
soli-deo-gloria-abolitionist #fundie #sexist soli-deo-gloria-abolitionist.tumblr.com

Though the abortion rights movement attempts to frame it as a women’s rights issue, the reality is that abortion is a human rights issue. The pro-life community believes that society should have a vested interest in recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of each human being; to that end, human rights and legal protection should be reinstated to humans in utero.

Historically, the population enjoying power and privilege has taken away or redefined freedoms for weaker segments of the population. The abortion epidemic is no different. While recognizing that only women carry children and are therefore affected more than men by pregnancy, we equally recognize that any and all humans should be protected from legal killing- including humans in the womb.

Furthermore, abortion is used as a tool to (a) kill girls through sex-selective abortions, (b) hide abuse in teens and trafficking victims © forced or coerced by fathers, or their family, and (d) perpetuates the lie that women cannot be successful if they have children. The patriarchy tells women that men are successful and we must ve stripped of our inherent womaness and ashamed of our fertility in order to compete in a man’s world. We reject that and fight for an equal world for all humans that recognizes the unique gifts that men and women can both offer. We will not reject our fertility to be more like men and please a patriarchal society.

As one of my favorite slogans goes “liberation cannot be bought with the blood of our children”

A “right” that causes harm and death to an innocent individual isn’t a right worth championing. Pregnancy can be difficult and welcoming an unexpected child can be daunting but many times much of the reason pregnancy is perceived as such in our country is because our society is so hostile to pregnant women, especially pregnant women in the work force. Being pro-life is pro-woman because it recognizes women and their ability to carry new life within them as a positive good for society. It is pro-life organizations who provide support to expecting mothers. It is pro-life organizations who empower women to be strong in carrying their children and seeking non violent solutions. It is pro-life organizations who work to protect mothers from workplace and campus discrimination and help them to persist in achieving their goals without having to sacrifice their children. The pro-choice movement belittles pregnancy and parenthood and feeds women the lie that they cannot achieve anything unless they are barren or unless they sacrifice their children. It completely denies a huge facet of womanhood.

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