruled. (Have we evolved?)

This is why the Deep State needs to deceive everyone to the point we abandon our independence (capacity to think for ourselves).

Maverick T #wingnut #psychoceramics operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com

California! Go to the Damn Beach!

I sure wish Californians would go back to being the badass Californians I remember from back in January. I mean, why are surfers who aren’t afraid to swim with great white sharks afraid of that snake’eyed pantywaist Newsom, or some bully donut eater who’s probably had the Vrill proboscis treatment?

That reminds me…yesterday there was a video that went viral on the internet of a male nursing home attendant beating up an old man. The Q people went after this guy and within hours the Detroit police had him under arrest. Which is really good, but you gotta wonder what kind of a person would do that??? And film himself like he’s proud of it or something and then put it up on the internet? Well if you ask me that question I’d say NO kinda person would do that. But a proboscused bug-brain sure would. They love being bullies, and they love showing off how they can get away with being bullies.

And I think that’s all that’s happening in California where the bullies are getting away with beating up the Californians, who now the rest of the country is making fun of because they won’t just get up and go to the d*mn beach.

I myself have had the corona so now I’ve got the antigen in my blood, which I could donate to someone else who needed it. And that’s the thing about this dumb quarantine policy. Wouldn’t it be better to just let the corona spread around naturally so more and more people can get it and become immune? And become plasma donors to the dwindling numbers of infected people? Like with the chickenpox? I think instead of those ridiculous facemasks we should have little pins that say “I’ve got the antigen and I’m a donor!”

It’s time to move on from this foolish facemask thing.


Now I don’t claim to know the motive behind this wicked demand, but can’t you just feel the divisiveness in making people keep themselves six feet away from each other, just so they don’t pass cooties back and forth? It’s the very definition of evil! And it stuns me that people are willing to do this! Would God have you separated from your brothers and sisters like this? NO!!!!!!!!

Friends, please stop agreeing to that.

Please stop listening to a person who has absolutely ZERO interest in your well-being. She is only trying to continue manipulating people into unintentionally committing a sin, and that’s exactly what it is. I’m sorry, but it’s a sin to our humanity when you agree to that crap.

So stop.

Go to the beach and hug the snot out of every person you see. Maybe even kiss ‘em. That’s what God would have you do.

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