Do Muslims lie to their kids and tell them that a codom will protect them from sexually transmitted disease?
<p>Do Muslims lie to their kids and pretend that porno-rock, violent movies and violent video games and so forth have no effect on the human condition?
<p>Do Muslims lie to their kids and tell 'em there is no G_d to fear?
<p>Do Muslims lie to their kids and tell 'em abortion is a 'choice' and that a baby is a parasite?
<p>How many people die in the USA alone every year due to abortion?
<p>About a million.
<p>How many people die due to suicide bombers every year?
<p>About a thousand.
<p>That means fundamentalist secularist marshmallow-heads are easily about 1,000 times more deadly then fundamentalist Islamic towel-heads.
<p>Secularists in the USA will kill more people this year than Islamic Extremists have killed through terror techniques in 50 years. More disease will be spread by the lies of Secularists than will be spread by the backwards middle east practice of wiping their own behinds with their left hands.
<p>Who is backwards?
Who is destructive?
Who is really racking up the body count?
<p>The only reason you don't see the body count is because you term an abortion as choice, irresponsible sex as 'boys being boys' and violent rock songs as 'freedom of speech'. Guess what? The Islamic Fundamentalists do the same thing -- they attribute their acts to G_d or call it a holy war while the secularist sacrifices vicitims on the alter of 'choice.'